Sugar in confectionery production

The fundamental processes concerned in candy making have much in common regardless of their final form, because in the majority the chief ingredient is sugar. Some of the earlier confectioners used honey, molasses, maple (кленовый) sugar, and cane syrup as the principal sweetening agents. These same substances are used in some factory made products even today, but the above-mentioned group of sweeteners now have a limited usage in comparison with cane sugar or beet sugar.

Next to sugar itself chocolate is a very common ingredient of many candies. Starches, butter, cacao-butter, molasses, salt, nuts, gelatin, fruit, many flavouring and colouring materials, and numerous others have also their places in confectionery production.

It is the sugars present in most candies and the manner in which they have been treated that govern in large part the characteristics of the final products.

Hard candies are essentially solid solutions of sugar containing flavouring and sometimes colouring matter. To facilitate the heating and secure uniformity of the mass, water is added at the outset and later it is removed by boiling it off in a vacuum pan.

The flavouring materials are combined with the sugar when heating is completed if the flavouring material is volatile. When fruit flavours are used, acids such as citric, malic, or tartaric may also be incorporated, but only after cooking is completed in order to avoid stickiness (слипание).

Fondants are made by heating sugar and water until a supersaturated solution is produced. This is then cooled quickly and immediately beaten to incorporate air into the mixture, thus forming a cream. The creamed fondant stiffens within a few minutes and is generally allowed to stand overnight, during which period changes occur in the crystal structure and the fondant becomes softer.

The fondant is next melted in a kettle (емкость) equipped with a stirrer. The syrup batch is cooked to a definite temperature in an adjacent kettle, the batch consisting of a solution of cane sugar, or invert sugar, or a mixture of these in water. The batch is then added to the fondant and the mixture is put in the moulds of desired shape.

Somewhat different from various kinds of candy are the marshmallow products, which are much lighter in character. In making marshmallows cane sugar, corn syrup, or invert syrup is heated with water and then subsequently mixed with a warm-water solution of gelatin, gum, or albumin. Then the mass is beaten to incorporate air, which is an essential step in the process. After heating, the marshmallow is run into the starch mould to give the desired shape and produce a dry surface.


1. Назовите слова, относящиеся к заголовкам.

Confectionery Ingredients solution, flavours, honey, sugar, batch, nuts, colours, syrup, sweeteners, marshmallow, sweets, cream, cacao-butter, fondant, acids
Confectionery Equipment vacuum pan, pressing machine, oven, kettle, stirrer, confectioner, mould, proofer, grindingmill, roaster
Confectionery Products chocolate, candy, sweeteners, fondant, sugar, marshmallow, molasses, confectioners, hard candy, gum, cake, cacao, syrup, cocoa

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова «process».

1. This process is almost similar to that employed in chocolate production. 2. Dried beans are delivered to a confectionery factory for processing. 3. A wide range of processing equipment is used at food enterprises. 4. It is necessary to process cane sugar under favourable conditions. 5. The ingredients of confectionery products are subjected to processing by different machines. 6. This installation processes sugar beet.

3. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

main ingredient is sugar; the range of confectionery products; the properties of finished products; to make easier the heating; after cooking is finished; creamed fondant becomes hard; the portion is then supplemented to the fondant; the mixture is placed in the moulds of the desired form

4. Укажите номера пропущенных слов в следующих предложениях.

1. Sugar, honey, molasses and some other products are used in confectionery as. 2. Depending on the type of confectionery products different … are required for their production. 3. Chocolate is widely utilized for various kinds of … 4. In large part the characteristics of candies are … by the manner of their treatment. 5. The character of the … products depends on the crystal structure of sugar. 6. Hard candies are essentially solid solutions of sugar containing … and … matter. 7. … are made by heating sugar and water until a supersaturated solution is produced. 8. After heating the marshmallow is run into the starch … to give the desired shape.

1. governed 2. mould 3. flavouring, colouring 4. fondants 5. sweeting agents 6. candies 7. finished / final 8. ingredients

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the chief ingredient of confectionery products? 2. What sweeteners were used by earlier confectioners? 3. What do the characteristics of the finished product depend upon? 4. What are common ingredients of many candies? 5. What are the main types of candies? 6. What does the production of hard candies/fondants consist in? 7. Why are marshmallow products different from other kinds of candy? 8. Are you a sweet-tooth (сластена)? What sweets do you prefer?

6. Кратко расскажите по-английски:

а) об основных ингредиентах кондитерских изделий;

б) о технологии производства карамели (помадки), пастилы.


Грамматические признаки:

1. Герундий и предшествующее ему существительное или местоимение (являющиеся его определением) тесно связаны по смыслу и представляют со-бой сложный член предложения (оборот) - сложное подлежащее, дополне-ние, определение или обстоятельство. Такие герундиальные обороты равны по значению придаточным предложениям.

2. Определение герундия обычно выражено: а) притяжательным местоиме-нием, б) существительным в притяжательном падеже и в) существительным в общем падеже.

3. Перевод на русский язык: соответствующим придаточным предложением, в котором определение герундия соответствует его подлежащему, а герундий – сказуемому (т.е. переводится личной формой глагола).

