для студентов аграрных университетов»


«Устные темы по английскому языку

для студентов аграрных университетов»

Казань - 2011 год

УДК 802.0 (07)

ББК 81.2 Англ. Р

Цель данного учебно-методического пособия – развитие у студентов навыков устной речи на основе тем, предусмотренных программой по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов.

В пособие включены темы: «О себе», «Семья», «Рабочий день», «Высшие учебные заведения», «Моя специальность – экономист в области сельского хозяйства», «Я – будущий агроном», «Моя специальность – инженер-механик», «Мой родной край», «Моя Родина», «Лондон», «Великобритания».

Кроме того, в пособии содержится ряд текстов для сообщения студентам дополнительного информативного материала по изучаемым темам: «Казанский университет», «США», «Вашингтон».

В каждую тему включены слова и выражения, текст и серия упражнений. Серия упражнений построена по принципу нарастания языковых трудностей. Выполнение упражнений обеспечивает закрепление вводимого лексического материала и развитие речевых навыков студентов.

Предлагаемое пособие предназначено в основном для занятий со студентами начального этапа обучения английскому языку, но могут быть использованы и в процессе работы на продвинутом этапе обучения.

Учебно-методическое пособие может служить материалом как для практических и индивидуальных занятий под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Составители: Гизатова Г.К., Люстиг З.А., Исламова Л.Р.

Учебно-методическое пособие устных тем обсуждено и одобрено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков 19.04.2011г., протокол №8.

© Казанский государственный аграрный университет 2011 год.


Words and word combinations:

1. What is your name (first name)? – Как Вас зовут?

2. My name is Rustem – Меня зовут Рустем.

3. What is your name (surname)? – Как Ваша фамилия?

4. My name (surname) is Zaripov - Моя фамилия Зарипов.

5. to be born in … (place, year) – родиться в... (месте, году)

6. village – деревня

7. How old are you? – Сколько Вам лет?

8. I am 18 (years old) – Мне 18 лет.

9. primary / elementary school – начальная школа

10. to attend (classes, school) – посещать (занятия, школу)

11. secondary school – средняя школа

12. at the age of – в возрасте

13. to become (became, become) – становиться

14. to be a good student – быть хорошим учеником

15. to get excellent marks in – получать отличные оценки

16. to get a school-leaving certificate – получить аттестат

17. to serve in the army – служить в армии

18. to return – возвращаться

19. to be admitted to the University – быть зачисленным в университет

20. the course of studies – курс обучения

21. to be assigned to work – быть назначенным на работу

22. harvest time – время уборки урожая

23. to know (knew, known) – знать

24. can (could) – мочь

25. to improve one’s skill – повысить мастерство (улучшить квалификацию)

26. to decide – решить

27. to pass exams – сдать экзамен

28. to be a success – иметь успех

29. credit test – зачет

30. in time – во-время

31. to hope – надеяться

32. to graduate from the University– закончить университет

33. successfully – успешно

34. expert – специалист


My name is Rustem Zaripov. I was born on the 14th of October 1990 in the village of Sakury of the Republic of Tatarstan. I am 21 years old. When I was seven, I began my studies at the Sakury primary school and after that I attended the secondary school. I was always a good student and got only good and excellent marks. In 2007 I left school and got a school-leaving certificate. Then I served in the army. After returning from the army I became a student of Laishevsky Agriculture school. In two years I finished the course of studies there and became an agronomist. I was assigned to work on the farm, had a lot of work and was especially busy during the harvest time. I knew that I could improve my skill at the Kazan State Agrarian University. So in 2011 I decided to become a student of the agronomy faculty. I passed my exams in chemistry, biology and Russian. The examinations were a success and I was admitted to the Kazan State Agrarian University. Now I am a first year student. I hope to pass all the exams and credit tests in time. I want to graduate from the University successfully and become an expert in agriculture.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. She was born on the 17th of November 1990 in Moscow.

