III. Напишите ключевые фразы, которые передают основное содержание текста. Для выполнения контрольной работы № 2 необходимо проработать следующие разделы курса английского языка


Для выполнения контрольной работы № 2 необходимо проработать следующие разделы курса английского языка:

видовременные формы глагола (Simple and Progressive).

I вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

A) do В) does С) is D) are E) have F) has

1. What subjects … she good at?

2. … your brother got a camera?

3. … your mother like cooking?

4. What floor … your bedroom on?

II. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple).


A) I not usually have lunch at home.

B) I usually have not lunch at home.

C) I doesn't usually have lunch at home.

D) I usually have lunch at home.


A) My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.

B) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.

C) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.

D) My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.

III. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Progressive).


A) What is the girl doing now?

B) What the girl is doing now?

C) What doing the girl now?

D) What does the girl doing now?


A) What those people are looking for?

B) What are those people looking for?

C) What is those people looking for?

D) What do those people looking for?

IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Present Simple или Present Progressive).

1. It's 5 clock. She … tea.

a) has b) have c) is d) is having

2. My friend never … basketball.

a) playing b) plays c) play d) am playing

3. He … the bus to the University every morning.

a) catches b) is catching c) catch d) catching

4. Our University … two evening departments.

a) is having b) have c) has d) are having

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста


The English are famous for the amount of tea drink. "A cup of tea" is certainly one of the most commonly heard phrases in Britain. Most English people drink their tea but give little thought to what actually happens when they pour water over the tea-leaves. Scientists, of course, have enquiring minds: Dr. Michael Spiro of Imperial College, London, has made a scientific study of what happens when we make a pot of tea.

Three of the substances contained in the tea leaves come out of the leaf into the water. Theoflavins give the tea its colour, theorubigins affect the taste and the caffeine makes tea a stimulant.

Scientific research confirms that using water which, is as near boiling point, as possible gives the best cup of tea since it brings out more of all those substances from the tea leaves. But however hot the water is, it will always take a few minutes for the process to be completed. Stirring with a spoon will make very little difference, so always leave the tea to stand.

The last point is important. Scientists are trying to find way of making a faster cup of tea. In these fast-moving times people expect not only instant coffee, but instant tea.


give little thoug ht - мало думают о том

tea-leaves - чайные листья

Theoflavins, theorubigins — компоненты чая, не переводятся, читать латинскими буквами

caffeine — кофеин

instantр астворимый

I. Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (eсли предложение верно, напишите "True", если нет "False").

1. The English don't like to drink tea.

2. Most English people know what happens when they boil tea-leaves.

3. There are three substances in the tea leaves.

4. To get the best cup of tea you should leave the tea to stand.

5. Scientists are trying to find instant tea.

П. Образуйте возможные словосочетания в обеих колонках.

1. scientific a) leaves

2. boiling. b) coffee

3. instant с) point

4. tea d) study

III. Напишите ключевые фразы, которые передают основное

Содержание текста.


II вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

A) do B) does С) is D) are E) have F) has

1. … your parents in France now?

2. Where … the nearest book-store?

3. … your friend have any money?

4. Where … your uncle work?

II. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple).


A) Do his father drive a car very fast?

B) Is his father drive a car very fast? к

C) Does his father drives a car very fast?

D) Does his father drive a car very fast?


A) Do the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

B) Does the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

C) Do the shops closes at 8 o'clock in the evening?

D) Are the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

III. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Progressive).


A) When you are going to have a meal?

B) When do you going to have a meal?

C) When are you going to have a meal?

D) When going you to have a meal?


A) Who're shouting at the dog?

B) Who's shouting at the dog?

C) Who shouting at the dog?

D) Who does at the dog shouting?

IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Present Simple или Present


1. Sorry, I can't. I … lunch.

a) have b) am having c) has having d) having

2. They… hamburgers and chips.

a) are liking b) likes c) like d) doesn't like

3. We … a flat at the moment.

a) look for b) looks for c) are looking for d) looking for

4. My sister … English very well.

a) speak b) is speaking c) speaking d) speaks

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