We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова

Medical educational center - медицинский образовательный центр

Therapeutics - Лечебное дело

Nursing - Сестринское дело

Orthopedic dentistry - Стоматология ортопедическая

Obstetrics - Акушерское дело

Laboratory diagnostics - Лабораторная диагностика

Medical and preventative care - Медико-профилактическое дело

Optical eye care - Медицинская оптика

Medical massage - Медицинский массаж

Liberal Arts – гуманитарные науки

Social studies – социальная наука

A healthy mind in a healthy body – В здоровом теле – здоровый дух

We read / Мы читаем

Read and translate the text / Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College is one of the most famous medical educational centers in Russia. It provides qualified education to its students and opens the doors of their future profession and higher education in medicine.

In the Medical College, students can study at such departments as Therapeutics, Nursing, Orthopedic dentistry, Obstetrics, Laboratory diagnostics, Medical and preventative care, Optical eye care and Medical massage.

Moreover, students are allowed to show their talents in Liberal arts, such as History, English, Social studies, etc. They do exercises at classes of P.T. putting the proverb “ A healthy mind in a healthy body” into practice.

We write / Мы пишем

Write down your ideas about yourself using the following questions / Запишите идеи о себе, используя следующие вопросы:

1. When and where were your born?

2. Where are you from?

3. Who are your parents? What do they do?

4. What is your hobby?

5. What is your favourite course in the college?

6. When did you get interested in medicine?

Now frame your answers into a text about yourself and read it to your partner / Оформите свои ответы в текст и прочитайте его своему однокурснику.

Level B


Medical educational center - медицинский образовательный центр

Therapeutics - Лечебное дело

Nursing - Сестринское дело

Orthopedic dentistry - Стоматология ортопедическая

Obstetrics - Акушерское дело

Laboratory diagnostics - Лабораторная диагностика

Medical and preventative care - Медико-профилактическое дело

Optical eye care - Медицинская оптика

Medical massage - Медицинский массаж

Liberal Arts – гуманитарные науки

Social studies – социальная наука

There is a healthy mind in a healthy body – В здоровом теле – здоровый дух


Read and translate the text.

The Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College is one of the most famous medical educational centers in Russia. It provides qualified education to its students and opens the doors of their future profession and higher education in medicine.

Here you can get one of the most prestigious and humane professions in the world, which will not only provide confidence in the future, the ability to go through any crises, but will be also useful in many life situations!

In the Medical College, students can study at such departments as Therapeutics, Nursing, Orthopedic dentistry, Obstetrics, Laboratory diagnostics, Medical and preventative care, Optical eye care and Medical massage.

For the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College, volunteerism is an integral part of the training of future medical professionals. Charity, compassion, ability to conduct effective prevention of socially dangerous events is an important part of the profession of a medical professional. Moreover, students are allowed to show their talents in Liberal Arts, such as in History, English, Social studies, etc. They do exercises at classes of physical education putting a proverb saying that there is a healthy mind in a healthy body into practice.

And why have you entered the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College?


Write down your ideas about yourself using the following questions:

1. When and where were your born?

2 Who are your parents? Where do they work?

3 What do you remember about your childhood? What were your hobbies?

4  What are your hobbies now?

5 When did you get interested in medicine?

6 What are your plans for the future?

7 What do you like about your studies in the college?

8 What are you going to do after college? Will you go to work? Where?

Now frame your answers into a text about yourself and read it to your partner.

Тема 1.6.  Учебный процесс в медицинском колледже. Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения.

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова

To communicate with the medical staff and patients – общаться с медицинским персоналом и пациентами

Chemistry – химия

Biology - биология

Microbiology - микробиология

To practice at public hospitals – проходить практику в государственных больницах

To take notes – вести конспект

To do homework – делать домашнее задание

To take an exam- сдавать экзамен

To pass an exam – сдать экзамен

To attend classes – посещать занятия

Lectures and practices – лекции и практики

To take part in competitions – участвовать в конкурсах

We read / Мы читаем

Read and translate the text / Прочитайте и переведите текст:

In Sverdlovsk regional medical college students study many things how to communicate with the medical staff and patients, how to take and test blood and urine samples, how to examine a patient. Students learn chemistry, biology, microbiology, obstetrics and many other medical subjects. Many students practice at public hospitals in Sverdlovsk Region.

The educational process in the college is divided into semesters, at the end of each semester students take exams. Students must attend all lectures and practice, take notes and do their homework to pass the exams and receive a scholarship. Education in the College of Medicine is not only the lessons and exams. Students have an active social life, they take part in competitions, concerts, show their talents in the college, and in the other cities of Russia.

