Английские времена, соответствующие русскому прошедшему времени




Образование форм английского глагола

 По способу образования форм английские глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Первые (их большинство) образуют формы Past Indefinite и Past Participle с помощью окончания “-ed”, которое читается [d]  после гласных и звонких согласных, [t] после глухих согласных и [id] после букв "t" или "d ":


[t] guess – guessed look – looked announce - announced [d] play -played arrive-arrived jog -jogged [id] wait -waited sound - sounded repeat -repeated



Неправильные глаголы никакому правилу образованияформ не подчиняются.

петь sing sang sung
пить drink drank drunk
звонить ring rang rung
плавать swim swam swum
начинать begin began begun
приходить come came come
становиться become became become
сказать tell told told
продавать sell sold sold
значить mean meant meant
держать keep kept kept
лежать lie lay lain
спать sleep slept slept
встречать meet met met
получать get got got
сидеть sit sat sat
посылать send sent sent
тратить spend spent spent
делать make made made
терять lose lost lost
строить build built built
думать think thought thought
учить teach taught taught
покупать buy bought bought
приносить bring brought brought
бороться fight fought fought
читать read read read
класть put put put
резать cut cut cut
закрывать shut shut shut
позволять let let let
быть be was/ were been
идти go went gone
делать do did done
видеть see saw seen
иметь have had had
находить find found found
слышать hear heard heard
понимать understand understood understood
сказать say said said
стоять stand stood stood
есть eat ate eaten
писать write wrote written
брать take took taken
давать give gave given
говорить speak spoke spoken
забывать forget forgot forgotten
ломать break broke broken
знать know knew known
расти grow grew grown
падать fall fell fallen
водить drive drove driven
платить pay paid paid


Английские времена, соответствующие русскому прошедшему времени

Present (Настоящее)

Indefinite   Простое





Perfect Continuous



Констатация факта  

Процесс в момент речи


Завершенность к настоящемумоменту

Процесс уже в течение некоторого периода временидо настоящего момента



Он уже написал это письмо.

He has already written this letter.



V V-s am is are V-ing




have has- been V-ing



I, you, we, they

he, she, it






Have Has













Past (Прошедшее)







Perfect Continuous







в определённый

момент в прош-




к моменту в прошлом

Процесс уже в течение некоторого периода времени и до определенного момента в прош-


Он (на)писал это письмо вчера.

Он писал письмо вчера, когда я пришел.

Он написал письмо до того, как я пришел.


Он писал вчера уже 2 часа, когда я вошел

He wrote this letter yesterday.

He was writing this letter when I came.

He had written the letter before I came.

He had been writing for 2 hours when I came.

V-ed, V2




had V3

had been V-ing

I, he

she, it




V-ed, V2

I, he

she, it



I, he

she, it




had V3

I, he

she, it




had been





Did # V?




Ving? Had








V #



V-ing #


V3 #





Русскому прошедшему времени соответствуют пять времен в английском языке: Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Past Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous.

Три из них соответствуют совершенному виду прошедшего времени в русском языке. Это Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

Past Indefinite употребляется:

1)для обозначения действия, происшедшего в прошлом. Время, когда оно произошло, может быть обозначено словами: yesterday, a week ago, last year, on Monday, in September, in 1997, и т.д.:

  It was just after the revolution, in 1918, to be exact.

Это было сразу после революции,в 1918 году, чтобы быть точным.

2)последовательность действий в прошлом:

I just crossed the bridge and walked here from the river.

Я просто пересек мост и пришел сюда от реки.

Past Indefinite может переводиться на русский язык как совершенным, так и несовершенным видом глагола.

Present Perfect употребляется:

1) для обозначениязавершенного действия, связанного с настоящим моментом.Действие считается связанным с настоящим моментом, если не упоминается,когда именно оно совершилось, важно только, что на настоящий момент оно завершено.

What have you done?

Что Вы натворили?

My daughter-in-law has had her first baby today.

Моя невестка родила сегодня первенца.

I’ ve heard something about it.

Я что-то об этом слышала.

Present Perfect часто употребляется со словами ever, never, just, already, (not) yet. Чаще всего эти наречия встречаются между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами, но already и (not) yet могут быть и в конце предложения.

