D) Administrative Division

The Administrative Division’s major responsibilities are to see that the operations of the Bureau run smoothly and expenditures are kept within the limits of the annual appropriation granted by Congress. Another duty of this Division is to recruit and assign the personnel necessary to fulfil the various functions of the FBI.

Inspection Division

The staff is composed of experienced, competent men who periodically review, inspect the total work performance of each field office and the headquarters staff. The inspections have as their goal the improvement of management and investigative practices.


Following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction (11):


Atomic Energy Act

Bank Robbery and Embezzlement





Fraud Against the Government

Internal Security

Theft of Government Property, etc.


1) Federal criminal violation – нарушение федеральных законов

2) civil inquiries – расследование гражданских дел

3) have resulted in convictions – закончились осуждением обвиняемых

4) operated behind a nearly impenetrable wall – действовала за почти непроницаемой стеной

5) are devoting their full efforts to bringing the crime lords to justice – направляют все свои усилия, чтобы преступных магнатов привлечь к суду

6) to build a strong prosecutive case – построить сильное обвинение

7) the Security of Government Employees programme – про грамма по обеспечению безопасности высших правительственных служащих

8) which pose a threat – которые представляют угрозу

9) Crime Records Division – уголовный архив (отдел, где хранятся отчеты о совершенных преступлениях)

10) the FBI’s field officer – сотрудник ФБР, курирующий определенный регион или сферу деятельности

11) following are the matters within the FBI jurisdiction – вот вопросы (дела), которые находятся в пределах юрисдикции ФБР.

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