XIX. Non-finite verbs (verbids). Infinitive and gerund

Verbids are the forms of the verb intermediary in many lexico-grammatical features between the verb and substantive parts of speech (nouns and adjectives). The mixed features of these forms are revealed in the meaning, combinability and syntactic functions. The processual meaning is exposed by them in a substantive or adjectival-adverbial interpretation. They are formed by morphemes that do not express the most specific finite verb categories of tense and mood, number and person. In the sentence they perform as substantives or properties, combining with notional and link-verbs. But they perform verbal, processual functions within their own combinations, or constructions, combining with nouns, pronouns, adverbs. – You choose getting well with the choice of acting right and handling problems as they appear. -

What is the reason for considering verbids to be forms within the category of verb, and not separate parts of speech is that their fundamental grammatical meaning is processual. Every verb stem takes both finite and non-finite forms, and the infinitive is the base form of all other forms. The division of functions between the finite and non-finite forms (predication) shows that the opposition between them creates a grammatical category of finitude.

The four verbids: the infinitive, the gerund, the present participle and the past participle are different in form, meaning and function.

The infinitive is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the noun, serving as the verbal name of the process. By virtue of its general process – naming function, the infinitive should be considered as the head-form of the whole paradigm of the verb (like the nominative case in a Russian noun). It represents the derivation base for all the forms of verbs, with very few exceptions.

The infinitive is used in three fundamentally different types of functions: 1. As a notional, self-positional syntactic part of the sentence – I’d like to go on holiday. (object)- free form

2. as the notional constituent of a complex verbal predicate – Can speak, must know, it may rain – half-free form

3. as the notional constituent of a finite conjugation form of the verb – do you know/does he know, will/would do.- bound form

The combinability of the infinitive reflects its dual semantic nature: the verb-type combinability is displayed in its combining with nouns expressing the object of the action, the subject – I want the friends to help me. – modifying adverbs, predicator verbs of semi-functional nature – seemed to know, began to do regularly -, with auxiliary finite verbs (word-morphemes) in the analytical forms of the verb.

The noun-type combinability is displayed in its combining with finite notional verbs - want to do -, to visit him was unwise – as the object or the subject of the action. (You have studied the functions of the infinitive in various constructions in your book of practical grammar by Yastrebova, p. 79-114. 9 patterns, for-phrases, Complex Object and Complex Subject. You must be able to give examples of those constructions at the exam).

The functions of the infinitive in the sentence are: subject (Complex Subject – The students expected the professor to come. -), object, (including introduced by the preposition-particle for – It is incredible for that shy-looking young man to speak so boldly -; Complex object – We have heard him play the violin. -) predicative, attribute – There is a plot to overthrow the government. –

Adverbial modifier of purpose – He worked hard not to lag behind the group.-

Adverbial modifier of result - he was too worried to listen. –

The infinitive exists in two forms – in free use – with the prepositional marker –to-, called “marked infinitive”; the bound use does not have the marker –to-, called the “bare infinitive” or “unmarked infinitive”. It is a word-morpheme, its function is to build and identify the infinitive. It can be used in isolated position to represent the whole construction: - You are welcome to have a cup of tea if you want to. – Like other analytical markers, it can be separated from its notional, infinitive part by a word or a phrase, usually of adverbial nature, forming the “split infinitive”: - My task is to thoroughly investigate the case. – The marked form of the infinitive is the analytical form, the use of the form depends on the environment and is described in practical grammar books.

The infinitive distinguishes three grammatical categories: two aspective categories – of development (continuous) and retrospective coordination (perfect) and the category of voice. So, the categorial paradigm of the infinitive includes 8 forms:

  simple continuous perfect Perfect-continuous
active To take To be taking To have taken To have been taking
passive To be taken To be being taken (used with stylistic colouring) To have been taken To have been being taken (used with strong stylistic colouring)

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