Контрольная работа № 2. Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы № 2, вам необходимо повторить следующие разделы курса английского языка


Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы № 2, вам необходимо повторить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

1. Личные формы глагола.Формы Continuous (Present, Past, Future); Perfect (Present, Past, Future) в действительном (Active) и страдательном (Passive) залогах.

2. Неличные формы глагола (Participle I, Participle II).

3. Модальные глаголы (can, may, must, should, need).

4. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях.




Упр. 1. Формы Continuous (Present, Past, Future) и Perfect (Present, Past, Future) в действительном (Active) и страдательном (Passive) залогах.

(A) Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.

Model: The train has already arrived at the station. Поезд уже прибыл на станцию.

has arrived – Present Perfect Active (to arrive)


1. A fleet of 45 300kmh Eurotrains will operate on the 340km Taipei-Kaohsiung high-speed line, which is being constructed now in Taiwan.

2. The locomotive was moving at a high speed when the engine driver saw that the line had been damaged.

3. In the almost 40 years since it opened, the high-speed Shinkansen network (Japan) has carried over 6 billion passengers without a single serious accident.

4. Until recently, the price difference between the first- and second-class tickets on the Spanish Railways had been amounted to 81%.

This difference has been greatly reduced and now first-class fare is only 30% more expensive than second-class.


(B) Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную форму, и переведите их.

1. Within five years, the railway (to carry – Past Continuous Active) over seven million passengers annually.

2. Nowadays, crossties (to make – Present Simple Passive) of wood, concrete, steel. In some countries, plastic sleepers (to experiment – Present Continuous Passive) with.

3. The construction of the railway bridge (to complete – Past Perfect Passive) by the beginning of the navigation season.

4. Switzerland (to occupy – Present Simple Active) a special place in the history of railway electrification, because its engineers (to make – Present Perfect Active) a great contribution to this field and almost all its railways (to electrify / completely – Present Simple Passive).

5. The train (to delay – Past Simple Passive) because a tree (to fell – Past Perfect Active) across the line.


Упр. 2. Модальные Глаголы

Составьте предложения из двух частей, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов must, should, can, may, need .

1. The Trans-Europe expresses are equipped with interurban telephones … 2. This equipment must be carried in boxcars because … 3. The tickets shouldn’t be thrown away … 4. You needn’t leave for the railway station so early, … 5. In Metro, when the passengers get on the escalator, they should stand on the right … a) it requires protection against unfavorable weather conditions. b) so that people, who hurry, can run by on the left. c) I will give you a lift. d) through which the traveler can contact office or home. e) as inspectors may check them during the trip.


Упр. 3. Причастие I

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