Соотнесите слова и их определения. 1. Bookkeeping 2



1. Bookkeeping   2. Accounting   3. Managerial accounting   4. Cost accounting   5. Tax accounting   6. Auditing   7. Creative accounting a) calculating an individual's or a company's liability for tax b) writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits) c) keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities, and so on d) preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management e) inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants f) using all available accounting procedures and tricks, to disguise the true financial position of a company g) working out the unit cost of products, including materials, labour and all other expenses

2. Выберите правильный вариант из списка слов, приведенные ниже.

The purpose of ________ is to provide financial information about the economic entity. 2. The _________ of creating accounting information are recording, classifying and summarizing. 3. Financial information provided by an accountant is needed by managerial ________ ________ to help them plan the 244 company’s activities. 4. The purpose of each business to earn ________. 5. Every economic entity should stay _______, that is to have sufficient cash to play debts. 6. The company that is unable to meet its obligations is called _______. 7. To meet _______ of our society we need some knowledge of accounting.

Words for reference: challenge; insolvent; profit; makers; solvent; decision; means; accounting.

3.Найдите следующие выражения из текста и переведите их устно. Managerial accounting, external transaction, taxing authorities, levy taxes (on), legal contract, non-profit organizations, financial statement, audit, cost accounting, creative accounting, bookkeeping.

Тема № 7 The Double Entry System

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As you enter information in your books you will always make two entries

which exactly balance one another. Each entry has a left side – these are called

debits and a right side – these are called credits. For each entry you must enter at

least one debit and one credit and the total of the amounts on the right must equal

the total on the left. Another “rule” is that debits are positive and credits are

negative and if you add them all together the total is “zero”.

If you go to the store and buy a drill you are decreasing your cash in the bank

by $129.50. You are increasing your expenses by the same amount – and there you

have your two entries. Cash gets the negative entry or credit and small tools gets

the positive entry or debit.

All your asset accounts (1000 series) are debit accounts which means they are

positive numbers. An asset is a positive number in the system. The liability

accounts (2000 series) are called credit accounts and they are negative numbers

but generally when you look at them on the balance sheet you don’t show the

minus sign.

The 3000 series is sales. Sales are considered a credit account. You sell

something and get some cash. Cash is a debit account. Make a sale and you better

increase your cash – debit cash. Positive entry.

The 4000 and 5000 series the expense accounts are all debit accounts. You

enter an expense as a positive number (debit) to increase your record of what

you’ve spent. Whenever you make a purchase of an item that goes to one of your

expense accounts you always increase your expense which is a debit.



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