Discipline: CSS214 Introducion to iOS






1. The maximum field size in PostgreSQL is 1 GB T / F

The most common type of Join is “Full Outer Join” T / F

3. The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate

functions to group the result-set by one or more columns. T / F

4. “Min” function works only with numeric database T / F

5. Decreasing the size of a numeric column, the column must be empty T / F

(5 points)


1. What is “Aliases” and when do we use it?

2. What do we need in order to make UNION?

3. What do you know about Joins(types, differences and etc)

4. Describe ER diagram, what do we need in order to draw an ER diagram.

5. Describe the difference between ALTER and UPDATE.

(10 points)


1. In a table a column may contain many duplicate values and sometimes you only want to list the different values using


2. Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database?

A. Remove B. Alter C. Delete D. Collapse

3. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?

A. Add new B. Add record C. Insert new D. Insert record

4. The maximum row size in PostgreSQL is

A. 32TB B. Unlimited C. 1.6 TB D. 1GB

5. If A ……………… in one table points to a PRIMARY KEY in another table.

A. Primary Key B. Foreign Key C. Unique D. Not NULL

(5 points)

PROBLEM: 10 points

Solve the problem:

1. You should create a table. Give it your own name. You should have at least six columns like (age, city, university and etc)

2. Make “inner join” with your group mates’ table (a similar table like yours)

3. Make “left join” with your group mates’ table (a similar table like yours)

4. Make “full join” with your group mates’ table (a similar table like yours)

5. Make UNION with your group mates’ table (a similar table like yours)

(10 points)

Instructor _________________________________ MSc. Sayassatov D.Zh.

Head of Department _________________________________ Dr. Ivanov A.I.

Protocol of Department Meeting №9 from 09.04.2013

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