I think I’ ve already read something about it.

По-моему, я уже что-то об этом читал.

They haven’t finished it yet.

Они его (курс) еще не закончили.

2) в ситуациях, характерных для Present Perfect Continuous

  a) с глаголами, которые не употребляются в Continuous:

I have known him all my life.

Я знаю его всю жизнь.

  b) в отрицательных предложениях (Present Perfect Continuous также возможно):

I haven’t thought about it for days.

Я уже много дней об этом не думаю.

c) с такими глаголами, как live, work, study, teach, travel, и т.д.:

I have lived in Rostov since 1966.

Я живу в Ростове с 1966 года.

Past Perfect употребляется для обозначения действия, завершившегося до определенного момента в прошлом, или раньше другого действия в прошлом.

I need to know how far you had gone by that time.

Мне нужно знать, сколько вы проехали к тому времени.

O: That's probably where you left your bus. Am I right?

P: We had left it earlier, at the pioneers’ palace.

O: Наверное, именно там вы оставили автобус. Я прав?

P: Нет, мы оставили его раньше, у Дворца пионеров.


Момент времени обычно обозначается фразой с предлогом by (by that time), или придаточным предложением с союзами when или before. Он может быть обозначен и раньше, не обязательно в том же предложении, где употребляется Past Perfect, а может и подразумеваться из контекста.

  Вся наша жизнь - это последовательность действий, из которых одни происходят раньше других, но если не хотят подчеркнуть завершенность одного действия прежде другого, употребляют не Past Perfect, а Past Indefinite.

When I left the park, I turned left at the gate.

Выйдя из парка, я свернул налево у ворот.


Три английских времени соответствуют несовершенному виду прошедшего времени в русском языке. Это Past Indefinite, Past Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous.

Past Continuous употребляется:

1. для обозначения действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент обозначен либо обстоятельством времени, либо другим действием в прошлом, которое выражено глаголом в Past Indefnite:

I was not looking around me.

Я не смотрел вокруг.

I was thinking about architecture and architects of the past, present and future when we passed a brick mansion.

Я думал об архитектуре и об архитекторах прошлого, настоящего и будущего, когда мы проезжали кирпичный особняк.

2. Past Continuous ( или Past Indefinite) употребляется также с такими выражениями, как the whole day, all day long.

They were working in the garden all day long.

Вчера весь день они работали в саду.

We were looking for him the whole day yesterday.

Мы его искали вчера целый день.

3. Past Continuous употребляется также для обозначения действия, которое представляется как непрерывный процесс в прошлом (с наречиями always, constantly, ever), но на самом деле таковым не являлось. Это эмоциональное употребление Past Continuous, чаще всего оно выражает раздражение.

She was constantly speaking about her sons.

Она постоянно говорила о своих сыновьях.


Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для обозначения действия, которое началось до определённого момента в прошлом, продолжалось вплоть до этого момента и еще происходило в этот момент или к этому моменту закончилось:

They had been restoring the mansion for two years.

Особняк восстанавливали два года.

We left Moscow only yesterday. I had been staying at the National for a month.

Только вчера мы уехали из Москвы. Я прожил в гостинице «Националь» месяц.

When we went on our first sightseeing tour of Moscow we had been staying at the National for two days.

Когда мы впервые поехали осматривать достопримечательности Москвы, мы уже прожили в гостинице «Националь» два дня.


The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)

В английском языке очень часто встречаютсяпредложения,в которых действующее лицо отсутствует, не упоминается. Глагол в таких предложениях обозначает действие, направленноена подлежащее предложения.В этих случаях грамматическое подлежащее означает не действующее лицо (или предмет), а лицо (или предмет), на которое направлено действие,например: работа сделана,он приглашен, т.е. подлежащее пассивно, а не активно. Сказуемое в таком предложении имеет форму страдательного залога – the Passive Voice.


Passive Voice

Tense Indefinite (Simple)  Простое Continuous  Длительное Perfect  Завершенное Perfect Continuous Завершенно-  длительное
Present am built is built are built am being built is being built are being built have been built has been built

Вместо отсутствующих форм Perfect Continuous употребляются формы Perfect


Past  was built were built  was being built were being built  had been built
  be V3 be being V3 have been V3  

The Passive Voice образуется с помощьювспомогательного глагола be (в соответствующем времени, лице и числе) и Participle II (V3) смысловогоглагола.

be V3

Some of them were built in the last century, while others were completed in the 50s.