2. Last year he passed his exams and was admitted to the Medicine University.

3. My brother served in the army.

4. In 2007 my sister graduated from the Kazan State Agrarian University and was assigned to work on a farm.

5. Students must pass all their credit tests and exams in time.

6. We helped the farmers during their harvest time.

7. Mary was always a good student and left the secondary school successfully.

8. My father is an expert in electronics.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. credit test 1. время уборки урожая

2. to become an economist 2. получать отличные оценки

3. expert 3. зачет

4. at the age of 4. улучшить квалификацию

5. to be admitted to the University 5. быть назначенным на работу

6. successfully 6. аттестат

7. to attend classes 7. окончить университет

8. to improve one’s skill 8. стать экономистом

9. to graduate from the University 9. посещать занятия

10. harvest time 10. успешно

11. to be assigned to work 11. в возрасте

12. school-leaving certificate 12. быть принятым в университет

13. to get excellent marks 13. специалист

III. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

harvest time, to be admitted to, to become an agricultural engineer, to serve in the army, to be a good student, to graduate from the University, to be born in the village, to leave the secondary school, to decide, to be admitted to the University, to pass the exams successfully, to attend school, in time, to improve one’s skill, to pass a credit test, at the age of, to be busy, to become an expert in agriculture.

IV. Fill in the blanks with necessary words:

My friend’s is Nail Shakirov. He is 23 now. He in 1988 in the village of the Tatar Republic. He didn’t in the army. On he became a student of the Institute of Economics. Nail was always . He all his credit tests and exams . Last year he and was assigned to work on . He has a lot of work especially during . (a good student, leaving the secondary school, the harvest time, name, serve, in time, graduated from the University, was born, the farm, passed)

V. Translate the words in brackets into English:

1. Peter (сдал вступительные экзамены) successfully.

2. I (надеюсь стать) an agricultural engineer.

3. He (окончил сельскохозяйственный институт) in 1992.

4. She (родилась) in Moscow.

5. Our (деревня) is far from Kazan.

6. In 2002 his brother (был принят в медицинский институт).

7. In three years we will become (специалистами сельского хозяйства).

8. I began attending school (в возрасте 7 лет).

9. Students must come to the Institute (во-время).

VI. Translate into English:

Стать специалистами сельского хозяйства, родиться, окончить университет, сдать зачеты и экзамены, окончить среднюю школу, успешно, служить в армии, в возрасте, время уборки урожая, быть принятым в университет, решить стать экономистом, во-время, деревня, посещать занятия.

VII. Read and translate the dialogue:

A. What is your name?

B. My name is Oleg Petrov.

A. How old are you?

B. I am 18 years old.

A. Where were you born?

B. I was born in the village not far form Kazan.

A. Are you a farmer?

B. No, I’m not. I am a student.

A. What University do you study at?

B. I study at the Agrarian University.

A. What year student are you?

B. I am a first year student of the agronomy faculty.

A. Why did you decide to become a student of our University?

B. I want to become an expert in agriculture.

VIII. Read and translate into Russian:

I am a first-year student of the agronomy faculty. I was born in the village of the Tatar Republic. At the age of 7 I went to school. On leaving the secondary school I served in the army. Last year I came to Kazan and was admitted to the Kazan State Agrarian University. I decided to become an agronomist.

IX. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where were you born?

4. When did you leave the secondary school?

5. Did you work after leaving school?

6. Did you serve in the army?

7. What year student are you?

8. Why did you decide to study at our University?

9. When will you graduate from the University?


Words and word combinations:

1. relatives – родственники

2. near-by – рядом, близко

3. grandparents (grandmother, grandfather) – бабушка и дедушка

4. to be on pension – быть на пенсии

5. to get an old-age pension – получать пенсию по старости

6. aunt – тетя

7. uncle – дядя

8. cousin – двоюродный брат (сестра)

9. parents – родители

10. tractor-driver – тракторист

11. to like – любить, нравиться

12. book-keeper – бухгалтер

13. to have a lot of work to do – иметь много работы

14. young (younger, the youngest) – молодой

15. the youngest sister – самая младшая сестра

16. form (class) – класс

17. schoolgirl – школьница

18. elder brother – старший брат

19. the eldest brother – самый старший брат

20. to dream – мечтать

21. physician – врач, доктор

22. happy – счастливый

23. to come true – осуществляться, сбываться

24. region – район

25. wife – жена

26. to be married – быть женатым (замужем)

27. sister-in-law – сноха

28. milkmaid – доярка

29. nephew – племянник

30. niece – племянница

31. kindergarten – детский сад


Our family is large. There are six of us: a father, a mother, two sisters, one brother and myself. We live in a small town not far from Kazan. Some of our relatives live near-by: my grandparents, who are on pension now, aunts and uncles of mine and their children, my cousins.

