At the Dentist’s

Alex Brown is a dentist. He works in the Ukrainian-British dental clinic Dentstar. He does shift work. When he is on an early shift he starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 2 p.m. Late shifts start at 3 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m.

That is what Alex says about his work as a dentist:

When a patient comes to me for the first time, I ask him some questions about his dental history and his health in general. I examine his teeth and surrounding tissues. I check his bite. Are there any gum diseases? This is the most common cause of tooth loss. Plaque contains millions of

bacteria. They irritate the gums causing bleeding. If we ignore these warning signs, teeth can become loose. To reveal any areas of decay dentists take X-rays. By the way, dentists are the only medical professionals who interpret their own radiographs! Then I must decide what type of restoration is the most suitable for the case. Restorations can be by fillings, inlays, onlays, crowns or by replacement of a gap by fitting a bridge. We use local

anesthesia to reduce discomfort. An injection is a routine procedure for a dentist, but is often an unpleasant for a patient. I always try to support those patients who are afraid of treatment. Sometimes we send our patients to consultants in orthodontics for correction of malocclusion.

I think that our job requires not only good professional knowledge. A dentist must be able to get on with different kinds of people. Our patients are often nervous, frightened and sometimes even aggressive. They can make unreasonable demands, but we must be quiet, understanding and friendly. A good dentist can explain things and reassure his patients. He usually manifests a sympathetic and caring attitude. A good dentist never stops learning. And, of course, a good dentist must be able to work as part of a team!

Now Doctor Alex Brown is talking with a patient:

Patient (entering): Good morning, doctor.

Alex: Good morning. Sit here, please. What’s the problem with you?

Patient: I have a terrible toothache. It seems that all my teeth on the left side are aching. I’m afraid I can’t even locate the pain. It kept me awake the whole night.

Alex: Let’s have a look at it. (to a nurse: Will you check the head-rest, please? Make it confortable for the patient). Could you open your mouth a bit wider, please? Does the pain get worse when I tap this tooth?

Patient: Oh, yes, its unbearable. Even opening the mouth wider causes pain.

Alex: Spit out, please. Rinse your mouth with this disinfectant solution. Does the pain extend into the temple or the ear?

Patient: Yes, it seems so.

Alex: Let’s make an X-ray of this tooth.

(some minutes later, after examining the X-ray).

I’m afraid you’ve come too late. Nothing can be done. This tooth must be extracted.

Patient: Are you going to extract it now?

Alex: No, not me. This extraction won’t be so easy, so I’ll send you to our surgeon. He starts today, so you’ll have to wait for half an hour.

Useful expressions:

To do shift work. – Працювати позмінно

To locate the pain – Локалізувати біль

Does the pain get worse when I tap this tooth? – Чи посилюється біль при постукуванні по зубу?

Could you open your mouth a bit wider, please? – Відкрийте рот трохи ширше, будь ласка.

Spit out, please. – Сплюньте, будь ласка.

Let’s make an X-ray of this tooth. – Давайте зробимо рентгенограму цього зуба.

Ex.18. Translate into English:

Ранкова зміна, стоматологічна клініка, загальний стан здоров’я, оглядати зуби, оточуючі тканини, найпоширеніша причина, бактерії, кровотеча, місцевий наркоз, звичайна процедура.

Ex.19. Fill in the blanks using words and sentences from the previous dialogue:

Patient: Good morning, doctor.

Dentist: ___________________________________________________________________

Patient: One of my upper teeth on the left is sensitive to hot and cold food.

Dentist: Let me see this tooth. __________________________________________________

Does the pain get worse when I tap it?

Patient: A little bit.

Dentist: Let’s make an ________________________________________. I think it needs long treatment.

Ex.20. Note how the doctor starts the interview:

What's brought you along today?

What seems to be the problem?

What is wrong with you?

What can I do for you?

Ex.21. Read the following and make your own dialogues:

Information about a patient:

  1. Name, address, telephone and fax number.
  2. Sex, age, occupation
  3. Habits – the most common questions about habits are the following: tooth cleaning habits; what toothpaste is used; what type of toothbrush is used; smoking or not smoking.
  4. Diet – because it plays an important role in dental caries. For example, caries increased most dramatically during the second part of the 19th century due to 400% increase in sugar consumption! Diet is also responsible for tooth wear.

General health condition:

- Known allergies

- Heart diseases

- Other diseases

- Pregnancy

- Any difficulty to stop bleeding after tooth extraction

Previous dental treatment (helps to estimate a degree of caries risk):

- How regularly does the patient come for check-ups?

- Are the fillings old or new?

- How often does the patient replace his/her fillings/crowns?

- Was there any periodontal treatment received?

Ex.22. Reproduce the dialogue:

Elena: Dental Clinic Dentstar, good morning.

Patient: Good morning. This is James Brown. I’d like an appointment with Dr.Jackson next Friday.

Elena: Is it for a check-up or dental work, Mr.Brown?

Patient: It’s for a semi-annual check-up.

Elena: Hold on, please (after a short pause). Mr.Brown, are you there?

Dr.Jackson can see you on Friday next week, the 11th of January at 10 or 11 a.m. What time would be convenient to you?

Patient: Let’s make it at 11.

Elena: OK, Mr.Brown. So your appointment is on Friday, the 11th of January.

Patient: Thank you. See you on Friaday.

Elena: Good-bye, Mr.Brown.


An appointment –прийом

A semi-annual check-up – профілактичний огляд кожні півроку

Hold on, please –зачекайте хвилинку, будь ласка.

Are you there? –ви слухаєте?

What time would be convenient to you? – У який час вам зручно?

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