Некоторые из них были построены в прошлом веке, в то время как другие были завершены в пятидесятые годы.

Our guide said the building had been restored.

Наш гид сказала, что это здание было реставрировано.

The latter are distinguished by their simplicity.

Эти последние отличаются простотой.

The head of the government worked there when Moscow was proclaimed the capital and all the offices were transferred here.

Глава правительства работал здесь, когда Москва была провозглашена столицей, и все учреждения были переведены сюда.

Mother will be pleased to hear from me.

Маме будет приятно получить от меня весточку.

Are you tired?

Вы утомлены?

Is your daughter married?

Ваша дочь замужем?



Exercise 1. Translate into English:

a). Мы сели в автобус до Брайтона в центре города. Наш гид была очень внимательна, она уделяла внимание всем членам нашей группы. Она была настоящим профессионалом. Дважды она давала нам хорошие советы, и, наверно, рассказала нам всё о древних церквях и исторических зданиях. Мы посетили красивый дворец, когда осматривали достопримечательности города, и купили много сувениров. Мы не могли увидеть знаменитый кирпичный мост из-за недостатка времени, но вместо этого мы пошли на прогулку в центральный парк. Там были толпы людей. Напротив парка был маленький особняк, который оказался посольством. Рядом с парком был стадион, где мы увидели множество спортсменов. Некоторые из них были чемпионами региона. Потом мы пообедали в хорошем кафе около библиотеки. Это было современное кафе, с удобными стульями и белыми столами. К тому времени мы все хотели есть и пить, так что это была хорошая идея – съесть что-нибудь.

b). Я написал письмо своему другу из Греции, положил его в конверт и пошел на почту. Почта была расположена недалеко от моего дома, поэтому я свернул за угол, прошел мимо театра и увидел здание, которое мне было нужно. Внезапно я услышал какие-то странные голоса и понял, что люди поют песню. Это была группа немецких туристов, с тяжелыми сумками и чемоданами. Я не музыкант и не певец, но мне не понравились их песни. Мой отец знал немецкий, а я нет. Поэтому я не понял ни слова. Потом туристы пошли на автостанцию, а мне пришлось встретиться с некоторыми журналистами и художниками, которые хотели обсудить новую выставку под названием «Деревня». Мои помощники принесли фотоаппараты и сфотографировали самые интересные произведения искусства. После этой встречи я решил пойти в магазин возле моего офиса и купить пару туфель для моей жены. Я также купил рубашку для себя. Потом я встретил парочку своих друзей и соседа, и мы вместе пошли в театр

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1. When did you come home yesterday? 2. Who was in? 3. What was he/she doing when you came? 4. How long had he/she been doing it before you came? 5. What did you do after you came? 6. What had he/she done before you came?

Time for a song!

My Bonnie

My Bonnie is over the ocean, My Bonnie is over the sea, My Bonnie is over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.  Chorus:  Bring back, bring back,  Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.- (twice) Oh, blow you winds over the ocean, Oh, blow you winds over the sea. Oh, blow you winds over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.  Chorus: Last night as I lay on my pillow, Last night as I lay on my bed. Last night as I lay on my pillow, I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead.  Chorus: The winds have blown over the ocean, The winds have blown over the sea. The winds have blown over the ocean, And brought back my Bonnie to me.  Chorus:  Brought back, brought back, Oh, brought back my Bonnie to me.  





Washington, D.C.

Hi! My name is Michelle. Welcome to Wa­shington, D.C, - my hometown. I am the youngest in my family; I have an older brother and an older sister. My favorite food is hamburgers. I have a boyfriend. His name is John, he loves to play baseball. My hobby is reading. It's one of the best hobbies to have in Washington, D.C., because the Library of Congress is located here. It is the largest national library in the world. It takes 340 miles of shelves to hold all of the books! Washington, D.C., does not belong to a state, you know. It's a city and district - the District of Columbia (D.C.). Don't con­fuse it with the State of Washington, which is located in the northwest of the United States. Washington, D.C., is located on the East Coast. It was chosen by George Washington as the permanent site for our nation's capital on December 1, 1800. Do you know who George Washington is? He was the first person to be elected the President of the United States. George Washington was born in Virginia, just south of Washington, D.C. He grew up on a large farm. He went to school for about eight years. He especially liked to study mathematics. He also liked to study history and geography, because he wanted to know about other parts of the world. George Washington led the Ameri­can army in many battles during the War for American Independence.

