Donetsk Botanical garden

The Donetsk Botanical garden is the first botanical garden created for environmental problem solution of industrial region, therefore its collections get world value as they have no analogues in our country. The botanical garden is the full member of the Council of botanical gardens and dendroparks of our country and the International association of botanical gardens of the world. For theoretical and practical finishing in the field of industrial botany the botanical garden was awarded the Silver medal of the Program of the United nations on preservation of the environment. Results of scientific researchers were highly appreciated and noted by awards of Presidiums of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of M.H.Kholodnyi and the award of L.P. Symyrenko. The garden has received the award" Gold Scythian"for preservation and revival of the nature of Donbass.

Principal achievements and developments:

-A unique collection stock of living plants (over 9 thousand species, varieties, forms and cultivars) of the international level has been created in conditions of arid steppe and industrial pollution, including a collection and displays of tropical and subtropical plants, which enjoy the National Asset status.

-Over 50 plant varieties resistant to hard steppe conditions have been produced.

-A methodology and respective technologies have been developed for phytooptimization of industrial environment and amelioration of industrially polluted and agricultural lands.

-Physiological, biochemical, populational-genetics mechanisms of plant tolerance to human impacts have been studied.

- The composition and structure of the natural flora and vegetation of our country have been determined, processes of their anthropogenic transformation studied, scientific principles of plant-diversity preservation in industrial regions and formation of a regional ecological network developed.

- A technique for controllable enforced complete restoration of steppe phytocenoses has been worked out; simulative models of steppes that are the national asset of our country have been developed on its basis.

Research results of Donetsk Botanical Garden implemented in the following applied developments:

-a technology for phyto-reclamation of the lands degraded by industry;

-a technology for amelioration of forage areas;

-a technology for enforced restoration of steppe vegetation;

-substantiation study for setting up a regional ecological network;

-populatio –genetics method for forming conifer plantations;

-plant indication and monitoring of industrial air and biological pollution;

-a technology for the accelerated propagation of plants.

The guests will be able to see there perfect collections of lilac, tropical plants, vulnerary plants.

Using the words from the box fill in the gaps.

Problem, value, garden, association, finishing, award, mechanisms, vegetation, industry, plants

1. The Donetsk Botanical garden is the first botanical garden created for environmental … solution of industrial region, therefore its collections get world ….. as they have no analogues in our country.

2. The botanical ……. is the full member of the Council of botanical gardens and dendroparks of our country and the International …. of botanical gardens of the world.

3. For theoretical and practical …… in the field of industrial botany the botanical garden was awarded the Silver medal of the Program of the United nations on preservation of the environment.

4. The garden has received the ….." Gold Scythian"for preservation and revival of the nature of Donbass.

5. Physiological, biochemical, populational-genetics …….of plant tolerance to human impacts have been studied.

6. The composition and structure of the natural flora and …… of our country have been determined, processes of their anthropogenic transformation studied, scientific principles of plant-diversity preservation in industrial regions and formation of a regional ecological network developed.

7. Research results of Donetsk Botanical Garden implemented in the following applied developments:

-a technology for phyto-reclamation of the lands degraded by…….;

The guests will be able to see there perfect collections of lilac, tropical plants, vulnerary






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