Read the dialogue and try to determine in what type of hospital the patient is being examined

- What’s wrong with your arm, Mr. Black?

- I’m afraid, it’s a fracture, Doctor.

- How did it happen?

- I was playing a game of tennis. Running to get the ball I fell down on my arm. I felt an awful pain when I tried to get up. My friends had to help me get here.

- That’s too bad. You should be careful. Now, let me examine your arm. Does it hurt here?

- Yes, I have a sharp pain.

- I think we’d better have it X-rayed. (After examining the picture) Unfortunately, it is a fracture. You’ll have to stay in hospital for a couple of days, Mr. Black.



1. doctor – врач

2. nurse/sister – медсестра

3. nurse boy – медбрат

4. orderly – санитар(ка)

5. doctor's assistant – фельдшер

Types of doctors:

1. ambulance doctor 2. anesthesiologist 3. cardiologist 4. dentist 5. dermatologist 6. dietarian 7. expert in resuscitation [rɪˌsʌsɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] 8. gastroenterologist 9. gynecologist 10. medical expert 11. midwife 12. morbid anatomist 13. obstetrician 14. oncologist 15. ophthalmologist 16. otorhinolaryngologist/ ENT specialist 17. pediatrician 18. physiatrist 19. physician 20. psychiatrist 21. radiologist 22. surgeon 23. TB doctor 24. traumatologist 25. urologist врач скорой помощи анестезиолог кардиолог стоматолог дерматолог диетолог реаниматолог гастроэнтеролог гинеколог суд. мед. эксперт акушерка патологоанатом акушер онколог офтальмолог оторинолагинголог (ЛОР) педиатр физиотерапевт терапевт психиатр радиолог хирург фтизиатр травматолог уролог

6. Match these definitions to the pictures:

a) district nurse b) midwife c) porter
d) practice nurse e) health visitor f) paramedic

1. Her duties include “traditional” nursing skills and running (проведение, ведение) specialist clinics for immunization, diabetes, and so on.

2. A nurse (typically a woman) who is trained to assist women in childbirth.

3. He transports patients by wheelchair (кресло-каталка) or stretcher (носилки) from the wards, remove dead bodies to the mortuary, lift and carry heavy equipment.

4. He/she responds to emergencies and gives first aid.

5. He/she gives advice on health matters, especially to the mothers of small babies. He/she has other duties in connection with infant welfare (благотворительные) clinics, day and residential nurseries, the examination of schoolchildren, and the care of the aged and the handicapped (инвалиды).

6. He/she visits those who are housebound or those recently discharged from hospital or dress wounds.

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