Machine Tools

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Practice the pronunciation of the following.

[ ] conventional, machine, operation, shape; [ ] unconventional, among, number, punch, production, ultrasonic, industry, ultrathin; [aι] either, classified, grinder, die, light, primarily, device, microprocessor; [ ] saw, auxiliary, forming, drawing; [eι] lathe, shaper, planer, laser, capable, aerospace, range; [æ] gas, ram, alloy, plasma, category, [ι:] beam, superheated; [α:]arc, discharge, particle, ultrahard.

Exercise 2. Match these words with their initial forms and Russian equivalents.

1) shaper, shaping a) drill 1) строгать

2) milling b) bore 2) придавать форму

3) planer c) grind 3) вытягивать, волочить

4) drilling d) draw 4) штамповать

5) boring e) shape 5) срезать

6) grinder f) shear 6) бурить

7) shearing g) press 7) формировать, обрабатывать

8) drawing h) plane 8) шлифовать

9) pressing i) form 9) сверлить

10) forming j) mill 10) фрезеровать

Exercise 3. Explain the meaning of these expressions taking into account the value of the prefix and ending and the sense of the base form.

Example: the drilling machine

The drilling machine is used to create holes.

1) ultrahard alloys

2) ultrathin materials

3) a tricycle

4) a microprocessor

5) a multi-user configuration

6) ultrasonic machines

7) a minicomputer

8) a multispindle unit

Exercise 4. Before you read the text, try to answer the following questions.

What is a machine tool?

What is it used for?

What kinds of machine tools do you know?

Read the texts and match them with the headings in the list.

ü Machine tools are stationary power-driven machines

ü Presses

ü Unconventional machine tools

ü Conventional machine tools

1……………………………..They are used to shape or form solid materials, especially metals. The material to be shaped is called the workpiece. Nowadays most machine tools are electrically driven. Machine tools with electrical drive are faster and more accurate than hand tools. They form the basis of modern industry and are used either directly or indirectly in the manufacture of machines and tool parts. Machine tools may be classified under three main categories: conventional machine tools, presses, and unconventional machine tools.

2……………………………. Among the basic machine tools are the lathe, the shaper, the planer, and the milling machine. Auxiliary to these are drilling and boring machines, grinders, saws, and various metal-forming machines.

3.…………………………….They employ a number of different shaping processes, including shearing, pressing, or drawing. Presses are equipped with dies and punches. Presses are capable of rapid production because the operation time is that needed for only one stroke of the ram.

4……………………………..They employ light, electrical, chemical, and sonic energy; superheated gases; and high-energy particle beams to shape the exotic materials and alloys that have been developed to meet the needs of modern technology. Unconventional machine tools include plasma-arc, laser-beam, electro discharge, electrochemical, ultrasonic, and electron-beam machines. These machine tools were developed primarily to shape the ultrahard alloys used in heavy industry and in aerospace applications and to shape and etch the ultrathin materials used in such electronic devices as microprocessors. Numerical control of machine tools and flexible manufacturing systems have made it possible for complete systems of machine tools to be used for the manufacture of a range of products.

Exercise 5. Read the following active words and word combinations. Can you guess their meanings? Compare your ideas with other students.

Stationary power-driven machines; electrically driven; hand tools; unconventional machine tools; metal-forming machines; boring machines; shaping processes; rapid production; operation time; superheated gases; high-energy particle beams; electron-beam machines; aerospace applications; numerical control; flexible manufacturing systems; range of products.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

Станки с ручным управлением; авиакосмическая промышленность твердый материал; бурильный молоток; токарный станок; деталь; фрезерный станок; шлифовальный станок; строгальный станок; вытравливать; сверлильный станок; машина для обработки металлов давлением; волочение; срез; звуковая энергия; пучок частиц высокой энергии; плазменно-дуговая установка; электроразрядные; сверхзвуковой; специальные станки; тяжелая промышленность; цифровое программное управление; гибкая производственная система; продольно-строгальный станок; поперечно-строгальный станок.

Exercise 7. Using the information from the text “Machine tools”, complete these statements. Translate them. If necessary look at the Vocabulary.

1) Modern machine tools are used to………………………..

2) There are three main categories of machine tools:…..................................................

3) Drilling, boring machines, grinders, saws and various metal-forming machines may be referred to…………………………….

