Text. Crime and Punishment

battery - побои, оскорбление действием bribery - взяточничество confinement - тюремное заключение decency - приличие embezzlement - растрата evasion - уклонение tax evasion - уклонение от уплаты налогов felony - тяжкое преступление forgery - подделка документов harassment - агрессия hijacking - захват (самолёта) justice - правосудие kidnapping - похищение людей misdemeanor - судебно-наказуемый поступок peace - мир shoplifting - кража из магазина steal (stole, stolen) - красть trespass - противоправное нарушение владения treason - государственная измена weapon - оружие imprisonment – заключение под стражу

A crime is a socially dangerous act directed against the social and state system, a person, any type of property, and any other act violating law and order.

Crimes may be classified in various ways. One type of classification is given below.


1. Crimes against a person (murder, assault and battery, kidnapping, rape).

2. Crimes against property (larceny, robbery, hijacking loaded trucks, embezzlement, receiving stolen property).

3. Crimes against the government and the administration of justice (treason, tax evasion, bribery).

4. Crimes against public peace and order (carrying weapons, drunk and disorderly behavior, illegal speeding).

5. Crimes against buildings (burglary, arson, criminal trespass).

6. Crimes against decency (prostitution, sexual harassment).


Преступления против личности Преступления против собственности Преступления против государства и правосудия Преступления против общественного порядка Преступления против зданий Преступления против приличия
убийство, изнасилование, нападение, побои, похищение хищение, грабёж, захват транспортного средства, растрата, скупка краденного. государственная измена, уклонение от уплаты налогов, взяточничество ношение оружия, антиобщественное поведение в состоянии алкогольного опьянения, превышение скорости. кража со взломом, поджёг, противоправное нарушение владения. проституция, сексуальная агрессия


According to their seriousness all crimes can be divided into felonies and misdemeanors.

A felony is a serious crime punishable by death or imprisonment for more than one year. Murder, kidnapping, arson, rape, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, larceny of large sums are examples of felonies.

In the USA each state and federal government classifies felonies into various degrees of harm. Virginia, for example, has six degrees of felony according to the punishment.


Class 1 – death or life imprisonment

Class 2 – life imprisonment or sentence of more than 20 years

Class 3 – imprisonment between 5 and 20 years

Class 4 – imprisonment between 2 and 10 years.

Class 5 – imprisonment for 1-10 years or less

Class 6 – imprisonment for 1-5 years or less


A misdemeanor is a crime of a less serous nature. It is usually punishable 1) by confinement in a jail for less than one year, 2) by fine, or 3) by both confinement and fine. Crimes such as drunkenness in public, driving at illegal speed, shoplifting and larceny of small sums are usually misdemeanors.


Соотнесите виды преступлений с их определениями



1. arson 2. assault 3. burglary 4. embezzlement 5. forgery 6. hijacking 7. kidnapping 8. murder 9. rape 10. robbery 11. shoplifting 12. theft a) is taking a person away by force and keeping them in order to demand money for their safe return b) is the serious crime of stealing large amounts of money from a bank, a shop or a vehicle, often using force or threats of violence c) is the crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters, official documents, etc. in order to deceive people d) is killing a person e) is forcing someone to have sex with you f) is the crime of setting fire to a building g) is taking control of a plane, train, etc. by force, usually in order to make political demands h) is deliberately taking goods from a shop without paying for them i) is stealing money that is placed in your care, often over a period of time j) is the crime of physically attacking someone k) is the crime of breaking into a house, a flat, etc. in order to steal things l) is the crime of stealing    

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