а) The student’s knowing English well helped him in learning French. То, что студент знал хорошо английский язык, помогло ему при изучении французского языка.

b) We knew about his studying French at the University. Мы знали о том, что он изучает французский язык в университете.

c) There was the necessity of the article being translated into Russian. Была необходимость, чтобы статью перевели на английский язык.

d) After the article having been translated it was discussed by us. После того, как статью перевели, мы ее обсудили.

1. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык; выделите герундиальный оборот и определите его функцию.

1. Confectionery industry having a long history is known to everybody. 2. Scientists consider confectionery industry starting with the discovery of honey. 3. Candy-making methods having developed gradually is an established fact. 4. Candy manufacturers know of confections being divided into three categories. 5. Historians believe people having used honey with chopped fruit and nuts as first sweetmeat. 6. Ancient people having used honey with chopped fruit and nuts is a well-known fact. 7. Confectioners consider sugars being the chief ingredients of candy. 8. We know sugar having been brought to Europe in Middle Ages. 9. The necessity of sugar being incorporated into candy was realized by manufacturers long in the past. 10. After sugar having become popular in Europe confectionery production began increasingly developing. 11. Confectioners consider flavours imparting specific taste to confectionery goods. 12. Fruit flavours can be used only after cooking having been completed. 13. Conching process being very important in chocolate production is proved by the fact of its imparting a fine physical structure to chocolate.

2. Назовите нужную форму герундия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Everybody knows of sugar (having used, having been used) as a medicine in ancient times. 2. We know of fruit and vegetables (being contained, containing) many vitamins. 3. Technologists believe the processes employed in the starch manufacture (varying, being varied) with the raw material. 4. The modern word “sugar”(having been derived, being derived) from the ancient “sarkara” is well known as well as large solids of cane juice (being called, having been called) “khanda”, from which the word “candy” was derived. 5. Any technologist understands the chocolate quality (affected, being affected) by humidity and temperature conditions of storage. 6. Chocolate (being used, using) only as a beverage in the 16th century is an interesting fact. 7. Steam power engine (having given, giving) rise to the development of confectionery machinery was proved by many facts.

3. Переведите данные сложно-подчиненные предложения на русский язык: сделайте их простыми, заменив придаточные предложения соответствующим герундиальным оборотом.

Образец: We know that ancient people have used honey with chopped fruit and nuts as sweetmeat. → We know ancient people having used honey with chopped fruit and nuts as sweetmeat. That ancient people have used honey with chopped fruit and nuts as sweetmeat is a well-known fact. →Ancient people having used honey with chopped fruit and nuts as sweetmeat is a well-known fact.

1. That confectionery industry has a long history is certain. 2. That all the processes in confectionery production are done by machines provides a great variety of goods. 3. We know that honey is used as the principal sweetening agent in the past. 4. After this confectionary is reconstructed its capacity and assortment will considerably increase. 5. People consider that cocoa, as a beverage, is an important addition to the diet. 6. The fact that chocolate was first brought to Europe in the 16th century is well known. 7. During the excursion to a confectionary we learned that about the fact that chocolate is moulded, cooled and wrapped entirely automatically. 8. That the art of making sugar was discovered in India was proved scientifically. 9. Technologists believe that one of the main processes in confectionery production is heating. 10. That different flavouring and colouring materials are widely used in confectionery is to take into consideration by confectioners.

4. Укажите номера герундиальных оборотов, соответствующих русскому переводу.

1. Scientists consider … (что здоровье человека зависит те только от питательной, но и разнообразной пищи). 2. Everybody knows of … (что жизнь без пищи невозможна). 3. (То, что кондитерское производство имеет длинную историю) is a well-known fact. 4. (То, что сахар является необходимым ингредиентом сладких кондитерских изделий) proves its significance. 5. Long ago people found (что какао бобы являются хорошим материалом для производства шоколада и какао порошка). 6. It was recognized (что значительное развитие кондитерского производства началось в 17 веке). 7. The fact (что открытие тростникового сахара сыграло большую роль в развитии кондитерского производства) is evident. 8. One must know (что срок хранения шоколада зависит от условий его производства и хранения). 9. The newspaper reports (что реконструкция этой кондитерской фабрики начнется в ближайшем будущем). 10. (После того, как кондитерская фабрика была реконструирована) its output considerably increased.

1. Confectionery industry having a long history 2. considerable development of confectionery production beginning in the 17th century. 3. the reconstruction of this confectionary starting in the nearest future. 4. of cane sugar discovery playing a great part in the development of confectionery production. 5. human health depending not only on nutritive but also varied food. 6. chocolate shelf life depending on the conditions of its manufacture and storage. 7. After the confectionary having been reconstructed 8. Sugar being an essential ingredient of confections 9. life being impossible without food. 10. cacao beans being good material for the manufacture of chocolate and cocoa powder.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя герундий.

