Russia revives use of Heraldry

In a move to restore some of the emblems and trappings of pre-revolutionury times Slate Heraldry Service, abolished in 1917 has been recently revived in Russia by a special decree on the reconstitution of the service, signed by the President.

Georgy Velinkhabov, deputy director of the St. Petersburg Hermitage museum was appointed an official state herald to run it. The main function of the new service would be to create new or restore old emblems and symbols tor official use - flags medals, uniforms and badges. Many of the old familiar symbols will soon be replaced by traditional Russian symbols from pre-revolutionary times, chosen by the heraldry service But some Soviet symbols will remain.

"We don't want to discard the past achievements in heraldry. Velinkhabov said in an interview.

The first Russian State Heraldry Department was set up by Peter the Great in (722 By 1917 it had created 5,000 coats of arms.

The new service will oversee the creation of official emblems lor all civil and military institutions.

That was probably one of the reasons why Britain's Queen and the Duke of Edin­burgh in June 2003 invited V Putin, the president of Russia to London He was the first Russian head of state in 80 years (after Nicolas II) who was personally invited by the British Crown.

heraldry -геральдика, гербоведениe

Упражнение VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык (абсолютный причастный оборот)

1. No survivors beingleft, the exact cause which led to the accident will probably never be known.

2. The conference (being) over, the delegates made a tour of the city

3. In London there are a lot of museums, the largest being the British Museum.

4 Newspapers being a big business, the views of newspapers owners are the
views of Big Business.

5. The delegates were equally divided between whites and blacks, a third of them
being youth.

6 In 1689 Peter I ascended the throne, and in 1703 he created St. Petersburg, the
new capital, he himself talking the title of Emperor.

7 He thought at first that she hadn't heard the question. She set so very still, with
her eyes cast down.

Упражнение VIII. Переведите текст с листа

A number of historic buildings were knocked down in 1929 to make room for theMilitary School. These were the Convent of Ascension (Vosnesensky Monastery) foundedin 1393 by Grand Duchess Yevdokiya,widow ofDmitry Donskoy. Many daughters of the royal family were forced to take vows here, as for centuries there were no foreign Orthodox rulers whom they could wed, and none of them could marry a man of other faith. The widows of the Moscow dukes among them Yevdokiya herself, withdrew to the Ascension Convent. There were buried Yevdo-kya, Sotya Paleoloque (wife of Ivan III ), Yelena Glinslaya (mother of Ivan the Terri-ble) and Natalya Narishkina (mother of Peter the Great), their remains were trans ferred to the Archangel Cathedral after 1929. And next to the Saviour gate stood the striking Gothic Church of St. Catherine built to the designs of Carlo Rossi in 1809 -17.

Further on stood the Monastery of the Miracles, founded in 1358 on what was said to have been land occupied by the embassy of the Golden Horde.

Tsar Vastly Shuyski was forced to enter the monastery after he had been deposed, and two years later Patriarch Hermogenes starved to death here while in Polish captivity An other famous Patriarch — Nikon - was deposed by a church council which met here in 1667 Two Russian Emperors- Peter and Alexander II were baptized in the Monas-tery of the Miracles.

The final building destroyed in 1929 to make room for the Military School was the Small Nicholas Palace, a fine classical structure built by Kazakov.


Независимый причастный оборот

All the delegates objecting, the resolution was changed.

All the delegates objecting - независимый причастный оборот, в котором имеется свое подлежащее (all the delegates), а причастие выполняет роль сказуемого (свое сказуемое). По значению этот оборот соответствует придаточному или самостоя­тельному предложению

All the delegates objecting, the resolution was changed "Так как все делегаты возражали, резолюция была изменена".

The treaty between the two countries was done in two languages, both text being equally valid. "Договор между двумя странами составлен на двух языках. Оба текста имеют одинаковую силу".

На письме независимый причастный оборот выделяется запятой Значение независимого причастного оборота в каждом конкретном случае определяется контекстом.

Урок 15

(Оружейная палата)


Armoury (Palace) Оружейная палата (Кремля)

arms and armour оружие и доспехи

Diamond Fund Алмазный фонд

to decorate with украшать чем-л.

лун. to adorn with

to adorn oneself with украситься
(The square adorned itself with.)

syn. to trim with (flowers, fur: sa- отделывать чем-л. (цветами мехом: собо-

blе, mink etc.) лем, норкой и т.д.)

lavishly decorated украшенный щедро

elaborately decorated украшенный искусно (тонкая работа)

richly decorated украшенный богато

to embroider украшать вышивкой

to inlay (inlaid) with (filigree, инкрустировать (филигранью, слоновой ко-

ivory, gold) стью, золотом)

jeweller ювелир

jewellery, jewelry ювелирные изделия

nugget л. самородок (золота)

precious stones (diamonds, erne- драгоценные камни

raids. rubies, sapphi (алмазы, изумруды, рубины, сапфиры)

Gem драгоценный камень

Rare gem редкостный камень

monarchy п. монархия

monarch п. монарх

silverware п. столовое серебро

silver dish серебряное блюдо

dishes n., pl. посуда

syn. vessels п., pl.

drinking vessels посуда для питья

wine glass рюмка

tankard высокая пивная кружка

goblet бокал

chalice кубок

scoop ковш

loving cup круговая чаша

crystal jug хрустальный кувшин

Crown, Sceptre and Orb корона, скипетр и держава (символы вла­
сти, регалии монарха)

to date back to the 12C относиться еще к 12 веку

date from the mid-18C начиная с середины 18 века

to the present до настоящего времени

abundance n. изобилие

workshop п. мастерская

necklace п. ожерелье

marble п. а мрамор, мраморный

Faberge Easter eggs пасхальные яйца Фаберже


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абзаца вслух. Затем переведите эти абзацы под диктовку

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