A) interview with georgy yudin, an author and VIce president of the Russian board on children’s books

Вы помните замечательные книги нашего детства: сказки и стихотворения Корнея Чуковского и Самуила Маршака? Читают ли их дети сегодня?   Classics will remain classics, and especially in such a country like Russia. Works by such classic Soviet and Russian authors as Tchukovsky and Marshak — who used gentle, whimsical characters in their stories and poetry — are still selling well.
По мнению многих литературных экспертов, на русскую детскую литературу стали оказывать серьезное негативное влияние западные авторы. Это проявляется, в частности, в том, что тональность книг для детей приобретает мрачные оттенки, а в самих книгах стал появляться так называемый «черный юмор». Правда ли это?   Unfortunately, it is true. What is popular now in children’s literature is the black humor of such authors as Grigory Oster and Eduard Uspensky. Books by Uspensky, whose tales often touch on current social problems like poverty and hunger, and Oster, who uses black humor to illustrate his lessons on manners and morality, are among the books featured on the book shelves. However, experts blamed the influx of Western television shows, cartoons, comic books and computer games for introducing a violent strain into Russian children’s literature.
Какой вред, по Вашему мнению, могут нанести детям России западные мультсериалы, книжки с комиксами, компьютерные игры? И что плохого несут в себе книги Г.Остера и Э.Успенского с их «черным юмором» и социальными проблемами?   A child’s soul is fragile and gentle substance. If parents want their children to grow kind and mentally healthy, they should read them kind and clever books, but not the newspaper articles on different social problems. And there is more: if children read only books by G.Oster or E.Uspensky and the like, or watch only stupid western: cartoons, or play only computer games, they will grow into cosmopolitan brainless types and lose their Russian character.

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