My parents are not old. My father is forty five years old. His name is Ivan Petrovich. He works on the farm as a tractor-driver. He likes his work very much. My mother is forty. She is a book-keeper of our farm. Her name is Olga Nikolaevna. She has a lot of work to do.

My youngest sister Nina is 15 years old. She is in the ninth form. She is a good schoolgirl and gets only good and excellent marks. She likes reading very much. My eldest sister Galya left school last year and now she studies at the Medicine University.

All the time she had been dreaming of becoming a physician and now she is very happy that her dreams come true.

My brother’s name is Peter. He works on the farm in Sarmanovsky region. He is married. His wife, my sister-in-law, is a farmer too. She works as a milkmaid. They have children: their son Sasha, my nephew, is six and their daughter Lena, my niece, is four years old. They both go to the kindergarten.

My name is Oleg. I am 17 years old. I am not married. I am a first year student of the Agrarian University. I study at the forestry faculty.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. Our relatives live in Kiev.

2. My aunt is old. She gets an old-age pension.

3. I have a nephew. He studies in the seventh form.

4. My parents are farmers.

5. His youngest sister works as a milkmaid on our farm.

6. I have no grandfather. He is dead.

7. Their uncle works as a tractor-driver.

8. My cousin Vera is a physician.

9. His dreams to become an economist came true.

10. Our eldest sister is a student.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. aunt 1. мечтать

2. tractor-driver 2. сноха

3. to come true 3. тракторист

4. wife 4. быть женатым

5. niece 5. врач

6. physician 6. тетя

7. book-keeper 7. бухгалтер

8. to be married 8. детский сад

9. sister-in-law 9. племянница

10. to dream 10. жена

11. kindergarten 11. сбываться, осуществляться

III. Translate into Russian:

parents, grandparents, a schoolgirl, to like, a milkmaid, to have a lot of work to do, relatives, to get an old-age pension, a cousin, in the 7th form, schoolchildren, a nephew, to come true, an aunt, he is not married, a niece, happy, an uncle, a physician.

IV. Fill in the blanks with necessary words:

I have many . They all in the village. My works as on the farm. My is a tractor-driver. My is a student of the Kazan University. My is married. He to become an agronomist. My grandparents are old. They get . (nephew, aunt, a milkmaid, niece, an old-age pension, relatives, dreams, live, uncle)

V. Translate into English:

1. His uncle is old. He (получает пенсию по старости).

2. My (родственники) live far from Kazan.

3. His (самая младшая) sister is a schoolgirl.

4. He lives with his (бабушкой и дедушкой).

5. Her (самый старший) brother studies in Moscow.

6. My brother is married. His (жена) is a final-year student of our University.

7. My friend (не женат). He lives with his (родителями).

VI. Translate into English:

родственники, получать пенсию по старости, нравиться, двоюродный брат и сестра, счастливый, племянник и племянница, тракторист, школьники, старший брат, младшая сестра, тетя и дядя, доярка, я не замужем, он женат.

VII. Read and translate:

I have a cousin. His name is Vladimir. He is 25 years old. He graduated from the Agriculture Institute and works as an agronomist on the farm. Vladimir has a mother. She doesn’t work. She gets an old-age pension. He has no father. His father is dead. Vladimir is married. His wife is an economist. They have a son. He studies in the second form. Vladimir has many relatives. They all live in different regions of our republic.

