Read about the signs and symptoms of shock, and complete them with words below


dangerously blood pressure
abdominal cardiovascular
respiratory intestines
abnormally coma
gastrointestinal central nervous system

The ____________is affected.

This can cause changes in personality, and restlessness. In advanced stages,
confusion and ultimately                                  can result.



Тема 9.2. Fractures / Переломы

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова:


fracture /frækʧǝ/ n перелом (от лат fracture)      

to move /mu:v/ v двигать

swelling /sweliŋ/ n опухоль

to break /breik/ v (broke, broken) ломать; n перелом

to appear /ǝ'piǝ/ v появляться

splint /splint/ n шина

bone /boun/ n кость                         

to bind /baind/ v перевязывать

closed /klouzd/ а закрытый             

X-rays /eks'reiz/ n рентген

open а открытый                                   

to complain of /kǝm'plein/ v жаловаться (на боль)

plaster cast /plɑ:stǝ 'kɑ:st/ гипсовая повязка


The word "fracture" means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open.

In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin.

In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones. If a person breaks his arm or leg, he complains of pain in the place of the break, the pain becomes more severe if' he presses the place or tries to move.

Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the broken limb. Bind the splint to the limb but not at the place of the fracture.

Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs.

Say it in English / Скажите по-английски:

открытый перелом; закрытый перелом; место перелома; ь становится сильнее; пытаться двигаться, опухоль появ­ится; не позволяйте кому-либо двигаться; сделать рентген; накладывать гипс



Read the dialogue and act it out / Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его:


Granny: What is the matter with you, Ann? You look pale (бледная).
Ann: There's nothing the matter with me, Granny.
Granny: But I see that something is wrong.
Ann: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly.
Granny: Let me take off your shoe, Ann.
Ann: Thank you, Granny. I can do it myself.
Granny:  I am afraid you have a fracture.
Ann: Don't be afraid, Granny. It's not a fracture. You see there is no swelling on my leg.
Granny: But I want you to have an X-ray examination.
Ann: All right. I'll consult a doctor.


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