Replace the underlined words with their synonyms from the text

1) Nanotechnology is one of the promising fields that will change the future.

2) The new device will have wonderful elasticity.

3) Silicon is comprised of orderly crystals.

4) Cognitive revolution can minimize the impact of the information revolution.

5) Some of the new capabilities are determining the future of engineering

Give the translation of the following phrases, using the text.

- современные системы

- белковая свертка

- устройство, созданное человеком

- удивительный прорыв

- упорядоченные кристаллы

- прекрасная гибкость

- кажущиеся несовместимыми компоненты

Match a verb and a noun to make phrases.

1 to acquire a) the future

2 to expand b) capabilities

3 to shape c) a variety of processors

4 to handle d) knowledge

5 to require e) much time

Use these word combinations in the sentences of your own.

Make up a description of the ideal 21st century engineer.

- the personal qualities he should possess

- the knowledge he should acquire

Unit 4

Technological Innovations


Read and study new words on the topic.

affect (v) [əˈfekt] воздействовать, влиять
amplify (v) [æmplˈfaɪ]  
= reinforce (v) [ˌri: ınˈfɔːs] усиливать
artificial (adj) [ˌɑːtıfɪ∫ıəl] искусственный
destroy (v) [dıˈstrɔɪ] уничтожать, разрушать
disperse (v) [dıˈspɜːs] рассеивать (n)
manufacture (v) [ˌmænjʊˈfækt∫ə] производить
perform (v) [pəˈfɔːm] выполнять
replace (v) [rıˈpleıs] заменять, вытеснять
remove (v) [rıˈmu:v] удалять
resist (v) [rıˈzıst] противостоять, сопротивляться
surgery (n) [ˈsɜːdʒəri] хирургия
supply (v) [səˈplaı] поставлять, обеспечивать
supply (n) [səˈplaı] запас, поставка
spill (v) [spıl] разлить
store (v) [stɔː] хранить
shape (v) [∫eɪp] формировать
target (n) [ˈtɑːgıt] цель
target (v)   нацеливать

4.1.2 Read these international words and guess their meanings.

aerosols [ˈeərəsɒl]
bio-active [baıə-æktıv]
ceramics [sıˈræmɪks]
hierarchy [ˈhaırɑːkı]
hierarchical [haıˈrɑːkıkəl]
polymers [ˈpɒlımə]
product [ˈprɒdʌkt]

Answer the questions.

a) What do you know about nanotechnology?

b) What can we build with nanotechnology today and what will we be able to build in future?

Read the text and explain what nanotechnology is.

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