VIII. Answer the questions:

1. Is your family large?

2. Do you have parents?

3. Where do they live?

4. What are they?

5. Do you have sisters and brothers?

6. Do you have grandparents?

7. Are they old?

8. Where do they live?

9. Do they get an old-age pension?

10. Do you have any other relatives?


Words and word combinations:

1. to begin (began, begun) – начинаться

2. early – рано

3. to get up (got, got) – вставать, подниматься

4. to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

5. to wash and dress – умываться и одеваться

6. in a quarter of an hour – через четверть часа

7. to be ready – быть готовым

8. to have breakfast – завтракать

9. to have dinner – обедать

10. to have supper – ужинать

11. it doesn’t take me long – мне не требуется много времени

12. to leave home for – уйти, (уехать) из дома в

13. as – так как

14. to go by bus (trolley-bus, tram) – ехать в автобусе (троллейбусе, трамвае)

15. it takes me much time – мне требуется много времени

16. to get to the University – добраться до университета

17. to be never late – никогда не опаздывать

18. between classes – между занятиями

19. break – перерыв

20. dining-room – столовая

21. to be over – заканчиваться

22. if – если

23. to go home – идти домой

24. sometimes – иногда

25. to stay – оставаться

26. research work – научно-исследовательская работа

27. to walk – ходить пешком

28. as a rule – как правило

29. to come home – прийти домой

30. to have a short rest – немного отдохнуть

31. to prepare – готовить

32. to watch TV – смотреть телевизор

33. to have free time – иметь свободное время

34. to go to the cinema (theatre) – идти в кино (театр)

35. to go to bed – ложиться спать


My working day begins early. I get up at 6 o’clock. Every day I do my morning exercises. Then I wash and dress and in a quarter of an hour I am ready to have breakfast. It doesn’t take me long to have breakfast. At a quarter past 6 I leave home for the University. As I live far from the University I go there by trolley-bus and by tram. It takes me much time to get to the University.

The classes at our University usually begin at 8.00. I am never late. I come to the University in time. Every day we have two lectures and two seminars. I always attend all the lectures and practical classes. Between classes we have short breaks. At 12.50 we have a long break for dinner. I usually have dinner in the dining-room of our University.

The classes are over at 2 or 4 o’clock and I go home. Sometimes I stay at the University if I have some research work. I like to walk after a busy day at the University.

As a rule I come home at 4 o’clock. I have a short rest and then I prepare my homework. It takes me two or three hours for it. At 7 o’clock I have supper. In the evening I read books, newspapers and magazines. I like to watch TV or listen to the radio. If I have free time, I go to the cinema or to the theatre. I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. He left Kazan for Moscow.

2. We usually have dinner in the dining-room of our office.

3. It is very useful to do morning exercises.

4. Sometimes I go to the theatre.

5. It takes me one hour and a half to get to my office.

6. I like to wash myself with cold water.

7. It doesn’t take me long to get home.

8. As a rule I walk home after a long day at the University.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. to have a short rest 1. свободное время

2. to wash and dress 2. научно-исследовательская работа

3. free time 3. столовая

4. to come home 4. никогда не опаздывать

5. it doesn’t take me long 5. как правило

6. to be over 6. ложиться спать

7. to have supper 7. умываться и одеваться

8. dining-room 8. оставаться

9. to get up 9. идти пешком

10. to walk 10. заканчиваться

11. sometimes 11. вставать

12. as a rule 12. иногда

13. to be never late 13. немного отдохнуть

14. to stay 14. приходить домой

15. to go to bed 15. мне требуется немного времени

16. research work 16. ужинать

III. Translate into Russian:

to have breakfast, a ten minutes’ break, to go by bus, to have a short rest, it takes me 20 minutes to get there, to leave home for the University, between classes, to watch TV, to be never late, to walk home, to stay at the University, as a rule, to be over, to wash and dress.

IV. Fill in the blanks with necessary words:

My friend Petrov is a third-year student of the Kazan University. His working day at 6.30. He to do morning exercises to the music. It to have breakfast. Petrov is forclasses. As he lives not far from the University, it takes him half an hour . Sometimes he after classesif he has some . In the evening he his lessons. If he has , he goes to the cinema. He likes and read .

