Examples of Great English Inventions

Reflecting Telescope

Isaac Newton invented the Reflecting Telescope in 1668 as an alternative to the then-used refracting telescope. The refractive telescope was subject to spherical and chromatic distortions and produced blurry images. It used mirrors instead of lenses to form images. The reflector telescope was not only better than the refracting telescope, but it was cheaper to make as well. This invention revolutionized astronomy and influenced technological advancements on the reflecting telescope such as the Laurent Cassegrain, the French priest.

After the invention, the reflecting telescope was the primary telescope used although there was a brief re-emergence of refractor telescopes. Isaac Newton's invention set the foundation for the advanced telescopes used today as all of them are reflecting telescopes. Newton made other numerous discoveries in different fields.

Electric Motor

Before Michael Faraday's invention of the electric motor in 1821, there had been attempts at harnessing electrical energy into motion. Faraday's invention created magnetic rotation through mercury. The invention was first made in the form of ideas and sketches until it was done practically. It was not a seamless invention however as further inventions and innovations molded in into the electric motor used to the present day. Michael Faraday is credited with putting forward the principles that set the basis of today's electromagnetic technology.


The Scottish-born Alexander Graham Bell is credited with the invention of the telephone in 1876. Alexander Graham had a fascination for human speech and was obsessed with using electronic currents to reproduce it. After his invention, he demonstrated the telephone through telegraph lines to curious onlookers. The first words Alexander Graham uttered through the phone were "Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you" to his assistant. The popularity of the telephone from that time was on an upward trajectory. Bell set the foundation for further developments and advancements to make the telephone what it is today.

Water Proof Material

The Scottish chemist Charles Macintosh was credited with the invention of the first waterproof material in 1823. He discovered that joining two pieces of cloth in a solution of dissolved India rubber in coal made a fabric un-penetrable by water. He founded his company after and set about to produce waterproof coats named Mackintosh. Waterproof coats today are still known by this name. These coats are still purchased to date. Notably, it was used as an outfit for the Arctic Expedition in 1924.


Notable British Inventions

Britons have continued to invent and innovate in the 20th and 21st centuries. Notable of these inventions includes palmtop the computer (1979), Bluetooth (2000) and the first SMS message sent (1992).


The Greatest British Inventions And The Inventors

Inventor Invention Year
Isaac Newton Reflecting telescope 1668
Electric motor Michael Faraday 1821
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
Waterproof material Charles Macintosh 1823
Hypodermic syringe Alexander Wood 1853
Toothbrush William Addis 1770
Soda water Joseph Priestley 1772
Cement Joseph Aspdin 1824
Photography William Henry Fox Talbot 1835
Light Bulb Joseph Swan 1880
Thermos flask Sir James Dewar 1892
Television John Logie Baird 1925
Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell 1953
World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee 1989
Steam turbine Charles Parsons 1884
ATM John Shepherd-Barron 1967
Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell 1953
Military tank Ernest Swinton 1914
Stainless Steel Harry Brearley 1913
Electric vacuum cleaner Hubert Cecil Booth 1901


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