Grammar / Грамматика

Read and remember the grammar rule / Прочитайте и запомните грамматическое правило:

Имя прилагательное

Имя прилагательное - часть речи, которая описывает людей, местность или предметы: an old man(старый человек), a small house(маленький дом), a cold day(холодный день).

В английском языке имена прилагательные, в отличие от русского языка, не меняют свою форму для согласования с существительными, т.е. не имеют числа и рода: a big box(большая коробка), big boxes(большие коробки), a black dog(черная собака), black dogs(черные собаки)


Прилагательные всегда стоят перед существительным, которое они определяют: I have a new CD (У меня новый диск). She's drinking hot coffee (Она пьет горячий кофе).

Также имена прилагательные в предложении могут стоять после глагола be: This CD is new.Этот диск новый. My coffee is hot.Мой кофе горячий.

Некоторые прилагательные всегда употребляются

только после глагола be, например: afraid, alive, alone,

asleep, awake, glad, ill, ready, sure, well.

My brother is ill. (not My ill brother is in bed.)Мой брат болен.

The girt was afraid. (not The afraid girl screamed.)Девочка боялась.


Степени сравнения прилагательных


Сравнительная степень прилагательных употребляется для сравнения двух (двух групп) людей или предметов: taller, bigger, more attractive, more fashionable + than.

John is taller than Mark.Джон выше Марка.

A warm coat is more useful than a jacket in winter. (Зимой теплое пальто полезнее куртки.)


Превосходная степень прилагательных употребляется, когда мы хотим выделить одного человека или предмет из группы подобных людей/предметов: the tallest, the biggest, the most attractive

Peter is the tallest student in our class. (Он самый высокий, выше всех остальных в классе.)

The plane is the most comfortable means of transport. (Самолет – самое удобное средство передвижения)

Односложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на краткую гласную + согласный fat, sad,big (толстый, грустный,большой) Fatter, sadder, bigger the fattest,  the saddest the biggest
Двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на - у Pretty, trendy(хорошенький, модный) Prettier, trendier the prettiest,  the trendiest
Многосложные прилагательные attractive comfortable(привлекательный, удобный) more attractive, more comfortable the most  attractive,  the most  comfortable


Особые случаи образования степеней сравнения (исключения):

good - better - the best(хороший, лучше, наилучший)

bad - worse - the worst(плохой, хуже, наихудший)

I'm going to try to get better marks next year.Я собираюсь попытаться получить оценки получше в следующем году.

That was the worst day in my life.Это был самый плохой день в моей жизни

We write / Мы пишем

Напишите сравнительную и превосходную форму следующих прилагательных:

1 old – older – the oldest

2 strong

3 happy

4 careful

5 important

6 bad

7 difficult

8 large

9 serious

Закончите предложения. Используйте сравнительную степень прилагательного.  

1 Mike’s car isn’t very big. He wants a bigger car.

2 You are not very tall. Your brother is….. than you.

3 Jill’s idea isn’t very good. Mike’s idea is …...

4 Britain isn’t very big. France is …...


Level B


Learn the new words:

To communicate with the medical staff and patients – общаться с медицинским персоналом и пациентами

Chemistry – химия

Microbiology - микробиология

To practice at public hospitals – проходить практику в государственных больницах

Stable employment for life – стабильное трудоустройство на всю жизнь

To take notes – вести конспект

To do one’s homework – делать домашнее задание

To take an exam- идти на экзамен

To pass an exam – сдать экзамен

Lectures and practices – лекции и практики

To take part in competitions – участвовать в конкурсах


Read the text and answer the question:

In Sverdlovsk regional medical college students study various things - they study how to communicate with the medical staff and patients, how to take and test blood and urine samples, how to examine a patient. Students learn chemistry, biology, microbiology, obstetrics and many other medical subjects. Many students practice at public hospitals in Sverdlovsk Region. For college students it is very interesting to study medicine as the work provides stable employment for life.

Education in medicine opens doors to work and study in all countries of the world, as Russian medicine is recognized throughout the world. Learning English helps students not only to be competitive on the international job market, but also to be able to read the international medical literature.

The educational process in the college is divided into semesters, at the end of each semester students take exams. Students are s upposed to attend all lectures and practice, take notes and do their homework to pass the exams and receive a scholarship. Education in the medical college is not only the lessons and exams. Students have an active social life, they take part in competitions, concerts, show their talents in the college, and in the other cities of Russia.

Being a medical professional is a profession for all the times, and the college students are given the opportunity to master it.

What can you say about the educational process in the medical college?


Read and remember the grammar rule:


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