Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом

“for” (for – phrase)

Этот инфинитивный оборот вводится предлогом for и состоит из существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. На русский язык всегда переводится придаточным предложением.

В предложении может выполнять следующие функции:


· It would be fооlly for Britain to take such a step. Такой шаг со стороны Англии был бы неразумен.

Именной части составного сказуемого:

· The most important thing is for these developing countries to join their effort to fight for socialism. Главное, чтобы все эти развивающиеся страны объединили свои усилия в борьбе за социализм.


· The resolution allows for an emergency session of the General Assembly to be called on 24-hour notice. – В резолюции допускается созыв чрезвычайной сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи с предварительным уведомлением за 24 часа.


· This presents another problem for them to tackle. – Это еще одна проблема, которую им предстоит решить.


· The questions were too complicated for the conference to dispose of them quickly. – Вопросы были слишком сложные, чтобы совещание могло решить их быстро.

Exercise 19. Read and translate the following sentences, paying special translation to the use of the for – phrase:

1) We took a taxi for the delegation members not to walk to the railroad station.

2) It is critical for the war to be waged according to the rules of market competition, not through backstage lobbying.

3) Here is another obstacle for them to overcome.

4) Each person has his own vision of reality, but each must be ready for his views to be corrected by reality.

5) Deficiencies (недостаток) in the law on bank bankruptcies make it very difficult for the Central Bank to take direct action.

6) Kozlov said it would take 30 to 45 days for the courts to rule on (вынести решение) the bank’s liquidation.

7) Whitehall sources estimate that it will take between three and six months for these costs to be reflected in the shops.

8) The company has future plans for products to be shipped directly from their country of origin.

9) On its return journey the spacectraft must be accelerated to some 25.000 m.p.h. for it to enter the earth’s orbit.

10) All of these are now being marketed to Iraq, and it would be utterly wrong for Russia to give up this market.

Exercise 16. READER.

Read the texts once and say what they are about.


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