Краткие правила перевода фразеологических единиц

1. Оптимальное переводческое решение при переводе фразеологизмов - это поиск идентичной фразеологической единицы в переводящем языке. Следует принимать во внимание, что число таких непосредственных соответствий между русским и английским языками весьма ограничено.

2. При отсутствии непосредственных соответствий исходный фразеологизм можно перевести путем поиска аналогичной фразеологической единицы, имеющей общее с исходным значение, но построенной на иной словесно-образной основе. При этом следует помнить о том, что нередко сходные по значению, но разные по форме фразеологизмы в разных языках имеют различную эмоционально-ассоциативную окраску и не всегда взаимозаменяемы.

3. Менее эффективным, но иногда допустимым приемом при переводе фразеологизмов является калькирование, пословный перевод. Иногда таким образом удается внедрить в переводящий язык и даже культуру новое фразеологическое выражение. Такой путь чаще всего применяется по отношению к общим третьим источникам, например, так нередко переводятся фразеологические единицы, ведущие происхождение из античной культуры, религиозно-библейских или иных широко известных источников.

4. В отдельных случаях, особенно в связи с текстами культурно-исторической тематики, применяется двойной, или параллельный перевод фразеологизмов, когда в одной фразе сочетается фразеологическая единица (например, переведенная посредством калькирования) и объяснение ее переносного значения в возможно более кратком виде.

5. В случае отсутствия идентичной или аналогичной фразеологической единицы в переводящем языке, а также при условии невозможности пословного перевода, применяется перевод-объяснение переносного значения фразеологизма, то есть посредством трансформации устойчивого словосочетания в свободное. При таком переводе фразеологизм теряет свои образно-ассоциативные свойства. Практически единственным способом сообщить получателю переводного текста о наличии в исходном тексте фразеологизма является переводческий комментарий.

6. В любом случае при работе с фразеологизмами в исходном тексте переводчик, помимо собственной памяти, может полагаться на целый ряд толковых фразеологических словарей, а также и, прежде всего, на два наиболее полных двуязычных словаря, изданных в России.

 Переведите следующие фразеологизмы, используя фразеологические эквиваленты и аналоги. Запишите эквиваленты и аналоги в разные колонки:

ü to cry from the house-tops

ü to let the cat out of a bag

ü to assume an air of injured innocence

ü to collapse like a house of cards

ü to dance to somebody’s pipe

ü to stir up a nest of hornets

ü to add fuel to the fire

ü like a bolt out of the blue

ü to call a spade a spade

ü to give somebody the cold shoulder

ü to kill two birds with one stone

ü to go from on extreme to the other

ü a skeleton in a cupboard

ü to cut the Gordian knot

ü to dance attendance on somebody

ü to pull somebody’s chestnuts out of the fire

ü head and shoulders

ü first catch your hare

ü with one’s tail between one’s legs

ü to paint the devil blacker than he is

ü a fly in the ointment

ü as like as two peas

ü nothing new under the sun

ü Caesar’s wife is above suspicion

ü he has a finger in the pie

ü a cheerful beginning and a sad ending

ü a ready tongue

ü a hard nut to crack

ü a little bird told me

ü as good luck as had the cow that struck herself with her own horn

ü calm before the storm

ü to twiddle one’s thumbs

ü to throw sand in the wheels

ü to play first fiddle

ü to be afraid of one’s own shadow

ü to fight with the windmills

ü to put all one’s eggs in one basket

ü to make the best of a bad bargain

ü to fish in troubled waters

ü to dance on a volcano

ü to make a mountain out of a molehill

ü to cast pearls before swine

ü the sword of Damocles

ü to upset somebody’s apple-cart

ü to return like for like

ü a storm in a tea-cup

ü high blood

ü bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh

ü to be in one’s shoes

ü the bed of Procrustes

ü Hobson’s choice

ü a voice in the wilderness

Переведите следующие фразеологизмы. В случае отсутствия фразеологического аналога используйте способ дословного перевода:

1. Love is neither bought nor sold.

2. Between two stools one goes to the ground.

3. To bite the hand that feeds you.

4. It is never too late to mend.

5. Better an open enemy than a false friend.

6. Whom the gods love die young.

7. Least said soonest mended.

8. A stitch in time saves nine.

9. Tell it to the marines!

10. Repentance is good, but innocence is better.

11. Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

12. It never rains but it pours.

ƒ Сравните английские и русские фразеологизмы, подберите среди них парные и определите сходство и различие в свойствах и функциях.

ü Beat about the bush

ü great oaks grow from little acorns

ü Madam, I'm Adam

ü wear sackcloth and ashes

ü beat someone fair and square

ü early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

ü be a big fish in a little pond

ü between the devil and the deep blue sea

ü breathe fire and brimstone

ü dog eat dog

ü in for a penny, in for a pound

ü trust the God and keep your powder dry

ü bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

ü land of milk and honey.

