Ex.6. Read the passage devoted to the description of the school mistress paying attention to the adjective-noun combinations in bold

Describing a person you know well

When I began working at Hillcrest Nursery School three years ago, I was introduced to Sharon Dunn, the school headmistress.

Her smart appearance and warm, friendly expression made me like her immediately. She is a small-boned, smiling woman in her early fifties, with twinkling blue eyes and soft, silver curls. Although she dresses simply, she always manages to look elegant.

She is a very fair-minded person who treats everyone at the school with equal respect. Despite clasping her hands nervously when she is upset, she is actually very calm, which is shown by her ability to keep her temper in the most difficult situations. Her quiet voice and gentle, caring manner made her popular with the children.

Ms Dunn has no children of her own; however, she says that she feels like a mother of all the children in her school. In fact, she has no time for family life, since she dedicates her life to her job. Besides taking care of various administrative tasks every day, she always takes time to talk to the teachers and parents. In addition, she often holds meetings with the school Board of Directors, as well as with staff and parents.

To my mind, Sharon Dunn is a dedicated professional who is a wonderful role model, not only for the children but for the teachers as well.

What words can you think of which could be used to describe your first teacher’s physical appearance?

Ex. 7. Read the descriptions of different people. Then complete the final sentence in the most appropriate way.

a. When I last saw my brother, he was a long, lanky eighteen-year-old with scruffy, long hair and a thin moustache that looked silly. He was skinny and shy. But now, I’ve just returned from two years in America, and he’s absolutely gorgeous. He’s ____________.

b. When he was young my dad was short, slim and wiry. He played rugby, and he was very fast and strong. But now, well, he’s put on a bit of weight, and he would best be described as ___________.

c. My friend Sara has always been a bit chubby, and over Christmas she ate lots of good food, and got depressed because she was really overweight. So she went on a crash diet, lost loads of weight, and started working out at the gym. She’s transformed. Now, she’s _____________.

¯ Ex. 8. Six people answer the following question: Do you look the

same as you did in high school? Listen to the tape and fill in the following


Name Short answer (yes/no) Details
1. Ruth, England    
2. Naomi, Australia    
3. Martin, US    
4. Todd, US    
5. Jeyong, South Korea    
6. Akane, Canada    

? Ex. 9. WANTED! MISSING! Write a short police ‘Wanted’ notice regarding one of the ‘criminals’ in your class using your active vocabulary.

Ex. 10. Interview your partner asking the questions below.

1. Who do you take after in your family?

2. What physical characteristics do you find attractive?

3. How would you describe the physical appearance of your ideal man/woman?

4. How important is the way we look when finding a partner/making

friends/at work?

5. Do you alter your appearance in some way (sun tanning, polishing nails)?

6. Is there anything you'd choose to change about your appearance if you had the opportunity to?

7. Is there anything about your appearance you're particularly proud of/happy with?

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