Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-f)

1) When your heart beats…..         a) your blood pressure falls.

2) When your heart is at rest…..    b) it pumps blood into the arteries.

3) A reading of 105 / 75…..            c) the result of high blood pressure.

4) High blood pressure…..                 d) medicine helps to control your B.P.

5) Kidney failure can be…..            e) is normal blood pressure.

6) Healthy lifestyle habits and taking…..  f) causes many health problems.



Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a nurse

Listen again and complete the conversation

Nurse: Dr.McNeil, could you come over here …..?

Doctor: Sure, Carol. What do you need?

Nurse: I just took Ms. Greyson’s blood pressure. It’s one (hundred and) fifty …..ninety-two.

Doctor: Hmm. That’s…....

Nurse: I just ….. too.

Doctor: Who’s her …..?

Nurse: Her chart says it’s Dr. Sartin

Doctor: He’ll want to ….. this.

Nurse: I’ll let his office know to set up an appointment.

Doctor: Good idea! Thanks for consulting me.

Read the dialogue and act it out:

Fay: Hi, Bessie. I took Samira’s 10 a m Obs. for you.

Bessie: Oh, thanks, Fay. What were they?

Fay: Her temp is thirty-seven eight now.

Bessie: Oh. Her temp’s up a bit.

Fay: Mm. Her pulse is 64. BP is one hundred and ten over sixty.

Bessie: OK, Pulse 64, BP is one hundred and ten over sixty. What about her resps?

Fay: Resps are still 18. Oxygen sats are 98%. I’ve charted the Obs. for you.

Bessie: Oh. Thanks a lot.


Fill in the gaps using the words from the vocabulary:

Accelerated or malignant hypertension is characterized by a sudden and rapid rise of diastolic pressure above 120mm Hg and ….. Grade111-1V retinopathy. When the pressure ….. causes an immediate threat to the patient’s life, ………. exists.


Тема 5.2. Blood and its components / Кровь и ее элементы

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим слова

blood; bleeding – кровь; кровотечение spongy – пористый, губчатый solid – твердый  liquid – жидкость; жидкий cell - клетка clot; clotting – свертываться; свертывание platelet - тромбоцит red blood cell- эритроцит white blood cell – лейкоцит deliver – доставлять connective tissue – соединительная ткань bone marrow – костный мозг excessive – избыточный die – умирать, погибать  cut – порез wound – рана defense system - система защиты platelet disorder - нарушение свертывания крови made up (of) – состоящий из over – свыше fight - бороться contain - содержать

We read / Мы читаем


Your blood is living tissue made up of liquid and solids. The liquid part, called plasma, is made of water, salts, and protein. Over half of your blood is plasma. The solid part of your blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Red blood cells deliver oxygen from your lungs to your tissues and organs. White blood cells fight infection and are part of your body's defense system. Platelets help blood to clot when you have a cut or wound. Bone marrow, the spongy material inside your bones, makes new blood cells. Blood cells constantly die and your body makes new cells. Red blood cells live about 120 days, platelets 6 days and white cells less than a day.

Problems with your blood may include bleeding disorders, excessive clotting and platelet disorders. If you lose too much blood, you may need a transfusion.

Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / Прочитайте вопросы в колонке А, выберите и прочитайте правильные ответы в колонке B

1 What is blood? a) They live six days.
 2 What does the solid part contain? b) If you lose too much blood.
 3 Do red blood cells fight infection? c) Blood is a liquid connective tissue.
 4 How many days do platelets live? d) It contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
5 When do you need a blood transfusion? e) No, they don’t. They deliver oxygen to the tissues and organs.

We write / Мы пишем

Fill in the gap / Заполните пропуски используя слова в рамке

cell    lives  to clot


A platelet is a small ……… in your blood. It ……… about six days. Platelets help blood ………when you have a wound.


Level B


erythrocyte - эритроцит leucocyte - лейкоцит thrombocyte - тромбоцит convert - преобразовывать expel – вытеснять, выводить cytoplasm - цитоплазма hemoglobin (haemoglobin)-гемоглобин agranulocyte - агранулоцит granulocyte - гранулоцит eosinophil –иозофил blood clotting, coagulation – свертываемость крови basophil - базофил neutrophil - нейтрофил node - узел spleen - селезенка lymphocyte - лимфоцит monocyte - моноцит tiny - крошечный occur – происходить complete - заканчивать fluid – жидкость, жидкий subdivide – подразделять injury - травма



Read the text “Blood” and do the exercises after it.


Blood contains fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million are found in each cubic millimeter. These cells are made in the bone marrow and are important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the cells over the body. The oxygen is then used up by body cells in the process of converting blood to energy (catabolism). Hemoglobin containing iron is an important protein in erythrocytes which helps in carrying the oxygen as it travels through the blood stream.

Erythrocytes also carry away carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells to the lungs. On arriving there, it is expelled in the process of breathing.

Leucocytes are white blood cells from 4,000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter existing in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes which are subdivided into different types.

Granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in bone marrow. There are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils.

Agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. There are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes.

Thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone marrow. They are necessary for blood clotting. Their number is 400,000 per cubic millimeter. The plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. The serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is completed.

Say it in English:

1. микроскопические клеточные элементы 2. в каждом кубическом миллиметре 3. через кровоток 4. по всему организму 5. процесс превращения пищи в энергию 6. выводить 7. продукт отхода 8. выталкивать, выбрасывать 9.несколько видов 10. лимфатические узлы 11. крошечные клетки 12. свертываемость крови 13. завершаться

In pairs, discuss the following questions:

1. What does blood contain?

2. How many erythrocytes can be found in each cubic millimeter?

3. Where are these cells made?

4. What is their function?

5. What role does hemoglobin play?

6. What are the types of leucocytes?

7. Where are agranulocytes produced?

8. What types of agranulocytes do you know?

9. What organs form thrombocytes?

10. What is the difference between the plasma and serum?

Fill in the missing prepositions:

1. Thrombocytes are necessary……… blood clotting.

2. The plasma is the fluid portion ……… clotting has occurred.

3. There are two types …… agranulocytes.

4. Granulocytes are cells ….. granules in their cytoplasm.

5.  The number of leucocytes is ….. 4,000 ….. 10,000 per cubic millimeter.

6. The oxygen is used …..body cells in the process ….. converting food ….. energy.

7. Carbon dioxide is expelled ….. the process ….. breathing.

8. Erythrocytes transport oxygen ….. lungs ….. the blood stream ….. the cells of the body.

9. They also carry …..a waste ….. catabolism.


Speak on the following functions of blood:

1. Carriage (Доставка) of oxygen to body cells.

2. Carriage of digested food to body cells.

3. Carriage of carbon dioxide and other waste products away from body cells.

4. Carriage of hormones.

5. Defense against disease and repair of injury.

6. Maintenance (Поддержание) of body temperature.

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