ноября 2014

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Senator Luis Moreno-Ocampo

Maanweg174 NL-2516AB Den Haag / The Hague



Office of the President of the General Assembly

United Nations New York, NY

Fax: (212) 963-3301mdc@un.org, pga65@un.org


Avenue de l'Europe, F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 41 20 00, Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 41 2754


In the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Switzerland, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Palais des Nations

PalaisdesNations, OHCHR-UNOG

CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


Consular Department of the MFA of Russia

19200 Moscow, Smolensk Hay-pl., 32/34, the Russian Foreign Ministry

Fax: (499) 244-34-48


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR acquainted with the letter of the number OTP-CR-92/14 of 10 March 2014.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in exchange of information shall notify, in prison at PKU IR-4; 249950 Kaluga region, Medyn, st. Lunacharsky, d. 2.; Phone 8 (48433) 21.03.52 unlawfully withheld Soviet citizen Marat Jurabaev Muradovich born in 1986. A citizen of the USSR MM Jurabaev imprisonment and does not have a valid identity card.

MM Jurabaev deprived of the right to enter into a valid marriage with the mother of his teenage daughter.

Citizen of the USSR and the newborn child - a daughter of a citizen, MM Djurabaeva deprived of the right to receive information about the document sovderzhaschie her father.

Court of the USSR no action in respect of a citizen of the USSR MM Djurabaeva not endure.

In prison, the Russian Federation illegally languishing Soviet citizen Nurmatov Kodirzhon Bekmirzaevich Dzhalakuduk native of Andijon. UzSSR born in 1951. The cause of his deprivation of liberty was his trip to the historic homeland in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. On the administrative border between the RSFSR and the Kazakh Soviet border guards of the Russian Federation have established checkpoints, preventing the USSR citizens in free movement on its own territory.

At the same time employees of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation have created unbearable conditions for life, employment Nurmatova KB and even for its treatment. During a raid near Lublin in Moscow in September 2013 the staff of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation ordered Nurmatova KB leave the territory of the RSFSR.

In the Moscow region Lukhovitsy living citizen of the USSR Igor Lesnoy, where the Russian Federation illegally used as a mercenary in an armed conflict in Chechnya. As a result of a concussion suffered periodic loss of consciousness. RF does not trust doctors. Police officers for the year is made up of the Russian Federation about four minutes to recover from a fine of from 100 to 500 rubles without notice. For refusing to pay fines was illegally imprisoned for up to 15 days. On the third day at the IY Lesnoy had a stroke, after which he was forcibly taken to the hospital. During their stay, IY Lesnoy in the hospital by police still draw up protocols on administrative violations allegedly committed by IY Lesnoy.

For services rendered by the Russian Federation was obliged to provide the family of Igor and his mother IY Lesnoy apartment. The Russian Federation has refused to fulfill its obligations to the IY Lesnoy.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR notifies that the data message is sent to notify the public about the facts of mass repression against citizens of the USSR.

In defense of MM Djurabaeva complaint was sent for review by the court of the UN.

Three years have passed and no response. Jurabaev still imprisoned.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR shall notify the international community that the Resolution №8 from November 1, 2014:

- Bezler Igor;

- Swamp Valery;

- Gubarev Paul Y.;

- Friends of Igor M.;

- Juric Sergey;

- Think Alexei Borisovich;

- Miroslav V. Rudenko;

- Gunmen Igor;

and the militia with the call:

- "Batman";

- "Givi";

- "Cossack";

- "Minor";

- "Prapor"

represented by the Supreme Soviet Presidium for awarding the Order of Suvorov of the first degree and the title of Hero of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Heroes:

- Denis S. Goncharov

- Igor Borisovich Ivanov

- Kolyuchenko Alexey V.

- Kravtsov Yaroslav I.

- Pavlov Arseny S.

- Sergey Petrovsky

- To lie Mikhail Sergeyevich

- To lie Sergey

- Sviridov Yuri N.

- Vasily A. Kharchenko

- Alexander Scriabin (posthumously)

represented by the Supreme Soviet Presidium for awarding the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" and the title of Hero of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR

T.V. Barysheva

Annex A copy of the response of the ICC

To avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings offer to read in Russian.

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