(prepares, begins, newspapers and magazines, likes, free time, it doesn’t take him long, stays, to watch TV, to get there, research work, never late)

V. Translate the words in brackets into English:

1. Classes at our University usually (начинаются) at 8 o’clock.

2. He (тратит) much free time on reading books.

3. As a rule I (ложусь спать) at 11 o’clock.

4. Between classes we have (короткий отдых).

5. (Мне не требуется много времени, чтобы) to prepare supper.

6. We (никогда не опаздываем) for classes.

VI. Translate into English:

мне требуется, готовить ужин, посещать лекции и семинары, между занятиями, оставаться в университете после занятий, добираться до дому, тратить время на, приходить домой поздно, ехать на троллейбусе, уехать из дома, обедать, научно-исследовательская работа, свободное время.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. When do you get up?

2. Do you usually do your morning exercises?

3. When do you leave home for the University?

4. How do you get to the University?

5. How many lessons and seminars do you have every day?

6. Are you never late for classes?

7. Where do you usually have dinner?

8. What do you do during the breaks?

9. When are your classes over?

10. Do you stay at the University after classes?

11. Do you take part in research work at your University?

12. What do you do in the evening?

13. Do you like to read newspapers and magazines?

14. Do you go to the cinema or theatre?

15. How much time does it take you to prepare your homework?

16. When do you go to bed?


Words and word combinations:

1. to found – основать

2. to celebrate – праздновать

3. anniversary – годовщина

4. to be situated – располагаться

5. storey – этаж

6. main – главный

7. faculty –факультет

8. distant learning faculty – заочный факультет

9. to head – возглавлять

10. dean – декан

11. department – кафедра

12. science – наука

13. to give lectures – читать лекции

14. to have lessons and tutorials – проводить практические занятия и консультации

15. well-equipped – хорошо оборудованные

16. an experimental training farm – учебно-опытное хозяйство

17. almost – почти

18. hostel – общежитие

19. to train – готовить

20. expert – специалист

21. to graduate (from) – окончить

OUR University

The Kazan State Agrarian University was founded in 1922. In 2007 it celebrated its 85 anniversary.

Our University is located in four buildings. The main building is situated in the centre of our city. It is a nice three-storey building. The second and third buildings are located on Farm-2.The fourth building is situated in Derbishki. There are 2 faculties and 2 Institutes at our University: the agronomy faculty and forestry faculty, the Institute of Economics and the Institute of Mechanization and Technical Service. There is also a distant learning faculty. Each faculty is headed by its dean and each institute is headed by its director.

There are more than 30 departments and 500 teachers at our University. Professors, candidates of science and assistants give lectures and have lessons and tutorials with students.

There are many well-equipped classrooms and laboratories at our University. The University has also an experimental training farm. About 5000 students learn at our University. Almost all the students live in the hostel.

Our University trains experts in agriculture: agronomists, farm economists and mechanical engineers. Every year about 800 experts in agriculture graduate from our University.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. We have our lessons and tutorials in well-equipped laboratories.

2. The Kharkov Agriculture Institute was founded in 1816.

3. The Institutes of our republic train many experts for different branches of industry.

4. The Kazan University is located in the centre of our city.

5. There is a distant learning faculty at our University.

6. There are a lot of multistorey buildings in Kazan.

7. Medical science is progressing in our country.

8. Professor Berim gives lectures on mathematics at our faculty.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. to train 1. праздновать

2. well-equipped 2. декан

3. distant learning faculty 3. читать лекции

4. to head 4. главный

5. to graduate (from) 5. годовщина

6. lessons and tutorials 6. этаж

7. dean 7. располагаться

8. science 8. основать

9. department 9. специалист

10. to be located 10. посещать лекции

11. to give lectures 11. руководить, возглавлять

12. to attend lectures 12. заочный факультет

13. storey 13. хорошо оборудованные

14. anniversary 14. наука

15. to found 15. окончить (вуз)

16. main 16. практические занятия и консультации

17. expert 17. готовить

18. to celebrate 18. кафедра

III. Translate into Russian:

to graduate (from), well-equipped classrooms, to give lectures, dean, main, to train experts, department, to found, to have lessons and tutorials, hostel, celebrate, the anniversary, to attend practical classes, a distant learning faculty, to be located (situated).

