Combine the following pairs of sentences into one using a participle

1. The first antibiotic was penicillin. It was discovered accidentally from a mold culture.

2. Most antibiotics have 2 names. One on them includes the trade or brand name of the company that manufactures the drug.

3. Another name of antibiotic is its generic name. The name is based on the antibiotic's chemical structure or chemical class.

4. A person may have allergies that eliminate a class of antibiotic from consideration, such as a penicillin allergy. It must prevent your doctor from prescribing amoxicillin.

5. One of the most important concerns is antibiotic overuse. This includes the common practice of prescribing antibiotics for the common cold or flu

2. Underline the correct participle

A New Approach for the Discovery of Antibiotics by Targeting Non-Multiplying Bacteria: A Novel Topical Antibiotic for Staphylococcal Infections

Abstract by Medical Author: Everett Stephens, MD

In a clinical infection, 1. _________ multiplying/multiplied and 2. ______________ non-multiplied/non-multiplying bacteria co-exist. Antibiotics kill 3. _____________________ multiplied/multiplying bacteria, but they are very inefficient at killing non-multipliers which leads to slow or partial death of the total target population of microbes in an 4. _________ infecting/infected tissue. This prolongs the duration of therapy with 5. ______________ increased/increasing emergence of resistance, and so contributes to the short life span of antibiotics after they reach the market. Targeting non-multiplying bacteria from the onset of an antibiotic development program is a new concept. This paper describes the proof of principle for this concept, 6. _________ resulting/ resulted in the development of the first antibiotic using this approach. The antibiotic, 7. _________ calling/called HT61, is a small 8. _______________quinolone- derived/deriving compound with a molecular mass of about 400 Daltons, and is active against 9. _________ non-multiplied/non-multiplying bacteria, including methicillin sensitive and resistant, as well as Panton-Valentine leukocidin- 10. _____________ carrying /carried Staphylococcus aureus. It also kills mupirocin resistant MRSA. The mechanism of action of the drug is depolarization of the cell membrane and destruction of the cell wall. The speed of kill is within two hours. In comparison to the conventional antibiotics, HT61 kills 11. __________ non-multiplied/non-multiplying cells more effectively, 6 logs versus less than one log for major 12. __________ marketing/marketed antibiotics. HT61 kills methicillin sensitive and resistant S. aureus in the murine skin bacterial colonization and infection models. No resistant phenotype was produced during 50 serial cultures over a one year period. The antibiotic caused no adverse affects after application to the skin of minipigs.

3. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) host defense mechanisms a)
2) metabolic activity b)
3) the minimum inhibitory concentration c)
4) drug efficacy d)
5) essential bacterial enzymes e)
6) to be brought into clinical use f)
7) to survive high doses of antibacterials g)
8) horizontal gene transfer. h)
9) bacterial strains i)
10) horizontal genetic exchange j)
11) cross-resistance k)
12) antibacterial-resistant strains and species l)
13) the full course of treatment m)
14) to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use n)

4. Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) антимикробные свойства a)
2) народные методы лечения b)
3) плесенный грибок c)
4) бацилла, передающаяся воздушным путем d)
5) фармакокинетические и фармакодинамические свойства e)
6) устранить бактериальную инфекцию f)
7) клинический результат g)
8) нацеливаться h)
9) грамотрицательные и грамположительные бактерии i)
10) антибиотики широкого спектра действия j)
11) существенный, важный k)
12) при определенных условиях l)
13) помочь выжить m)
14) вирусные инфекции n)

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