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. He was the third President of the United States. This is the Jefferson Memorial built in honor of Thomas Jefferson. Inside is a 19-foot statue of Thomas Jefferson standing on a 6-foot pedestal. The writings of Thomas Jefferson are inscribed on the walls.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

This is the Lincoln Memorial, built in honor of Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln taught himself how to read and write. He became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the blacks in the South from slavery. Inside the memorial is a huge statue of the former president.

New Words

boyfriend ['bOIfrend] – друг, мальчик

to belong [bI'lPN] - принадлежать

to confuse [kqn'fju:z] - путать

northwest ["nO:T'west] – северо-запад, северо-западный

coast [kqVst] - побережье

permanent site ['pE:mqnqnt] [saIt] – постоянное место

especially [I'speS(q)lI] - особенно

battle ['bxtl] - битва

independence ["IndI'pendqns] - независимость

Declaration of Independence ["deklq'reIS(q)n] [qv] ["IndI'pendqns] – декларация независимости

memorial [mI'mO:rIql] - памятник

pedestal ['pedIstl] - пьедестал

to inscribe [In'skraIb] – надписывать, начертать

self-evident ["self'evId(q)nt] - самоочевидный

self-evident truth ["self'evId(q)nt] [tru:T] – истина, не требующая доказательств

to endow [In'daV] – наделять, одарять

to create [krI'eIt] - творить, создавать

Creator [krI'eItq] – создатель

certain inalienable rights ['sE:tn] [In'eIlIqnqb(q)l] [raIt] – определенные неотъемлемые права

pursuit of happiness [pq'sju:t] [qv] ['hxpInIs] –поиски счастья

Emancipation Proclamation [I"mxnsI'peIS(q)n] ["prPklq'meIS(q)n] – декларация об освобождении рабов

to free [fri:] - освобождать

huge [hju:dZ] - огромный

former ['fO:mq] – прежний, бывший


This is the National Air and Space Museum. Here you can see the history of flight, from the first plane flown by the Wright brothers to the Apollo space ship.

This is the Castle, the Smithsonian Information Center. Information about special activities at the Washington museums is provided here.

This majestic building is the Supreme Court. This is where the laws are interpreted by the highest judges in the United States.

The White House is the beautiful home of every President of the United States, except the first president, George Washington. This is the oldest public building in Washington, D.C., and has the most famous address in the United States — 1600 Pennsyl­vania Avenue. The White House consists of 132 rooms. It is open for tours from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Tickets are available at 8:00 a.m. (first come, first served). McPherson Square Metro Station.

The tallest building in Washin­gton, D.C., and the most famous building in the United States, because this is where laws are made, the Capi­tol, is surrounded by a beau­tiful garden with many trees and flowers. You can tour it daily from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Capi­tol South Metro Station.

This monument was built in honor of George Washington. It is 555 feet tall and provides a panoramic view of Washin­gton, D.C., via elevator. It is open daily, 8:00 a.m. to midnight. Last elevator ride is at 11:45 p.m. The Washington Monument is located south of the White House. Smithsonian Metro Station.

The National Mall is the area between the Capitol and the Washington Monument. Bike-ways. footpaths, information kiosks, and refreshment stands are located on the Mall. Nine of the Smithsonian museums and the Smithsonian Informa­tion Center are located here. The museums contain many historical objects and great works of art.