IV. Fill in the blanks:

The Kazan University in 1804. In 2004 it 200th . It has 8 . The University research workers and teachers. (faculties, anniversary, was founded, trains, celebrated)

V. Translate the words in brackets into English:

1. Our University (отметил) its 85th anniversary in 2007.

2. She (читает лекции) on literature.

3. The Kazan University has 61 (кафедру).

4. Our farm (расположено) far from Kazan.

5. The Kazan Veterinary Institute celebrated its 100th (годовщину) in 1973.

6. This assistant (ведет практические занятия) with the second-year students.

7. Our laboratory is (хорошо оборудована).

8. The Moscow Agriculture Academy (готовит) experts in agriculture.

VI. Translate into English:

готовить специалистов сельского хозяйства, основать, декан, праздновать годовщину, заочный факультет, окончить (вуз), проводить практические занятия и консультации, читать лекции, посещать практические занятия, располагаться, главный, общежитие, кафедра.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. When was the Kazan State Agrarian University founded?

2. When did our University celebrate its 85th anniversary?

3. Where is our University situated?

4. What are the Institutes and faculties at our University?

5. Who is each faculty (each Institute) headed by?

6. How many departments (teachers, students) are there at our University?

7. Who gives lectures on chemistry (mathematics, physics) in your group?

8. Who does our University train?

9. How many experts in agriculture graduate from our University every year?

VIII. Translate into Russian (use the dictionary):

The academic year at our University is divided into two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. The autumn term begins from the first of September and lasts till the first week of January. The spring term begins in the middle of February and runs till the middle of June. The students must attend classes of compulsory subjects set out in the timetable. At the end of each term students have to take terminal examinations. After finishing the course of studies the students have to take final examinations and present a work or a design for diploma and defend it.

IX. Retell the text ‘Our University’.


Kazan State University is one of the oldest and largest institutions of higher learning in our country. It was founded in November 1804. February11, 1826 was the birthday of new, non-Euclidian geometry. On that day N.I. Lobachevsky made a report in which he announced his great discovery. Lobachevsky was to play a major role in the development of Kazan University. For many years (1827/1846) he was its Rector.

Kazan University takes pride in its graduates: V.I. Lenin’s father Ulyanov, a notable democrat and educator, the great Russian writers Leo Tolstoy, Aksakov, composer Balakirev, scientists Butlerov, Zinin, Chebotarev.

The University has expanded particularly in recent decades. At present there are sixteen faculties: Physics, Mechanics and Mathematics, Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Geography, History, Philology, Law, Ecology, Tatar History and Journalism and others.

The most up-to-date equipment, laboratories and a computing centre help the future specialist to acquire knowledge that is not necessary today but will introduce him into the science of tomorrow.

Over 1.400 scientific workers are on the staff of the 73 University departments. These include over 200 doctors and some 600 candidates of science. Over 600 students are taking post graduate courses.

The N.I. Lobachevsky library is one the largest and oldest in the country. Its collection of books and periodicals numbers over four million volumes and includes thousands of manuscripts and rare books.

During the academic year students attend lectures, seminars and practical classes. At the and of each term students take examinations. There is a number of scientific societies at the University in which students can advance their knowledge. Optional courses are offered to those interested in literature, arts, languages.

Recreation also plays an important part in student’s life. In spare time they go to concerts, dances, film shows and go in for sports. Many students take part in amateur art activities. It is a great honour to be a student of Kazan State University.

Answer the questions:

1. When was Kazan University founded?

2. What can you say about Lobachevsky?

3. What famous people studied and worked at this University?

4. How many faculties are there at the University?

5. How many scientific workers are on the staff of University departments?

6. What do you know about the Lobachevsky library?

7. How can University students advance their knowledge?

8. What do the students usually do in their spare time?



I am a second-year student of the Institute of Economics. In order to be an expert I study hard at the Institute. The purpose of my studies is farming economics. A lot of problems connected with labour organization show that no farm can do without economics. I am interested in my future profession. I know that the functions of a farm economist are the following:

1. He has to take part in solving problems pertaining the introduction of labour rate-setting.

2. to elaborate an efficient system relevent to a further considerable rise in labour productivity.

