Exercise 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases

1. Pygmalion fell in love with a statue of Galatea which he had made in ivory, and at his prayer Aphrodite gave it life.

2. The art dealer looked at the picture trying to judge its worth but refused to commit himself.

3. Another of his ambitions — a cherished dream — was one day to have a library.

4. Is it possible to deter­mine what works will be given prizes before the close of the exhibi­tion?

5. There is no denying the fact that the pictures are well done technically.

6. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the young artist who is giving an exhibition at the gallery.

7. When did Jane first begin to take an interest in painting?

8. Don't get mixed up in the quarrels of other people.

9. It's the maddest idea I've ever heard. It would make Alexander an object of ridicule.

10. She blushed furiously for shame.

11. You're in wonderful form, Diana. Where did you get that divine dress?

12. It's no use sending my clothes to be cleaned, they are past repair.

13. Our garden is in good condition after the rain.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combina­tions and phrases.

1. Дела Герствуда были в плачевном состоянии, и, казалось, ничто не могло предотвратить катастрофу.

2. Он боялся, что станет посме­шищем города.

3. Человек, которого вы называете многообещающим учеником, по-моему, зрелый художник, и чем скорее мы покажем его картины на выставке, тем лучше.

4. Карлтон стал крупным уче­ным, принеся в жертву здоровье.

5. Кто-то уронил на пол тюбик с красками, а я наступил на него. Теперь придется отдавать ковер в чистку.

6. Не говори глупостей (не будь смешным). Если бы ты положил записку на видном месте, я бы заметил ее.

7. Джон покраснел до корней волос, когда мать уличила его во лжи.

8. Статуя, которую создал Пигмалион, была так прекрасна, что он влюбился в нее.

9. После закрытия выставки 1882 года, будучи уже зрелым художником, Куинджи сделал ошеломляющее заявление, что он больше не будет де­монстрировать свои картины на выставках.

10. Констебл был на­гражден золотой медалью за картину «Воз сена» ("Hay Wain"), которая была выставлена в Париже в 1824 году.

11. К огромному удивлению хозяина мазня обезьяны была принята для показа на выс­тавке.

12. Члены жюри пришли к выводу, что картины молодого художника выполнены с большим мастерством, и присудили ему пер­вую премию.

13. Соме и Флер договорились, что пойдут на выставку современного искусства вместе. Соме пришел первым. С любопыт­ством разглядывая произведения экспрессионистов, он не переста­вал удивляться, почему их приняли на выставку и поместили на са­мых видных местах. «Юнона», созданная «многообещающим» молодым скульптором Полем Поустом, была похожа на кривобокий насос с двумя ручками. Настоящее посмешище!

Exercise 4. Find in the text equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:

to think over carefully; at the expense of one's health; to devel­op an interest in art; to prevent a great misfortune; a student likely to succeed; lower on one side than on the other; speak about smth. for a long time; to produce the desired effect; to get mixed up in smth.; to thirst for information; cherished dream; highly-skilled artist; object of ridicule or teasing; to caution against smth.; to one's great surprise; not easily seen or noticed; to move silently and secretly, usually for a bad purpose; to blush furiously; to give a prize; to speak quickly and sharply

Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents for the following phrases and write them out:

1. Это для вас очень полезно.

2. Ничего не могу с ним поделать!

3. Он детально обдумал этот вопрос.

4. Случай был незаурядный.

5. С ущербом для здоровья и кошелька.

6. Я хочу вам что-то предло­жить.

7. Сердце больного не справилось с такой нагрузкой.

8. Катастрофу удалось предотвратить.

9. Это будет интересно.

10. Мое дело предложить.

11. Работал по ночам лифтером, чтобы заработать день­ги на учебу в колледже.

12. Он смотрел на него оценивающим взгля­дом.

1З. Давайте попробуем нарисовать вот ту вазу на камине.

14. Ри­сунок на столе отдаленно напоминал вазу.

15. Ну, как вам это нравится?

16. Вы не могли бы приходить два раза в неделю?

17. Давайте договоримся на понедельник и среду.

18. Он разглагольствовал о переливах красок в вазе с фруктами.

19. Лечение шло успешно.

20. Совершенно новый мир предстал перед его зачарованным взо­ром.

21. Он ошеломил всех своим заявлением.

22. Крупнейшая выс­тавка года, если не по величине, то по значению.

23. Заветная мечта каждого зрелого мастера.

24. Картина была повешена так, что она не привлекала внимания.

25. Против обыкновения он был бодр и весел.

Exercise 6. Explain what is meant by:

1. Doctor Caswell received the information with his usual pro­fessional calm.

2. He had done some constructive thinking since his last visit.

3. The old gentleman was in pretty good shape for a man of seventy-six.

4. All his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocket-book.

5. The doctor had his stethoscope ready in case the abrupt­ness of the suggestion proved too much for the patient's heart.

6. But the old gentleman's answer was a vigorous "Rot!"

7. Collis P. Ellsworth looked at him appraisingly.

8. "There it is, young man," he snapped with a grunt of satisfaction.

9. He would dwell on the rich variety of colour in a bowl of fruit.

10. The treatment was work­ing perfectly.

11. An entirely new world opened up its charming mysteries.

12. The old man displayed insatiable curiosity about the galleries and the painters who exhibited in them.

13. The lifetime dream of every mature artist in the United States was a Lathrop prize.

14. Fortunately, the painting was hung in an inconspicuous place where it could not excite any noticeable comment.

15. Young Swain sneaked into the Gallery one afternoon and blushed to the top of his ears when he saw "Trees Dressed in White", a loud, rau­cous splash on the wall.

16. As two giggling students stopped be­fore the strange anomaly Swain fled in terror.

17. Swain and Koppel uttered a series of inarticulate gurgles.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions or do the given tasks:

1. How does the story begin? What does the word "Nope" (re­peated three times) suggest? Complaining of Old Ellsworth his male nurse speaks in short abrupt sentences, four of which begin with the pronoun "he". What effect is achieved?

2. What can you say about the health and spirits of the old man?

3. Do you feel a ring of irony in the sentence "All his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook"? What other cases of irony can you point out?

4. What interjections does Old Ellsworth use in his speech? What trait of his character do they emphasize?

5. What is the stylistic value of the slang words in the text?

6. Why did the wrinkles deep­en at the corners of his eyes as Old Ellsworth spoke to Swain? How do you understand the word "elfishly"?

7. Whom did he call "old pineapple juice" and why?

8. What progress did the old man make in art? Why is he compared with a child playing with a picture book? What is said about the first drawings he made and the painting accepted for the Lathrop Show? Disclose the stylistic value of the simile "resembled a gob of salad dressing thrown vio­lently up against the side of a house".

9. How can you account for the inverted word order in the sentence "Upon this distinguished group Ellsworth was going to foist his "Trees Dressed in White"?

10. What is the implication of the verb "sneak" used to character­ize Swain's appearance at the exhibition?

11. How had Ellsworth changed since he took up art? Can you see any reflection of this change in his speech?

12. What sentences in the second part of the story suggest that Old Ellsworth was up to something? Comment on the sentence "An entirely new world opened up its charming mysteries".

13. Why was it easy for Old Ellsworth to wind every­body round his finger? Do you think that a story like this could have happened in New York?

14. How is the profession of the au­thor reflected in the story? Speak on the element of the grotesque and satire.

15. Why was the story entitled the way it was? An allu­sion to what doctrine is present here?

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