Глава 2

1 Данная оценка получена автором на основе книги До-неллы Мидоуз, Дэнниса Мидоуза и Йоргена Рандерса (Do-nella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows and Jorgen Randers (1992) Beyond the Limits, London: Earthscan, p. 66f).

2 Данная оценка получена автором на основе книги Лестера Брауна, Кристофера Флавина и Хэла Кейна (Lester R. Brown, Christopher Ravin and Hal Kane (1992) London: Earthscan, p. Ill), которая, в свою очередь, основывается на работе Рональда Спраута и Джеймса Уивера (Ronald V. A. Sprout and James H. Weaver (1991) International Distribution of Income: 1960—1987, Working Paper No 159, Department of Economics, American University, Washington DC, May).

3 Health Care Strategic Management (1995) Strategic planning futurists need to be capitation-specific and epidemiological, Health Care Strategic Management, 1 September.

4 Malcolm Gladwell (1996) The science of shopping, New Yorker, 4 November.

5 Mary Corrigan and Gary Kauppila (1996) Consumer Book Industry Overview and Analysis of the Two Leading Superstore Operators, Chicago, 111: William Blair & Co.

Глава 3

1 Йозеф Юран, цитируемое произведение (см. примечание 8 к главе 1), с. 38—39.

2 Ronald J. Recardo (1994) Strategic quality management: turning the spotlight on strategies as well as tactical issues, National Productivity Review, 22 March.

3 Niklas Von Daehne (1994) The new turnaround, Success, 1 April.

4 David Lowry (1993) Focusing on time and teams to eliminate waste at Singo prize-winning Ford Electronics, National Productivity Review, 22 March.

5 Terry Pinnell (1994) Corporate change made easier, PC User, 10 August.

6 James R Nagel (1994) TQM and the Pentagon, Industrial Engineering, 1 December.

7 Chris Vandersluis (1994) Poor planning can sabotage implementation, Computing Canada, 25 May.

8 Steve Wilson (1994) Newton: bringing AI out of the ivory tower, AI Expert, 1 February.

9 Jeff Holtzman (1994) And then there were none, Electronics Now, 1 July.

10 MacWeek (1994) Software developers create modular applications that include low prices and core functions, MacWeek, 17 January.

11 Barbara Quint (1995) What's your problem?, Information Today, 1 January.

12 См.: Richard Koch and Ian Godden (1996) Managing Without Management, London: Nicholas Brealey.

13 Peter Drucker (1995) Managing in a Time of Great Change, London, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp96f.

14 Ричард Кох и Ян Годцен, цитируемое произведение (см. примечание 12).

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