Task 1. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in Russian

раздраженный, всем недовольный; привычный сварливый комментарий, типичный для мужчин; хлам по завышенной цене; смириться с чем-либо; каноэ мечты; магазин - банкрот; раздражать кого-либо; гордиться собой; мистер Всезнайка; то самое каноэ; проложить себе путь локтями; розничная цена, установленная производителем; руководить закрытием (магазина); заслуживать более высокую цену; скоропостижно скончаться; протянуть бумажный носовой платок; погрузиться в размышления.


Task 2. Find Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases in English.

to stop at a sporting; overpriced junk; I've put up with that photo of your "dream-canoe" stuck on the bathroom mirror for years now; in that self-satisfied; stretched our old age pensions like nobody's business; I had a mad on; I wouldn't give Mr. Know-It-All smarty-pants reason to gloat; enjoying the frenetic energy and excitement of a sale; in gleaming silver; I elbowed my way through the crowds; trying to hide out from the mob of bargain hunters; who is running the close-out; I thought fleetingly; sudden-like


Task 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words and word combinations:


Indicated words and word combinations Sentences
Snap at Make smb nervous/mad/happy, etc. Работа в школе уже сделала ее нервной, и поэтому она может наорать на тебя. Экзамены сводили меня с ума.
go out of business Дела пошли хуже, поэтому они вынуждены были закрыть свой бизнес
pride/boast oneself on being + adj. Он хвастался своей удачей в делах. Джейн гордилась тем, что хорошо запоминала номера телефонов.
to hide out from smb Несколько лет назад ему пришлось прятаться от полиции.
to run smth to do smth well У Смитов было небольшое собственное дело, с которым они хорошо справлялись.
dash off Они махнули в Париж на пару деньков.
to catch up with smb Пропустив семестр, он упорно занимается, чтобы догнать остальных
to have a good nose for smth. У него хороший нюх на деньги.


Task 4. Translate the following passage into Russian from “ I felt tears well up in my eyes ” up to “ I was saving up for ”.

Grammar tasks

We believe that your grammar is as good as your speech practice skills and you can do the following grammar tasks, can’t you?

Task 1. Read rules 15 and 16 and put the verbs in brackets to make correct 2nd type conditional sentences

a. from the text:

1. If they (not pass) the mall, they (stop) at a sporting goods store "Going Out of Business" sale.

2. If he (not like) boats, there (be) a photo of a canoe on the wall in their room.

3. If he (be) eager to buy a canoe, he (not save) 6,000 $.

4. If she (not have) a good nose for bargains, she (buy) every other things.

5. Her husband (dare) to accuse her of being so frivolous, if he (be) more polite.


b. use other examples:

1. If you (follow) my advice yesterday, you (not develop) complications.

2. If I (not play) football last Sunday, I (not twist) my ankle.

3. I hope Sarah (marry) him, if he (ask) her.

4. He (choose) this place to have a rest, if she (not advise) him when we went shopping.

5. We (not take) pictures in the Zoo, if we (not have) rights. It’s a rule.

6. If you (run) a high temperature, you (not feel) well now.

7. She (get) good marks at her last exams, if she (prepared) well enough.

8. If Sam (work) hard at hid diploma, it (be) a success. But it wasn’t.

9. If Jenny (promise) to come in time, she (keep) her word. But she didn’t.

10. Susan (notice) him long ago, if he (be) so charming.


Task 2. Repeat rules 15 and 16 and make one sentence out of the two given so as to use Oblique Mood.

1. My watch stopped and we were late.

2. Jane went home on foot, because she had left her money at home.

3. I’m very upset with you because you forgot to take the girl to school.

4. He often broke promisses that’s why they don’t believe him.

5. He didn’t like his job that’s why he quitted it.

6. You are sneezing and coughing because you ate too much ice-cream yestarday.

7. Her boyfriend is very nervous because she is late.

8. Mom is making a festive dinner now and we’re very glad about it.

9. We were late that’s why we missed the train.

10. Harold didn’t take any medicine that’s why he’s having a splitting headache

Task 3. Find sentences with Oblique mood in the text and translate them into Russian.

Retelling tasks

By the moment you’ve done a lot. Prove us that you know some facts and details of the story quite well.

Task 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements. If you don’t agree with some of them share your own points of view.

1. First of all they went to a sporting goods store "Going Out of Business" sale.

2. The husband was very eager to buy a canoe that’s why he didn’t spend his pension.

3. Thier grandchildren were fond of sport, that’s why they bought a canoe.

4. There was a sale in the shop because it was a kind of promo-action.

5. The wife promised her husband to buy a canoe.

6. The canoe she found was a second-hand good.

7. The canoe was supposed to be $4,750 for the whole package.

8. The stubborn old fool has been saving $10 every week for years to buy the canoe.

9. Unfortunately the lady didn’t buy the canoe at all.

10. All over sudden Mathew sold the canoe to the lady.

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

1. What attracted the lady’s attention in a sporting goods store?

2. What did the lady’s husband think about the sporting goods’ sale?

3. What picture did he have for years on the bathroom mirror? What was the gentleman’s life time dream?

4. What did the lady promise to her husband before going to the sporting goods store?

5. What made the lady mad and pride herself on?

6. What “treasure” and at what price did she find at the back of the sporting goods store?

7. What for did she want to talk to a salesman?

8. What did the salesman tell the lady about the canoe on sale?

9. What did the lady tell Mathew about her husband’s dream?

10. Why did Mathew catch up with the lady again? What did he ask her about?

11. How did the lady save up that sum of money?

12. What made the owners of the store sell the Supremo Numero−Uno canoe to the lady at such a low price?

13. What did Mathew ask the lady to promise him?

14. The lady didn’t keep her promise again, did she? Why? Do you support her? If you were in her place, what would you do then?

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