Agree or disagree with the statements / Согласитесь или не согласитесь с утверждениями

(That’s right – правильно; That’s wrong – неправильно)

1. After the temperature falls, the skin begins to peel.

2. We must not isolate the child with scarlet fever.

3. The disease passes from one child to another through the nose and mouth.

4. When the temperature falls, the nurse gives the patient nourishing food.

Level B


Scarlet fever - cкарлатина

Streptococcus pyogenes - иогенный стрептококк

Pink-red rash –розоватая сыпь

Strep throat - стрептококковое воспаление горла

Airborne - воздушнокапельный

Droplets - капли

doorknob – ручка двери

Rash - сыпь

Red blotches – красные пятна

Nausea - тошнота

Headache – головная боль

А throat swab – мазок из зева


accelerate - ускорять

recover - выздоравливать

Amoxicillin - Амоксициллин

Azithromycin - Азитромицин

Clarithromycin (Biaxin) – Кларитромицин (биаксин)

Clindamycin (Cleocin) - Клиндамицин (клеоцин)

cephalosporin - Цефалоспорин

Сephalexin - Цефалексин

Tylenol (acetaminophen) – Тайленол (ацетаминофен)

Calamine lotion - жидкость от солнечных ожогов

Оtitis media - отит среднего уха

handkerchief – носовой платок


Scarlet Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Scarlet fever, also known as scarlatina, is a disease caused by a toxin released by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, the same organism that causes strep throat. Scarlet fever mainly affects children and is characterized by a distinctive pink-red rash.

Scarlet fever used to be considered a serious childhood illness but modern antibiotics have made it a much rarer and less threatening disease. However, if left untreated, scarlet fever can sometimes lead to serious complications.

Fast facts on scarlet fever

§ The bacteria that causes strep throat is also responsible for scarlet fever

§ The condition can be successfully treated with antibiotics

§ The primary symptoms are rash, sore throat, and fever

Causes of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is more common in children aged from 5-15.

Scarlet fever is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This is the same bacterium that causes strep throat.

When the bacteria release toxins, scarlet fever symptoms occur.

Scarlet fever transmits from human-to-human by fluids from the mouth and nose. When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, the bacteria become airborne in droplets of water and can be inhaled.

The bacteria can land on surfaces, such as drinking glasses, work surfaces, and doorknobs, and infect people who touch them with their hands and then touch their own nose or mouth. The bacteria may also be inhaled.

If someone touches the skin of an individual with a streptococcal skin infection, there is a risk of becoming infected. People who share towels, baths, clothes, or bed linen with an infected person are at risk.

A person with scarlet fever who is not treated may be contagious for several weeks, even after symptoms have gone. Additionally, some individuals can carry the infection and be contagious, without ever showing any symptoms - only people who are susceptible to the toxins released by streptococcal bacteria develop symptoms.

These factors make it harder for individuals to know whether they have been exposed.

Although much less common, people may become infected by touching or consuming contaminated food, especially milk.

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