Future Continuous Tense

Будущее длительное время –   выражает будущее действие в процессе его совершения, т.е. незаконченное длительное действие. Оно переводится на русский язык будущим временем глагола несовершенного вида.

Ex: I will be working at 6 o'clock tomorrow.

    Я еще буду работать в 6 часов завтра. (т.е. я начал работать и буду еще продолжать работать в 6 часов завтрашнего дня)


Time Expressions used with Future Continuous:

 Временные наречия, используемые с Future Continuous:

At 6 o'clock tomorrow                 all day long

All the time                                  all day tomorrow

The whole evening                      from five till six tomorrow


Образование форм глагола в Future Continuous   

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will be working I will not be working Will I be working?
You will be working You will not be working Will you be working?
He will be working He will not be working Will he be working?
She will be working She will not be working Will she be working?
It will be working It will not be working Will it be working?
We will be working We will not be working Will we be working?
You will be working You will not be working Will you be working?
They will be working They will not be working Will they be working?



1. Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will   be +V1+ing;

2. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола (will +not +be + V1 + ing;

3. В вопросительной форме первый вспомогательный глагол (will) ставится перед подлежащим + be+V1 + ing.


I. Use Future Continuous.

1. I ________________(prepare) for my examination in May.

2. He _______________(read) the whole evening.

3. They ______________ (work) in the library from three till five.

4. He _________________ (not/ meet) us at the station.

5. ________________ (write) he to Mary tomorrow at 5 o' clock?

II. Choose “Future Simple” or “Future Continuous”.

1. At midnight I ____________ (watch) the comedy film.

2. Tomorrow I ____________ (sleep) all day long.

3. From five till six I ___________ (do) the homework.

4. He __________ (write) a play during the summer.

5. When I come back, they __________ (have) supper.


Подпись преподавателя:_________

Revising test.

Choose the form of the verb (Present, Past, Future Simple or Present, Past, Future Continuous).

1. Don’t worry! I _________ (to wait) for you when you _____

(to come).You won't be lost.

a) will wait... will come b) am waiting... come c) will be waiting... come.

2. While she ______ (to cook) the children _____ (to begin) to argue and finally __________ (to quarrel).

a) cooked... began... had quarreled   b) was cooking... began... quarreled

3. Since they ________ (to come) to Washington he hasn’t spoken English.

a) have come       b) had come                        c) came

4. She ___________ (constantly/ to speak) about her garden!

a) is constantly speaking b) was constantly speaking c) constantly speaks

5. I _______ (just/ to leave) the room when I _______

(to hear) some strange noise behind.

a) was just leaving... had heard b) was just leaving...heard

6.The student _______ (to test) now.

a) tests                b) is testing                         c) tested

7. I ________ (to want) to be a dentist until I _______ (to be) twelve.

a) had wanted... was b) wanted... has been      c) wanted... was

8. I __________ (to spend) a fortnight in hospital last year.

a) spent            b) was spending                 c) has spent

9. After dinner Mike ______ (to read) for two hours, then he _______ (to watch) TV, and then he _________ (to talk) on the phone for half an hour.

a) read... watched... talked              b) was reading... watched... was talking

10. What________ (you/to do) yesterday from 6 till 9?

a) were you doing b) did you do      c) had you been doing

11. She _______ (to lie) in the sun too long and got burnt.

a) lied                 b) was lying        c) lay

12. Would you let me have a copy of your book as soon as you _______________ (to finish) it, please?

a) will finish      b) finish                c) finished

13. The group __________ (to work) carelessly the other day.

a) worked               b) was working              c) has worked

14. Why _________ (you / to return) so early?

a) did you return    b) have you returned      c) had you returned

15. It ________ (to be) already dark and it _______ (to rain).

a) was... rained                 b) was... was raining


Подпись преподавателя:_________

Глава III. Perfect Tense

Группа «совершенных» времен состоит из:

- настоящего совершенного времени   (Present Perfect Tense)

- прошедшего совершенного времени (Past Perfect Tense)

- будущего совершенного времени       (Future Perfect Tense)

Времена группы Perfect употребляются для выражения действий, предшествующих настоящему моменту или определенному моменту в прошедшем или будущем времени.

Ex: Has the secretary come?          - Пришел ли секретарь?

(Говорящего интересует результат действия has come, т.е. он хочет выяснить, здесь ли секретарь.)


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