3. to take part in the improvement of production processes.

4. to be engaged in improving and in effecting methodical advice on the introduction of the most progressive ways of labour organization and remuneration.

An economist has:

1. to work out economic, production financial plans for farms. In the long term an economist outlines the main trends of production taking into account the latest measures, recommended by science. He elaborates the system of scientific labour organization, of crop rotation, the system of tilling the soil, the use of fertilizers, seed-growing, livestock raising, mechanization etc. The farm management plan must strive to get proportion and economic balance between seed, fertilizer, water, labour and other resources;

2. to draw up annual plans for the expansion of production in which he determines the disposition of the area under crops, the size of the sown area and yields, head and productivity of livestock;

3. to seek ways and means for intensifying farming, reducing the price of farm produce and making labour more efficient.

I want to become an expert in farming economics. I think that practical work after studies will help me to gain experience.


I am a second-year student of the Institute of Mechanization and Technical Service. Our Institute trains experts in farming whom the country needs today and will need tomorrow. I want to become an expert in the field of farm mechanization. Great changes are taking place in the countryside now. Most of labour consuming field operations are mechanized. Each farm has at its disposal various agricultural machines: tractors, combines, cultivators, ploughs, harrows, drills and others.

I know that the proper and efficient use of machinery and engineering materials requires considerable knowledge of their mechanical properties. An engineer must possess a thorough knowledge of the machine construction and maintenance of the machine. Therefore we study the subjects which we will need in our future work: the Theory of Machine Mechanisms, Theoretical Mechanics, Tractors and Automobiles, the Theory of Internal Combustion Engines, the Exploitation of Machine and Tractor Fleet, the Repair of Machinery, the Theory of Tractors, Electrical Engineering and others. The knowledge acquired at the Institute will help me in my future work.


I am a second-year student of the agronomy faculty. I like my future profession very much. During the practical work in my native farm I was interested much in the work of our farm. I saw large fields of barley, oats, rye and wheat. The farmers keep the rye and oats for fodder for the animals. A large part of the potatoes, cabbages and beet also goes on fodder. The next place I saw was a large vegetable garden where the farmers grow carrots, onions, beans, peas and lettuce. In spring they grow radishes and other spring vegetables.

I watched the dairy-maids feeding the cows and milking them.

I also watched the farmers harvesting with tractors and other agricultural machines. As I was interested in everything, I saw that calves and cows live in the cowshed, the pigs in their pigsty, the poultry in the poultry yard. They breed cows mostly for milk, pigs for bacon, sheep for meat and wool.

In the orchard of our farm the farmers grow apples, plums and cherries.

To become an expert I study hard at the University. We should know how to cultivate the soil in order to make it good for the growth of plants, how to plough the ground properly. We should manage to drive tractors, lorries and cars. Every student must learn how to sort the seeds, plant the potatoes and other vegetables, how to control the weeds and do other various jobs. We will apply the knowledge gained at the University to our future work.


Words and word combinations:

1. capital – столица

2. famous – знаменитый, известный

3. monument – памятник

4. historical places – исторические места

5. ancient – древний, старый

6. tower – башня

7. church – церковь

8. mosque – мечеть

9. to deliver – доставлять

10. different parts – различные части

11. abroad – за границей, за границу

12. educational – образовательный, учебный

13. as well – также

14. population – население

15. square – площадь

16. the World War II – Вторая мировая война

17. a growing city – растущий город

18. construction – строение, сооружения

19. to stand side by side – стоять рядом (бок о бок)

20. from year to year – из года в год


Kazan is my home town. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. It is situated on the beautiful Volga. Kazan is a very old city with many traditions.

The Kazan University is a very old one. It was founded in 1804. Such famous people as Lobachevsky, Butlerov, Zinin, Chebotarev studied there.

There are many historical places in Kazan. The most interesting places are: the Kremlin with its beautiful ancient towers, the History Museum, the National library, ancient churches, mosques and others.

