Ex. 6. Translate into English. 1. Новая Зеландия – государство в юго-западной части Тихого океана, расположенное на островах Северный и Южный

1. Новая Зеландия – государство в юго-западной части Тихого океана, расположенное на островах Северный и Южный, разделенных проливом Кука.

2. Население страны – 4 млн. человек.

3. Официальные языки – английский и маори.

4. Новая Зеландия – парламентская монархия, член британского Содружества.

5. Главный орган исполнительной власти – правительство, возглавляемое премьер-министром.

6. Высший орган законодательной власти – однопалатный парламент – избирается на 3 года.

7. Сельскохозяйственная продукция составляет более половины объема новозеландского экспорта.

8. К главным видам сельскохозяйственной продукции относятся мясо, молочные продукты и шерсть.

9. Важным источником дохода служит туризм.

10. Новая Зеландия была открыта голландским мореплавателем А. Тасманом.

Ex. 7. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is New Zealand situated?

2. What islands does the country consist of?

3. What makes New Zealand a beautiful country?

4. What is the typical landscape of New Zealand?

5. What are the coldest and the warmest months?

6. Who were the first settlers in NZ?

7. Who gave the country its present name?

8. What is another name of New Zealand in the Maori language?

9. What is the population of New Zealand?

10. What are the official languages?

11. Do the people of New Zealand have a high standard of living?

12. What does the legislature consist of?

13. Who may vote in New Zealand?

14. Who can become prime minister?

15. Is education free in New Zealand?

16. Why has the economy of New Zealand long depended on farming and foreign trade?

17. What are the main sources of nation’s income?

18. What are the main farm products?

19. What manufactured goods are the most valuable?

20. What main cities in New Zealand do you know?

Texts for extra reading


Today, New Zealanders are largely sophisticated and highly educated urban dwellers. Members of a unique and vibrant multicultural society, New Zealanders are embracing 21st century technology and culture in record numbers. But New Zealanders also have a background of quiet but rugged individualism, self-reliance, and a genius for invention - qualities still evident in the population today.

Unique in the World

New Zealand has a diverse population--but with some uniting features that make it unique in the world. Our relatively isolated South Pacific location and rugged landscapes still makes many New Zealanders quiet and independent, yet resourceful and self-reliant, with a famous 'Kiwi ingenuity'.

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