Lecture 2

Stylistic Devices (SD)

a) Lexical

b) Lexical-Syntactical

c) Syntactical

d) Graphical and Expressive Means

Galperin singles out the following groups of SD:

1. Lexical stylistic devices:

Metaphor is transference of meaning on the basis of similarity of objects belonging to different classes:

1. Physical similarity

a) appearance and form

nut= голова

arm= ветви

b ) temperature

a boiling pot= вспыльчивый

c ) position

the foot of the mountain

d) colour

lilac- сирень, сиреневый,

pink= гвоздика, розовый

e) function

hand= рука/ стрелка часов,

branch= ветка дерева/ рукав реки/ род войск/ филиал банка/ линия родства

f) movement

caterpillar= гусеница

caterpillar tractor= гусеничный трактор

g) the names of animals used to denote human qualities

top dog= a person/ country considered to be the most powerful, influential or superior

to monkey= обезъянничать

to rat= дезертировать

h) idiomatic phrases containing the names of animals

to have butterflies in one’s stomach;

to take the bull by the horns;

to rain/ pour cats and dogs;

dog ears;

dog tired;

every dog has his/its day;

a cock-and-bull story;

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