ü Первый парень на деревне

ü посыпать голову пеплом

ü вокруг да около

ü здравствуйте, я ваша тетя!

ü разбить наголову

ü кто рано встает, тому Бог дает

ü хрен редьки не слаще

ü из ушей дым идет, из ноздрей пламя пышет

ü где наша не пропадала

ü человек человеку волк

ü на Бога надейся, а сам не плошай

ü молочные реки, кисельные берега

ü мал золотник да дорог

ü мягко стелет, да жестко спать.

Дополните следующие словосочетания:

→ as mad as …

→ as red as …

→ as green as …

→ as black as …

→ as white as …

→ as thin as …

→ as quick as …

→ as pleased as …

→ as cool as …

→ as sober as …

→ as tall as …

→ as poor as …

→ as rich as …

→ as old as …

→ as drunk as …

→ as like as …

→ as ugly as …

→ as easy as …

→ as happy as …

Определите значение и источники происхождения фразеологических единиц. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подбирая соответствия выделенным фразеологизмам:

1. The most depressing rumours are about here as to the next production - Julius Caesar or some such obsolete rubbish... Will nothing persuade him that Queen Anne is dead!

2. I could not let him talk to me like some Dutch uncle.

3. He replied that The Star-Spangled Banner was the greatest piece of music ever composed.

4. They couldn't touch him because he was Tarzan, Cain and the Flying Dutchman.

5. Aunt Ursula knew Oswald well enough to be a little suspicious of his Greek gifts, but could not help being flattered by his attention.

6. This is a Trust Fund. Anything that it supports must be Caesar's wife.

7. In short, gentlemen, I come to you bearing an olive branch.

8. At last he would return, like the prodigal son, gloomy, worn out, and disgusted with himself.

9. They motored up, taking Michael Mont, who, being in his seventh heaven, was found by Winifred 'very amusing'.

10. Apparently he did not even trouble to acknowledge a very gracious epistle from Richard giving him the Hobson 's choice of going to the Egypt expedition as second-in-command or returning to Mysore.

Восстановите полную форму фразеологических единиц в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Ah, Robbie, you asked them for bread, and they have given you a stone.

2. Не had been a rolling stone too long to sit down in one place, breed cattle and wait for them to grow.

3. One look showed Swithin his condition. Drank again. This was the last straw.

4. He seized with avidity upon the subject, which had for him all the charm of forbidden fruit.

5. I wouldn't be surprised if he understood Hedda better than anybody does. I think they're birds of a feather.

6. Politicians look on the cliche as a friend in need.

7. Come on, you know where's the proof of the pudding!

8. My uncle was a rich man – in other words, he paid the piper!

9. His father was a happy-go-lucky man, you might call him Jack of all trades.

10. Pledger suddenly felt sorry for Uncle Gennison. He got to his feet, and as he turned away, said, “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes ”.

Переведите следующие предложения с устойчивыми фразеологическими словосочетаниями:

1. I saw the sword of Damocles suspended over humanity, the blade being steadily lowered, threatening anew millions of people.

2. Such a protest made in the Embassy would be nothing more than a voice crying in the wilderness.

3. Williams, who had witnessed what had happened to Willis, saw the handwriting on the wall and surrendered.

4. The English middle class knows how to keep its family skeletons well concealed, and it was some time before I came to suspect that all was not as it appeared to be in our little world.

5. No use to be digging up old grudges, McAdams. My hands were tied then.

6. One of the reasons why he and other Tories are furious with Powell is that his speeches let too many cats out of too many bags.

7. “I wouldn’t do that,” said Mrs. MacAndrew. “I’d give him all the rope he wants. He’ll come back with his tail between his legs and settle down again quite comfortably.”

8. Jones was very eloquent to persuade his master, telling him that Rome was not built in a day.

9. Man does not live by bread alone, but by faith, by admiration, by sympathy.

10. You can't stay an Uncle Tom when your people are fighting for their rights.

11. But I refuse to condemn others for the mote in their eye when there is a beam in my own.

ˆ Переведите следующие предложения:

1. British bourgeois periodicals prefer to give a wide berth to the delicate question of American military bases in Britain.

2. Numerous examples of violence against workers give the lie to the assertions of the reactionary American union bosses that there is no class war in the United States.

3. The British economy is not out of the wood yet.

4. The manager was passing the time of the day with one of his secretaries.

5. Trying to make him change his mind is just beating your head against the wall.

6. If he has spoken publicly about the truth he would have gotten the axe one way or another.

7. She gave her father a hug, and got into a cab with him, having as many fish to fry with him as he with her.

8. Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.

9. "Oh! tell us about her, Auntie," cried Imogen; "I can just remember her. She's the skeleton in the family cupboard, isn't she? And they are such fun."

10. But to worship the molten calf for eighteen shillings a week? Oh, pitiful, pitiful!

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