Проверочное задание на тему «Производные местоимения от some, any, no»

Задание 34. Вставьте местоимения “somebody”, “someone”, “anybody”, “anyone”, “nobody”, “no one”, “something”,           “anything”, “nothing”.

Do you know … who can help us?

Do you know anybody who can help us?

1. … left his bag in our classroom yesterday.

2. The question is so difficult that … can answer it.

3. Give me … to eat, please. I’m hungry.

4. There was … on the table. It was empty.

5. Has … in this group got a dictionary?

6. It is too late. I think there is … in the office now.

7. You must find … who can help you.

8. … knew anything about our home task.

9. Do you know … about the matter?

 10. Please, tell us the story. … knows it.


Местоимения many, much, little, a little, few, a few

Местоимения much и many употребляются со значением много. Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, а many с исчисляемыми.

  Do you have much work to do today? Many people attended the meeting.  


Местоимения little и few употребляются со значением мало.   Little употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, few с исчисляемыми.

I have very little time. He has few friends.  


Местоимения little и few могут употребляться с неопределенным артиклем а little и а few в значении немного, несколько.

  Please give me a little water. I have a few books on this subject.  


В утвердительных предложениях вместо much употребляются слова a lot (of), plenty (of), a good deal (of), a great deal (of). Вместо many могут употребляться a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a great many, a good many:

  We have plenty of time. There are a lot of English books in the library.  

Проверочные задания на тему «Местоимения many, much, little, a little, few, a few»

Задание 35. Заполните пропуски, употребляя “much”, “many”.

Was there … snow last year?     Was there much snow last year?

1. There are … universities in our town.

2. There aren’t … women’s colleges at Oxford.

3. Why do you need so … paper?

4. Are there … tourists here this year?

5. He didn’t spend … money on his trip.


Задание 36. Составьте предложения, употребив “little”, “a little”, “few”, “a few” и переведите.


I have little spare time.

There is a little milk on the table.

There are few chairs in the room.

I have a few English stamps.

I have little French books on the table.
There is a little coffee in the room.
There are few sugar in the fridge.
  a few pictures in the garden.
    juice on the shelf.
    cheese at home.
    magazines in the bag.
    paper on the wall.
    people in the shop.


Задание 37. Вставьте местоимения “much”, “many”, “few”, “a few”, “little”, “a little.

I’ll be ready in … minutes.             I’ll be ready in a few minutes.

1. He buys … newspapers every day.

2. After the lesson everybody felt … tired.

3. He had … English books at home, so he went to the library.

4. Did the students have … time to prepare for the examination?

5. He had … time and he stopped to go to the fitness club with his friends.

6. Does he really have so … work?

7. There are … people who know about it. It’s a secret.

8. There is … petrol in the tank. That will be enough to get to the city.

9. I have invited … people to the party. I want to celebrate my birthday!

10. The teacher gave Nick a bad mark because he has … knowledge of the subject.



Предлогами называют служебные слова, которые показывают отношение существительного или местоимения к другим словам в предложении.

В современном английском языке падежные окончания почти полностью отсутствуют. Поэтому предлоги играют в английском языке исключительно важную роль, являясь одним из главных средств выражения отношений существительного (или местоимения) к другим словам в предложении.

Предлоги выражают разнообразные отношения – пространственные, временные, причинные и др. В русском языке эти отношения выражаются не одними предлогами, а предлогами и падежными окончаниями, в английском языке эти отношения выражаются только предлогами, поскольку существительные в общем падеже, с которыми они сочетаются, не имеют специальных окончаний:

He lives in Moscow.

He came with his brother.

По форме предлоги в английском языке делятся на односложныеabout, at, in, from, over, past, with и так далее и составныеas for, according to, in between, on behalf of, in spite of и т.д.

По значению предлоги делятся следующим образом:

Предлоги расположения и движения

About, above, across, against, along, among, around, at,     behind, below, beside, between, by, down, from, in, in front of, inside, into, near, next to, off, on, onto, opposite, out (of), outside, over, past, round, through, to, towards, under, up, upon

Нахождение внутри пространства или движение к нему in to be in the country, a town, the house, a street, in a factory, Нахождение в какой-либо точке или в учреждении или движение к ним at to be at home, at work, at school, at the office, at the airport,
Нахождение внутри какого-либо пространства in We were sitting in the car. There was no water in the vase. Движение внутрь какого-либо пространства into I poured some water into the vase. We got into the car.
Нахождение на поверхности или движение к ней on The painting is on the wall. I put the book on the table. Движение к поверхности onto The cat jumped onto the bookcase. People climbed onto the roof.
Нахождение над каким-либо предметом above The plane flew above us. I can’t sleep with a light on above my head. Нахождение над каким-либо предметом или поперек илипо другую сторону over Flags waved over our heads. There is a bridge over the river.
Нахождение под предметом below The stone hit me below the knee. Нахождение под предметом (часто в непосредственной близости от него) under There is nothing new under the sun.
Нахождение между двумя людьми или предметами between Divide them between two of you. Нахождение среди многих людей или предметов among He is among the men who own the bank.

Предлоги времени

About, after, around, before, between, by, during, for, from, in, on, past, since, through, throughout, to, toward(s), until, till, within

Предлоги Значение Примеры употребления
at Указание момента во времени Указание возраста at 2 o’clock, at dawn, at noon, at night at 14, at the age of 35
on Указание на определенный момент, день, дату on Sunday, on the first of May, on Friday evening
in Указание на определенный период времени Значение «через, за» in the morning, in March, in 1945, in spring in a week, in ten years
by Указывает предельный срок by 4 o’clock, by the end of June
from Указывает на исходный момент This book dates from the 16th century.
to Указывает на временной предел, окончание срока It’s a quarter to six.
till/until Значение «до какого-то момента» from 2 till 4, till now, until last week

Предлоги Значение Примеры употребления
since Значение «с, начиная с» He has been on vacation since Monday.
for Указание на период времени Указание на определенный момент to wait for years, for ever The meeting was arranged for 10.30.
during Указание на период времени during 1990,     during the night, during the lesson

Предлоги on, at, in + time

Предлоги Значение Примеры употребления
on time В запланированное время, своевременно The train started on time.
In time (for) in good time (for) Без опоздания, вовремя, с запасом I’ll be back in time to cook supper.
at the time В конкретный момент, тогда She was a little girl at the time.
at times Иногда She can be very rude at times.

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