New words

castle ['kQ:s(q)l] - замок

to provide [prq'vaId] - снабжать, обеспечивать

majestic [mq'dZestIk] - величественный

law [lO:] - закон

to interpret [In'tE:prIt] –толковать, объяснять

visitor’s guide ['vIzItq] [gaId] - путеводитель

except [Ik'sept] – кроме, за исключением

to consist of [kqn'sIst] – состоять из

tour [tVq] - экскурсия

to be surrounded [sq'raVnd] - окруженный

panoramic ["pxnq'rxmIk] – панорамный

via elevator ['vaIq] ['elIveItq] – на лифте

bikeway ['baIkweI] –велосипедная дорожка

footpath ['fVtpQ:T] - пешеходная дорожка

refreshment stand [rI'freSmqnt] [stxnd] - буфет

New York City!

Hi! My name is Debbie. I am a New Yorker. That means that I live in New York City. Manhattan is the main is­land of New York City and that's where I live. I love music. We have a lot of theaters in New York City, where musicals are per­formed. This is Broadway. There are more than thirty theaters here! You can see a dif­ferent performance every day! My favorite musical is called "Cats."

Times Square is the center of the theater district. The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright. On New Year's Eve, December 31, crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight. At midnight everyone shouts, "Happy New Year!" to everyone else.

Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see families walking their dogs and young people riding their bikes and roller-skating. Do you like to roller-skate? I do! You can also see baseball and soccer games here. Some people come here just to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music, or go to the zoo.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the most famous art museum in New York. It has great art collections from all over the world. It's located in Central Park.

This is how New York City looks at night. Can you see the Statue of Liberty? It was built in New York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France. About 12 million immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. The first thing they saw after their long trip was the Statue of Liberty, America's symbol of freedom.

This is the Guggenhiem Museum. Can you say Guggenheim ten times? It has one of the world's finest collections of modern and contemporary art. This mu­seum was designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Look at its shape!

This is the Empire State Building. It is the most famous building in the world. It's very tall.


New Words:

musical ['mju:zIk(q)l] – музыкальное представление, мюзикл

performance [pq'fO:mqns] - представление

advertisement, ad [qd'vE:tIsmqnt] - реклама

to walk a dog – прогуливать собаку

to ride a bike [raId], [baIk] – кататься на велосипеде

art [Q:t] – художественный, искусство

Metropolitan Museum of Art["metrq'pPlItn] – музей искусства «Метрополитен»

Statue of Liberty ['stxtSu:], ['lIbqtI] – Статуя Свободы

symbol of freedom ['sImb(q)l], ['fri:dqm] – символ свободы

fine [faIn] – изящный, тонкий

the fine arts – изобразительное искусство

contemporary [kqn'temp(q)rqrI] - современный

statistics [stq'tIstIks] - статистика, статистические данные

how something looks = what something looks like – как это выглядит


1. Where can you go to see a musical in New York?

2. What is there to do in Central Park?

3. What is America's symbol of freedom?

4. Where do New Yorkers go to celeb­rate New Year's Eve?

5. How many floors does the Empire State Building have?


Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is the 5th largest city in the United States. Only New York, Los Ange­les, Chicago and Houston are larger. It is located on the Atlantic Ocean. Boston Harbor has always been an important port. The Charles River runs along the north side of the city and separates Boston from another well known city, Cambridge.

Boston is the capital of Massachu­setts, one of the fifty states and one of the original thirteen states. Massachusetts, along with Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Jew Hampshire and Maine, makes up the region called New England. It has this name because it was originally settled by people from England.

If you like sports, you will love Boston. It is home of the Boston Celtics, a bas­keball team, the Boston Bruins, an ice hockey team, and the Boston Red Sox, a basketball team. The Celtics and the Bruins play in the Boston Garden, which is a large indoor stadium. The Red Sox play at Fenway Park, an outdoor baseball field. Also, the oldest running race in the United States, the Boston Marathon, is held in Boston each April. Boston is also home of one of the best Symphonies in the United States - the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The Symphony usually performs in Symphony Hall on Massachusetts Avenue. They also perform at Tangle wood, a park in Western Massachusetts. The Boston Ballet is also very good and each year presents Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" at Christmas.

Some of the best known universities are located in Boston. The oldest university in the United States, Harvard University, was founded in 1636. It is located in Cambridge, just across the Charles River from Boston. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is also located in Cambridge. There is also Boston University, Boston College and many others. Because there are so many universities and young students, many people call Boston a "College Town".

