The 10th page

Teacher: We love our pets, don't we? And what about Englishmen? Let's listen to the text " Traditions in GreatBritain " and answer the teacher's questions.

(Аудиозапись сделана учителем).

Traditions in Great Britain

Every nation has its traditions. Englishmen are proud of them. And one of the traditions is their love to animals. Englishmen love their pets very much. Animals are members of English families and are protected by law. If a person treats his pet badly he can be sent to a prison. In this country there are special cemeteries for animals.

Teacher: Are Englishmen proud of their traditions? Do they love their pets very much? Are animals in England protected by law? Where can be a person sent? What is there in this country?

Teacher: And now listen to some more information about animals in the U.K.

(Учитель читает небольшой отрывок из книги "Корни дуба. Впечатления и размышления об Англии и англичанах" В. Овчинникова).(Глава 6 "Кошки, собаки и дети…" с. 20).

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