Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните причастия. 1. A rail with a hidden defect can break suddenly

1. A rail with a hidden defect can break suddenly. Hidden defects in rails can be detected with the help of a new device.

2. When first introduced, container cars were used only for carrying valuable goods.

3. Amtrak is the public company set up by Congress in 1970, which operates almost all the intercity passenger trains in the U.S.

4. The Great Train Robbery is an event happened in 1963 when a group of criminals robbed a British mail train and stole over £2 million. At that time, it was the largest amount of money ever stolen in the UK.

5. The powered cars are equipped with electric engines placed under the floor of the coach.


Упр. 5. ТЕСТ

Выберите нужное причастие (Participle I or Participle II)

1. The total length of the bridge ___ across the Volga at Saratovis about two miles.

A. building B. built

2. While ___ Metro, people reduce the time of traveling from home to work and back.

A. using B. used

3. Freight trains ___ of more than 80 cars are hauled by two locomotives.

A. consisting B. consisted

4. One of the main advantages of the diesel locomotive is the low cost of the fuel ___.

A. consuming B. consumed

5. When ___, the track will be used for high-speed movement.

A. upgrading B. upgraded

Упр. 6. Задайте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. The heavy traffic on this section of track has caused considerable delays of trains.

2. The two-speed escalators will be installed at the new Metro stations.

3. The internal combustion engine was designed by Rudolf Diesel.

4. George went to the cinema to pass the time until the train arrived.

5. Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a reliable system of signaling.

6. All modern freight and passenger cars are fitted with automatic coupling and air brakes.


Упр. 7. (A) Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выполните упражнения, данные после текста, письменно.


Blue Train


The famous Blue Train has run between Cape Town and Pretoria, South Africa, since 1939. The train derives its name from its blue locomotives, railroad cars and leather seats. It is still considered one of the most luxurious trains in the world. At present, it runs several times a month, covering the distance of 994 miles in 27 hours, including a sightseeing stop in each direction. The Blue Train is operated by the state-run Spoornet company. There are rumors that it will be sold to a private operator such as the Orient Express company. Details have not been confirmed.

The train is air-conditioned. For cold weather, additional heating is provided under the marble tiles of most bathrooms. Each suite has its own bathroom with shower or tub. There are two train sets; one takes up to 74 passengers, the other takes 82. Each train consists of nine Deluxe coaches and two luxury carriages.

In the Deluxe cars, there are four suites. One of the four suites has a bathroom with a tub while the other three have showers. All compartments contain two beds or one double bed as well as audio CD and DVD systems.

Luxury cars have three compartments. Each suite is equipped with a bathroom and shower. They have audio CD and DVD systems as well as large-screen plasma televisions.

In 1997, the train was upgraded to include interurban phones in all of its suites.

Meals are served in the 42-seat dinning car and include delicious African and continental cuisine. Breakfast can be served either in the compartment or in the dining car. Snacks and drinks can be served in the compartment at any time. Passengers can call the "butler" any time of day or night from the in-room phone.

Each Blue Train set has two classic lounges. High tea is served in the main lounge. The club lounge is the only area where smoking, including cigars, is allowed.


(B) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих фраз.

1. один из самых комфортабельных поездов в мире

2. ходит несколько раз в месяц

3. остановка для осмотра достопримечательностей

4. в каждом купе имеется ванная комната

5. вагоны повышенной комфортности

6. поезд был модернизирован

7. блюда африканской и европейской кухни

8. либо в купе, либо в вагоне ресторане

9. комната для отдыха

10. ранний ужин с чаем



(С) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. Ответы переведите.

1. How many years has the famous Blue Train run between Cape Town and Pretoria?

2. What does the train derive its name from?

3. How fast does the Blue Train cover the distance of 994 miles?

4. How many sightseeing stops do trains make en route?

5. What company is the Blue Train operated by?

6. Does each Blue Train take up to 74 passengers?

7. How many carriages do these trains consist of?

8. Are all compartments in the Deluxe cars equipped with audio CD and DVD systems?

9. Can breakfast be served only in the dining car?

10. Where is smoking allowed?




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