Boston has many nice parks. The Public Garden is one of my favorites. It has a pond where you can ride on boats in the shape of swans. They're called Swan Boats. It's also home of a famous statue based on the book Make Way for Ducklings. It is a statue of a mother duck leading her baby ducklings safely from the duck pond. A replica of this statue is in the Novodevichy Park in Moscow and was given as a gift by the wife of an American Presi­dent to the children of Russia.

There is also a very nice park along both sides of the Charles River. One park is called the Esplanade. Every day, you can find people running, roller skating, cycling and walking. There is a sailing club where you can take lessons on how to operate a sail boat.

In addition to all of this, Boston is one of America's oldest cities. It was founded in 1630, only 10 years after the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock (which is only 60 miles south of Boston). That's 73 years before St. Petersburg was founded!

Boston was one of the key cities in the years before and during the Revolutionary War. In 1770, the Boston Massacre occurred in which British soldiers shot and killed five American demonstrators on the Boston Common. In 1773, to protest a new set of taxes on tea, a group of Americans dressed up like Indians, climbed aboard a ship full of tea and threw it all overboard into Boston Harbor. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. In 1775, British soldiers marched from Boston to the towns of Lexington and Concord to investigate rumors of guns being stored there. The Americans were ready because a well-known silversmith, named Paul Revere, rode on horseback ahead of the British warning the local militia, known as Minutemen (because they could be ready to defend their town in less than a minute), that "The British were coming".

Today, you can see many historical sites by following the Freedom Trail. The Freedom Trail is marked by a red brick line that runs through the city streets of Boston con­necting 16 historic sites. It starts at the Boston Common and the State House and goes by the Paul Revere house, Faneuil Hall (a great marketplace throughout Boston's history), the USA Constitution (a ship used in the War of 1812 with the British) and Bunker Hill Monument (site of a 1775 Revolutionary War battle).

Paul Revere

Listen, my children, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in seventy-five;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, "If the British march

By land or sea from the town tonight,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch

Of the North Church tower as a signal light,

One, if by land, and two, if by sea;

And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country folk to be up and to arm".

That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,

The fate of a nation a-riding that night.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "The Landlord's Tale:

Paul Revere's Ride". Tales of a Wayside Inn


Boston has been the final home of many immigrants to the United States. In the 18th and early 20th centu­ries, many Italian and Irish immigrants moved to Boston. The North End of Boston is a very interesting Italian neighborhood with many Italian restaurants and stores. South Boston is where many Irish immigrants settled. Every year, South Boston hosts the St. Patrick's Day pa­rade. Today, many other nationalities from such places as Asia, South America and Eastern Europe are also rep­resented in Boston.

New words:

separate ['sepqreIt] – отделять

original [q'rIdZIn(q)l] – первоначальный

to make up [meIk] [Ap] – составлять, комплектовать

indoor ['IndO:] – находящийся внутри помещения

outdoor ["aVt'dO:] – находящийся вне помещения (открытый) на открытом воздухе

running race ['rAnIN] [reIs] –состязания, соревнования в беге

symphony ['sImfqnI] – симфония

Symphony Orchestra ['sImfqnI] ['O:kIstrq] - симфонический оркестр

« Nutcracker» ['nAt"krxkq] - «Щелкунчик»

duckling ['dAklIN] -утенок

rumor ['ru:mq] –слух, молва

gun [gAn] – орудие, ружье

to store [stO:] – запасать, хранить

silversmith ['sIlvqsmIT] – серебряных дел мастер

to warn [wO:n] – предупреждать

militia[mI'lISq] – народное ополчение

replica['replIkq] - точная копия

key [ki:] – основной, ведущий, главный

massacre ['mxsqkq] -резня, бойня

to shoot (shot) [Su:t] – стрелять, расстрелять

set [set] – установка, система, набор

tax [txks] - налог

hardly ['hQ:dlI] – едва, с трудом

aloft [q'lPft] - наверху

belfry ['belfrI] –колокольня, башня

arch[Q:tS] – свод, арка

shore [SO:] -берег

alarm [q'lQ:m] - сигнал

gloom [glu:m] – темнота, тьма

fate [feIt] – рок, судьба



1. Where is Boston located?

2. When was it founded?

3. How many states make up the region called New England?

4. If you went to Boston, would you go to a basketball game, baseball game or hockey game?

5. What would you do and see if you could visit Boston?

6. What were your thoughts when you read about Boston?


Atlanta, Georgia!

