Chapter 10. A High-Risk Era for the Utilities


1. administer the act

2. attract new capital

3. buoyed by the success of its initial ventures

4. capital investment

5. cheap sources of fuel

6. coal mining operation

7. construction cutback

8. contemplate getting into the business

9. diversification outside their basic business

10. earnings from non utility businesses

11. electric utility industry

12. embark on ambitious expansion

13. energy-efficient appliances

14. exploit potential market

15. exploration

16. face a long-term capacity crunch

17. faster-growing, higher-profit ventures

18. fields aligned with their basic business

19. generate electric power

20. generating capacity

21. give regulators latitude

22. go from bad to worse

23. halt decline

24. home insulation

25. home weatherization

26. implication

27. in the short-term interests

28. industrial development

29. long- term capacity crunch

30. mining

31. nation dependent on reliable electric power

32. oil exploration

33. operating income

34. outside customers

35. overcharge the electric utility for power-plant fuel

36. package a design and construction service for sale

37. pay the costs

38. power company

39. power generated on-site

40. power plant

41. power-related fields

42. primary business

43. profit from diversification

44. public service commission

45. public utility commission

46. Public Utility Holding Company Act

47. rate of return

48. ratepayers

49. real estate

50. reap the benefits

51. reliable electric power

52. return on equity ROE

53. revitalize economy

54. scale back on requested rate increases

55. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC

56. seeks to diversify

57. set up a subsidiary

58. sharp slowdown in the growth of demand

59. shine up the image

60. skyrocketing costs and interest rates

61. slowdown in the growth of demand

62. state regulators

63. take bold steps

64. tax credit

65. total earnings from sources other than electric power

66. total operating income

67. trade-off

68. utilities

69. venture

70. win exemptions from

Exercise 1. In the article «A High-Risk Era for the Utilities» find the English equivalents to these

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