Reading comprehension competency focus

Reading for content information: Read the text and find out (1) how trade-offs and opportunity costs are related and (2) what trade-off is called “guns versus butter”.


Constructing comprehension: Create a diagram like the one below to identify the production possibilities of guns and butter using the following actions

· 100% guns produced

· 70% butter produced

· 40% guns produced

· 25% butter produced


       ACTION           à        RESULT


Answering  text content questions orally:

1. What do economic choices of people involve?

2. What is a trade-off?

3. What is a cost of a trade-off?

4. What do economists call an opportunity cost?

5. How are trade-offs and opportunity costs related?

6. What does an opportunity cost cause a person to lose?

7. How often do individuals make trade-offs?

8. When do businesses face trade-offs?

9. What is the difference between a trade-off and an opportunity cost?

10. What do economists use the production possibilities curve for?

11. The classic example for explaining the production possibilities curve shows the relationship between what two factors?


Taking notes: Answer the same questions in writing. Use note form.


Recalling the facts: Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.


the production possibilities curve, decision, economic decisions, opportunity cost, services, a trade-off


Combining trade-offs and opportunity cost is essential in making smart 1 _______. 2 _______ is exchanging one thing for another. The cost of a trade-off is what you give up in order to get or do something else. 3 _______ is the value of the next best alternative given up for the alternative that was chosen. Economists use a model called   4_ ______the production possibilities curve to show the maximum combinations of goods and   5_ _____ that can be produced from a fixed amount of resources in a given period of time. This curve can help determine how much of each item to produce, thus revealing the trade-offs and opportunity costs involved in each   6_ ______.


Rendering the text:

3. Render the text into English in writing using the base-text for self-correction.

4. Get prepared to render the text orally.


  Используя ресурс определенным образом, мы упускаем возможность его использования другим способом. Выбор одного варианта действия ведет к отказу от возможности выбрать другой. Связанные с этим альтернативные издержки называются издержками неиспользованных возможностей. Данные издержки имеют место везде, где необходимо сделать выбор между вариантами. Это ключевое понятие в экономике. Оно обеспечивает наиболее эффективное использование ограниченных ресурсов.

   Компании, производящие продукцию нескольких видов, знакомы с издержками неиспользованных возможностей: они принимают решение о том, какие товары производить. В такой ситуации экономисты используют кривую производственных возможностей. Эта кривая показывает, какие товары могут быть произведены компанией при использовании определенного объема ресурсов за конкретный период времени.


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