Hello, my name is Christy. Welcome to Atlanta, Geor­gia, my hometown and one of the most beautiful cities in the United States of America. Atlanta is the capital of Georgia. If you are planning a trip to Atlanta, look at the map and you will find it in the north central part of Geor­gia. Georgia is famous for its magnolia trees and beautiful flowers. Georgia’s motto is “Wisdom, justice, moderation.” Its state bird is a brown thrasher and its state flower is a Cherokee rose. Its territory is 58,056 square miles.

I am 15 years old. My favorite subject is science. My favorite museum is SciTrek, which is right here in Atlanta. You can touch everything in the museum! This year SciTrek will be offering a summer day camp. I will be at­tending the camp. I 'II learn about bats, rockets, new in­ventions, and more! It's so much fun at SciTrek. I can't believe I'm learning!

I am very interested in traveling and learning about different cultures. Like many big cities, Atlanta is multicultural. People from all over the world now call At­lanta home.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is my hero. Atlanta was his hometown too. He was brave. He wanted people of all races to march together for peace and love. He was a minister and his church is here in Atlanta. Dr. King once said:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character ..."

Atlanta is the hometown of some famous companies, such as Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines, and CNN. Pharmacist John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886 and now it is the world's best-known soft drink. Did you know that it was a medicine? CNN reports the news all over the world. And you know a lot about Delta Air Lines.

Sports are very popular in Atlanta. Atlanta has a base­ball and a basketball team.

You can learn about the history of Atlanta at the At­lanta History Center and Museum. They have exhibits on "Gone with the Wind," railroads, the American Civil War, and black history in Atlanta. Here are some "Gone with the Wind" souvenirs you can find in the museum. Have you read the book "Gone with the Wind?" The author of the book, Margaret Mitchell, was from Atlanta.


New Words:

company ['kAmpqnI] - компания, общество

best-known [best] [nqVn] – хорошо известный

pharmacist ['fQ:mqsIst] - фармацевт

medicine ['meds(q)n] - лекарство

news [nju:z] – новости, известия

exhibit [Ig'zIbIt] - экспонат

motto ['mPtqV] -девиз

wisdom ['wIzdqm] - мудрость

justice ['dZAstIs] - справедливость

moderation ["mPdq'reIS(q)n] - умеренность

land [lxnd] - земля

rank [rxNk] – ряд, разряд

brown thrasher ['TrxSq] - соловей

Cherokee rose ["tSerq'ki:] -роза-вьюн

hometown ["hqVm'taVn] – родной город

to touch [tAtS] - трогать

to offer ['Pfq] - предлагать

camp [kxmp] – лагерь

battle ['bxtl] – битва

rocket ['rPkIt] - ракета

invention [In'venS(q)n] - изобретение

to be interested ['IntrIstId] - интересоваться

culture ['kAltSq] - культура

multicultural ["mAltI'kAlTCqrql] – имеющий разнообразную культуру

hero ['hI(q)rqV] - герой

brave [breIv] - храбрый

race [reIs] - раса

to march [mQ:tS] - проходить

dream [dri:m] – мечта, сон

to judge [dZAdZ] - судить

character ['kxrIktq] - характер


1. Which famous companies can you find in Atlanta?

2. Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?

3. What can you learn about at SciTrek?

4. Who invented the soft drink, Coca-Cola?

5. Where can you learn about the history of Atlanta?





accident architecture area block boat brick bridge campus century church conclusion construction crowd embassy expert fare fellow fine flat future gate head history house idea imagination information lack light lights line lot map memory metro mile officer palace park pioneer present regulation revolution river roof simplicity site square stadium station steel stop style subway taxi traffic trolley trolleybus turn  
Regular verbs Irregular verbs
board cross crowd distinguish happen jog need pass proclaim restore stay work break catch catch up with drive fall fall behind forget keep lead might pay
Adjectives Adverbs
central common concrete crowded different direct exact jolly latter modern national other residential straight useful else pretty where   Prepositions across behind     Pronouns anything whatever


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