Physicians and Surgeons

Physicians and surgeons diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses in patients. Physicians examine patients, take medical histories, prescribe medications, and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. Surgeons operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates (расщеплённое нёбо).

Many physicians work in private offices or clinics, often helped by a small staff of nurses and other administrative workers. Surgeons and anesthesiologists usually work in sterile environments while performing surgery and may stand for long periods.

11. Answer the question. What type of doctor would you like to be and why?

12. Read and translate the dialogue.

Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Rajan: Interviewer: Today I’m talking to Rajan Mehta, a retired doctor. Good afternoon, Rajan. Good afternoon. You’re originally (Вы родом) from India and you came to work as a doctor in the UK. When was this? In the early sixties, 1962 to be exact. And why did you come to the UK? Well, it was quite common in those days. Experience of working in the British National Health Service was highly valued in India. I had just finished my medical degree, and I thought this would be a good way to get experience. I only intended to stay for five years, while I completed my postgraduate studies. So why did you stay longer? Two reasons, really. The first is that I thoroughly enjoyed working for the NHS. The clinical training I received was fantastic, and I worked alongside (у) some excellent consultants, and learnt a lot. And the second reason is that I met my wife, who was working as a paediatric nurse. And so you continued working in the NHS until you retired. That’s correct. First as a paediatrician, and then later I retrained as a GP. One last question – do you ever regret not returning to India? No, not really. I returned quite regularly to visit my parents while they were alive. And I married an English woman and had children here, so England soon became home. Rajan, thank you very much for coming in and talking to me.

13. Put the questions in the order they are asked in the dialogue above.

1. Do you ever regret not returning to India?

2. When did you come to the UK?

3. Why did you stay longer?

4. Why did you come to the UK?

14. Complete this postcard that Rajan wrote to a friend in India in 1967.

15. Answer the question. Would you like to work in the UK (abroad)? Comment your answer.



1. consulting room – врачебный кабинет

2. dressing room – перевязочная

3. operating theatre/room – операционная

4. surgery – хирургический кабинет

5. waiting room – приемная

6. ward – палата

7. X-ray room – рентгеновский кабинет


8. unit/department – отделение

9. admission department – приемное отделение

10. casualty department – отделение скорой помощи

11. children’s department – детское отделение

12. in-patient department – стационарное отделение

13. intensive care unit (ICU) – отделение интенсивн. терапии

14. out-patient department – поликлиническое отделение

15. postnatal department – послеродовое отделение

16. reception ward – приемное отделение

17. registry – регистратура

18. resuscitation department – реанимационное отделение

19. surgical department – хирургическое отделени

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