Describe ecologically safe (ecologized) technologies

Low-waste (waste-free) technology and closed cycles - one of the most radical to protect the environment from pollution. Next formulated four main areas of development (in accordance with the Declaration on Low- and non-waste technology and the use of waste, adopted in Geneva in 1979).

1. Creation of closed technological systems for different purposes on the basis of existing and future methods of purification and re-use of standard serial effluent.
2. Development and implementation of recycling industrial and household waste, which are considered at the same time as the secondary material resources (BMP).
3. Development of technological processes of production of traditional products principally new methods which achieved the highest possible transport of matter and energy in the finished product.

4. Design and creation of territorial-industrial complexes (TIC) with the fullest possible closed structure of material flows and waste production within them.

Waste-free technology - environmental strategy of industrial production, which includes a set of measures to ensure minimum loss of natural resources at the maximum economic efficiency.

The criterion of non-waste technology is a comprehensive utilization of raw materials and energy, in which the production process is not accompanied by environmental pollution. This man-made cycle of raw materials, products and wastes determines the closure of the production cycle, which in essence is the basis of non-waste technology. The principle of non-waste technology affects all parts of the production activity: the development of new technological recipes, equipment design, economic, environmental, events, etc. According to the official definition given at the International Seminar on low-waste technology in Tashkent in 1984, "non-waste technology - this way. of the production, in which the most rational and comprehensive use raw materials and energy in the cycle of raw materials - production - consumption - secondary resources, and so that any impact on the environment does not disturb its normal functioning.By the concept of non-waste technology, there are two approaches. One is based on the law of conservation of matter, according to which the raw material (matter) can always be converted to a particular product.

Consequently, it is possible to create such a process cycle in which all the environmentally hazardous substances are converted into a safe product or feedstock. According to another, completely non-waste technology cannot be created nor practically or theoretically (just as energy cannot be completely converted into useful work in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, and the raw material cannot be fully translated into a useful eco-friendly product). In other words, a completely non-waste technology - the ideal system to which everyone should aspire to real technological cycle, and the more it willapproach, the smaller will be environmentally dangerous trail.In this regard, the more real is the so-called low-waste technology - this way of production, where the harmful effects on the environment has been brought up to hygiene standards and the relevant maximum allowable concentrations (levels) MAC-ПДК (MAL -ПДУ).Sometimes, using the concept of "clean technology", meaning this method of production, in which raw materials and energy are used efficiently so that the amount released into the environment of pollutants and waste are minimized.



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