Им. И.М. Сеченова

Ботанического сада



Каталог растений

Московской медицинской академии



A.N. Luferov, N.G. Zamyatina. Plant Catalogue of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy Botanical Garden. The 2 nd edition, revised,

2008-2009. Under the Editorship of the Corresponding Member of Russian Medical Sciences Academy, Doctor of Pharmaceutics, Professor I.A. Samylina

The edition is intended for students and lecturers of pharmaceutical universities (faculties), as well as for the public at large interested in botany.

The Botanical Garden Address:

123317, Russia, Moscow, Testovskaya str., 20.

Director: Chepurnyh Oleg Efimovich.

We invite any scientific contribution to the study of wild and cultivated medicinal plants.

117418, Moscow, Nahimovsky Prospect, 45.

Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacy of I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Phone: 128-57-88, e-mail: samylina@mail.ru

Director of SRI of Pharmacy: the corresponding member of RMSA, Doctor of Pharmacy, Prof. Samylina Irina Alexandrovna.


The authors express their most sincere acknowledgement for the all-around assistance in adding to the collection of living plants and preparing the present edition for publication to: Oleg Efimovich Chepurnyh – director of I.M. Sechenov MMA Botanical Garden, Prof. Eugene Ivanovich Barabanov – I.M. Sechenov MMA Botany Chair Head, Dmitry Nikolaevich Shaulo – senior research worker, head of the “Herbarium” laboratory in the Central Siberia Botanical Garden of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), Svetlana Alexeevna Potapova – senior research worker of N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of RAS, Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches for sponsoring the study of flora of Tuva Republic and the adjacent regions of the South Siberia (project № 05-04-48778-a, 08-04-01021-a, 08-04-10075-k) and the study of biomorphology and systematics of flowering plant families (project № 07-04-00977). In the course of this work the plants were analysed in situ and ex situ within the I.M. Sechenov MMA Botanical Garden.

А.Н. Луферов, Н.Г. Замятина. Каталог растений Ботанического

сада Московской медицинской академии им. И.М. Сеченова. Изд. 2-е, дополненное, 2008-2009.

Под ред.: член-корр. РАМН, проф., докт. фарм. наук И.А. Самылиной.

Издание предлагается для студентов и преподавателей фармацевтических вузов (факультетов), а также для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся ботаникой.

Адрес Ботанического сада:

123317, Россия, г. Москва, Тестовская ул., д. 20.

Директор Ботанического сада: Чепурных Олег Ефимович.

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