1. Из-за большого разнообразия кондитерских изделий много разных ингредиентов требуется для их производства. 2. Каждый знает, что сахар и шоколад являются основным сырьевым материалом в кондитерском производстве. 3. Употребление подслащивающих веществ, кроме сахара является характерным в производстве конфет. 4. Нельзя также не упомянуть об использовании ароматических и красящих веществ в кондитерских изделиях. 5. Не зная свойств различных сахаров, кондитер не сможет получить качественную продукцию. 6. То, что качество конфет сильно зависит от концентрации сахара, хорошо известно. 7. В производстве карамели, помадки и пастилы кондитеры используют различные технологии. 8. В настоящее время кондитеры уделяют большое внимание расширению ассортимента кондитерских изделий.


1. Прочитайте текст и выделите абзацы, которые содержат основную информацию.

2. Перечислите факторы, способствовавшие эффективному развитию кондитерского производства.

3. Назовите все виды кондитерского оборудования на английском языке; выпишите их в тетрадь.

Confectionery industry has a long history. It goes back into ancient times. It starts with the discovery of honey. Ancient people learnt to mix honey with chopped fruit and nuts. It was a delicious sweetmeat. This was the first confectionery item in the world. When in the middle ages cane sugar was brought to Europe it was used for the production of sugar sweets.

Chocolate was first brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century. At that time it was used as a beverage. Later on the manufacture of chocolate candies was started in France. The first chocolate candies consisted of ground cacao beans1 and sugar and were prepared by the mere mixing of these two ingredients.

The 17th century was a period of considerable progress in confectionery. Many new types of confectionery goods appeared. But till the end of the 18th century most of the processes in confectionery production had been carried out manually (by hand) or water-driven machines. The invention of steam power engines by James Watt gave rise to the development of confectionery machinery as well.

Nowadays all the processes in confectionery production are done by machines. At a chocolate producing plant cleaning and grading machines2 free raw beans of foreign bodies, such as clay, metal, stone, fibre, etc.

Various roasters3 are usually installed at modern plants for roasting cacao beans. Removal of shell and germ is also carried out by machines. The cacao bean from which the shell and germ were removed is called a nib4. Nibs are fed into the hopper5 of a grinding mill6 which grinds them into a liquor7. The liquor is pumped to a pressing machine8 for extraction of cacao-butter. At this stage of production cocoa powder can be made. If chocolate is to be produced the liquor is passed to the melangeurs9 or mixing machines (mixers) and some sugar is added to the mass.

The treatment of conching10 imparts very fine physical structure to chocolate and improves its taste. After conching the chocolate is moulded, cooled and wrapped. This procedure is almost entirely automatic at modern confectionery factories.

1 cacao [kə'kau] beans - какао-бобы

cocoa [kə'kou] - какао (порошок, напиток)

2 cleaning and grading machine – очистительная и сортировочная машина

3 roaster – обжарочный аппарат

4 nib - ядро

5 hopper – загрузочная воронка, бункер

6 grinding mill – размольная машина, дробилка, мельница

7 liquor ['lik ə ] - раствор

8 pressing machine – отжимное устройство, пресс

9 melangeur = mixer – меланжер, смеситель

10 conching ['kɔn∫iŋ] - конширование

conching machine – конш-машина (шоколадно-отделочная)



1. Прочитав текст, разделите его на логические части и озаглавьте их.

2. Назовите все операции переработки сырья на кондитерской фабрике.

3. Докажите, что качество шоколада зависит от условий его хранения.

4. Используя текст, составьте схему технологии производства шоколада.

Chocolate and cocoa powder are made from cacao beans, the seeds of cacao tree. When cacao beans are ripe they are extracted from the pods1 and are fermented. The period of fermentation covers 7-12 days and is of great importance for the quality of cacao beans. After fermentation the beans are dried, bagged and shipped to the market.

At a confectionery factory the beans are cleaned and graded. Then they are roasted and passed through grinding mills which change them to a thick liquid called liquor. The liquor is passed through a press which extracts 70-80 per cent of the cacao butter. The rest of butter remains in the cocoa. Then the mass is powdered and becomes cocoa.

In order to make chocolate the liquor from grinding mill is put into melangeur, sugar and some cacao butter being added to it. If milk chocolate is to be made, milk is added. The mass is heated and rolled on either a stone or steel plate. The latter process is called “conching” and takes 3-72 hours.

Finally the product is poured into moulds and cooled. Now the chocolate is ready for wrapping and shipping to the consumer.

Care should be taken in the storage of chocolate as it will become affected by external conditions. The two most important factors are humidity and temperature. High degree of humidity causes moisture condensing on the product and sugar dissolving in the mixture. On later water evaporation sugar crystals will appear as a gray excrescence2 on the surface of the chocolate. This is called sugar bloom3. The presence of a stabilizer such as lecithin has an inhibiting effect on this phenomenon.

If the storage room is too warm, the cacao butter in the mass will melt and expand. The less dense fat will rise to the surface of the chocolate and on later cooling will solidify there forming a grayish-white film. This is known as fat bloom.

Proper working of chocolate, tempering4 and storage of the product will prevent it from undergoing this defect.

1 pods – стручки

2 excrescence – нарост

3 bloom – цветение

4 tempering – темперирование, кондиционирование

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