4) Presses shape the workpieces without cutting away material that’s why they are equipped with……………………..

5) A press consists of a frame supporting a stationary bed, ……….. and a power source.

6) ………………………………to shape the exotic materials and alloys.

7) Unconventional machine tools include……………………..

Exercise 8. Match the terms from the list below with the explanations and definitions.

Planer, lathe, drilling machine tool, ultrasonic machine, portable circular saw, grinder, laser.

1) It is particularly suited to making accurately placed holes. It can make holes in refractory metals and ceramics and in very thin materials without warping the workpiece.

2) Unlike the shaper, which moves a tool past a fixed workpiece, this device moves the workpiece past a fixed tool.

3) It holds and rotates the workpiece while cutting tools shape it.

4) It employs high-frequency, low-amplitude vibrations to create holes and other cavities.

5) It removes metal with rotating abrasive wheel.

6) Hole-making machine tools are used to drill a hole where none previously existed.

7) They are classified into three general types, according to the kind of motion used in the cutting action: reciprocating, circular, and band-sawing machines (ленточная пила).

Exercise 9. Answer the questions to the text “Machine tools”.

1) What are machine tools used for?

2) How are most machine tools driven nowadays?

3) What does “workpiece” mean?

4) What categories are machine tools classified under?

5) What machine tools are among the basic ones?

6) Are there any auxiliary machine tools?

7) Dies and punches are designed for such operations as forming, punching, and shearing, aren’t they?

8) What do unconventional machine tools employ to shape the materials?

9) What machine tools are used in heavy industry? What kinds of alloys do they shape?

10) What is numerical control of machine tools used for?

Exercise 10. From the noun “machine”we can form other words:

Machined, machinery, machineman, machines, machining, machinist

Decide which part of speech each word is and complete the following word combinations.

1) Diamond …... part

2) Metal-working ……

3) Skilled ……

4) …….'s kit

5) Electric rotating ……

6) ……. by chip removal

Exercise 11. Put the words given in the brackets into the proper order. Translate the sentences without a preliminary preparation.

1) In general, the shaper can produce almost any surface composed of (straight-line elements).

2) The planer is the largest of (the machine reciprocating tools).

3) Drilling machines vary in size and function, multispindle units, (production automatic machines), and (drilling-hole-deep machines).

4) Plasma-arc machining employs a (high jet velocity) of (gas high-temperature) to melt and displace material.

5) Extremely fine wires can also be welded using (laser machining beam equipment).

6) (A high-frequency pulsating electric current) is applied between the tool point and the workpiece.

7) The process is performed in a vacuum chamber to reduce the scattering of electrons by (molecules gas) in the atmosphere.

8) (Drive motor) is usually used to power (larger guns machine) on vehicles, aircraft, and naval vessels.

9) (Operated-machine device) employed in engineering, manufacturing, woodworking, and metalwork to cut or shape metal or wood parts.

10) Important (power-machine or operated tools) include lathes, dies, presses, and equipment used for boring, milling, and welding.

Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary of the lesson.

1) Станки с механическим приводом применяются для обработки твердых материалов, особенно металлов.

2) Станки с электроприводом более быстрые и точные, чем с ручным управлением.

3) Токарные, поперечно-строгальные, продольно-строгальные и фрезерные станки относятся к станкам с ручным управлением.

4) Шлифовальные станки имеют вращающийся абразивный инструмент.

5) Прессы, оснащенные пуансонами и штампами, сокращают время выполнения операции, что способствует значительному увеличению объемов производства.

6) Специальные станки используют световую, электрическую, химическую, звуковую энергию, перегретые газы, пучки частиц высокой энергии для обработки материалов, обладающих необычными свойствами.

7) Плазменно-дуговые и лазерные станки были спроектированы для работы со сверхжесткими сплавами, которые используются в тяжелой и аэрокосмической промышленности.

8) С помощью лазера можно сделать отверстия в тугоплавких или керамико-металлических материалах, не нанеся урон самой детали.

9) Деталь, обработанная алмазным инструментом, имеет законченный вид.

10) Благодаря цифровому программному управление и гибкой производственной система станки используются почти на всех уровнях производства.

Exercise 13. Speak on.

What main categories of machine tools do you know? Describe each of them.

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