Process, moisture, odour, airborne bacteria, circulation, acceptable, excessive, exhaust, exchange, contaminants, dilution

Exercise II. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words:

Ventilation, odour, bacteria, circulation, factor, method, natural, interior, energy, design, function, speed, condensation, drive, application.


Ventilation is the process of "changing" or replacing the air in any space to remove moisture, odours, smoke, heat, dust and airborne bacteria. Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside and the circulation of air within the building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings. Methods of ventilating a building may be divided into mechanical/forced and natural types. Ventilation is used to remove unpleasant smells and excessive moisture, to introduce outside air, to keep air circulation inside the building, and to prevent stagnation of the interior air.

"Mechanical" or "forced" ventilation is used to control indoor air quality. Excess humidity, odours, and contaminants can often be controlled by means of dilution or replacement with outside air. But in humid climates, much energy is required to remove excess moisture from the ventilated air.

Kitchens and bathrooms typically have mechanical exhaust to control odours and sometimes humidity. Factors in the design of such systems include the flow rate (the fan speed and the exhaust vent size) and the noise level. If the ducts for the fans traverse unheated space (e.g., an attic), they should be insulated to prevent condensation on the ducts. Direct drive fans have quite a few applications, and can reduce maintenance needs.

Heat recovery ventilation systems employ heat exchangers to recover some heat from exhausted air, in order to preheat the incoming outside air.

Ceiling fans and table/floor fans are very effective in circulating the air within a room. But because hot air rises, ceiling fans may be used to keep a room warmer. Ceiling fans do not provide ventilation, however.

Exercise I. Match the antonyms:

1. heating 2. remove 3. divide 4. noisy 5. exhausted air 6. exterior

a)unite b) interior c) quiet d) install e) refrigeration f) incoming air

Exercise II. Translate the following attributive groups:

Climate control design, heat transfer principle, air conditioning system control, indoor air quality, ventilation system installation cost, heat pump maintenance, heat exchanger maintenance cost, ductwork air leak, interior air duct system, kitchen exhaust vent size, heat recovery ventilation systems.

Exercise III. Find the English equivalents for:

1. воздухообмен и циркуляция 2. скорость потока 3. избыточная влажность 4.теплообменник 5. система вентиляции с рекуперацией тепла 6. вентилятор с прямым приводом 7. механическая вытяжка 8. размер вентиляционного отверстия под вытяжку 9. механическая (принудительная) вентиляция

a) heat exchanger b) exhaust vent size c) direct drive fan d) air exchange and circulation e) excess humidity f) flow rate g) mechanical exhaust h) heat recovery ventilation system i) forced ventilation 

Exercise IV. Pay attention to the translation of the words “some” and “the same” (some – некоторый; the same – одинаковый, тот же самый):

Some heat exchangers, the same heat exchanger, some types, the same types, some materials, the same materials.

Exercise V. Find the Russian equivalents for:

1) by means of 2) thus 3) e.g. 4) at present 5) etc. 6) such as 7) either … or 8) as well as 9) both …and

а) например b) в настоящее время c) или … или d) и т.д. e) посредством f) таким образом g) а также h) такой как i) как … так и

Exercise VI. Pay attention to the translation of the infinitives:

    1. To have clean and fresh indoor air it is desirable to install a good ventilation system. 2. To produce traditional heating it is necessary to burn fuel.3.The first underfloor heating system was designed to give heating only to the houses of the rich Romans. 4. Modern HVAC technology is used in order to provide better living conditions. 5. There are several factors to be studied before starting the work. 6. To have well-equipped modern kitchen without an exhaust vent is impossible. 7. A new control system to be used in this air-conditioning system will be remotely (дистанционно) controlled.

Exercise VII. Change the sentences using a Passive construction according to the model:

Model: Ventilation removes dust and air-born bacteria from the air.

- Dust and air-born bacteria are removed from the air by means of ventilation.

    1) We divide the methods of ventilating a building into natural and mechanical. 2) People use ventilation to remove unpleasant smells as well as excessive moisture. 3) Forced ventilation controls indoor air quality. 4) We consider the flow rate and the noise level to be the major factors in the design of mechanical ventilation. 5) Car manufacturers fit cars with air conditioning. 6) Many famous companies present their products and services in a new brochure.

Exercise VIII. Read the following text without a dictionary and give a title to it.

The very first solar heating factory in the world was built by Jewish immigrants from South Africa in Ashqelon, Israel in 1952. In 1980 a law was passed making solar heating mandatory (обязательный) in Israel.

A typical household solar heating system consists of a solar panel (or a solar collector) with a fluid flowing through it to transport the collected heat energy to somewhere useful. Usually it is a hot water tank or household radiators. The solar panel is often located on the roof of a building. A pump pushes the fluid through the panel. The heat is thus taken from the panel and transferred to a storage container. If the tank is installed on a level higher than the collector, a pump is not needed: the hot water rises by itself into the tank and the cold water goes into the collector (thermo siphon system). This system is cheap and easy to build and can be found in many developing countries.

Tasks to the text: 1. What are the key elements of a solar heating system? 2. Where is the solar panel placed? 3. What pushes the heat transfer liquid? 4. Why is this system often used in developing countries? 5. Is it possible to use such a system in St.Petersburg?


Exercise I. Make sure you pronounce the following words correctly:

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