Kazan is a big industrial centre. The products of our plants and factories are delivered to different parts of our republic and abroad.

Kazan is a big educational and cultural centre as well. It has many Universities, many specialized schools. There are also 6 theatres, a lot of libraries, many cinemas and clubs in it. The population of Kazan is over 1.200000.

There are many parks and gardens in Kazan. In the parks, gardens and squares there are monuments to the famous people. Among them are the monument to the Tatar poet Musa Jalil and to the heroes of the World War II.

Kazan is a growing city. Old constructions stand side by side with modern buildings. Kazan becomes more and more beautiful from year to year.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. Minsk is the capital of Belarus.

2. The Red Square is the centre of Moscow.

3. The monument to the famous Tatar poet Musa Jalil stands near the Spasskaya tower of the Kazan Kremlin.

4. The population of our city is growing from year to year.

5. After graduating from the University we will work in different parts of our republic.

6. We visited many architectural monuments in St.Petersburg.

7. Many machines are delivered to our farms.

8. Soviet soldiers showed great heroism during the World War II.

9. Mardjani mosque was built in the 18th century.

10. Many students abroad study Russian.

II. Find the equivalents:

1. to stand side by side 1. различные части

2. square 2. растущий город

3. from year to year 3. башня

4. famous 4. мечеть

5. abroad 5. древний

6. educational 6. доставлять

7. as well 7. стоять рядом

8. the World War II 8. церковь

9. mosque 9. площадь

10. historical places 10. сооружение, здание

11. ancient 11. известный

12. church 12. за границей

13. growing city 13. из года в год

14. to deliver 14. Вторая мировая война

15. tower 15. также

16. different parts 16. исторические места

17. construction 17. образовательный, учебный

III. Translate into Russian:

Old constructions, famous people, an industrial centre, a lot of libraries, to stand side by side, an ancient church, historical places, from year to year, a growing city, a capital of the Republic, different parts, population, to deliver products, Freedom Square.

IV. Fill in the blanks:

1. The … of London is about 7 million.

2. There are many … in St. Petersburg.

3. Moscow is a big ….

4. Paris is the … of France.

5. Nizhnekamsk is a ….

6. The products of our plants and factories … to different parts of our republic and ….

7. This … was built in the 15th century.

8. Old constructions in our city stand … with modern buildings.

(capital, historical places, growing city, abroad, population, side by side, educational and cultural centre, are delivered, ancient tower)

V. Translate into English:

1. Many (известный) Russian people such as Aksakov, Derzhavin, Leo Tolstoy, Shalyapin, Shishkin, Gorky lived in Kazan in their youth.

2. Kazan is a big (образовательный) centre.

3. Washington is (столица) of the USA.

4. There are many (растущих городов) in our country.

5. Kiev is rich in its (историческими местами).

6. The old and new (сооружения) of St. Petersburg are in perfect harmony.

7. There are many (древних башен) in Tallinn.

8. The graduates of our University work in (различных частях) of our Republic.

9. Parks, gardens and (площади) of Moscow are beautiful.

VI. Translate into English:

промышленный центр, из года в год, стоять рядом, древняя церковь, центр культуры и образования, современные сооружения, известный ученый, красивая площадь, исторические места.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. What is the capital of Tatarstan?

2. Where is Kazan situated?

3. When was the Kazan University founded?

4. Who studied there?

5. What historical places do you know in Kazan?

6. Is Kazan a big industrial and cultural centre?

7. What is the population of Kazan?

8. What are the best monuments in our capital?

VIII. Retell the text ‘Kazan’.


(supplementary text)

I would like to tell you about my home town – Kazan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. It is one of the oldest cities situated on the wonderful river Volga. The earliest date of its foundation mentioned in the chronicles is 1177.

Ancient and young at the same time Kazan is a city with great past full of historic events.

Many famous Russian people lived in Kazan: Aksakov, Derzhavin, Tolstoy, Shalyapin to name but a few. Such Tatar classics as Ibragimov, Kamal, Jalil, Saidashev and others created their masterpieces there.

The landscape of Kazan is picturesque: all its districts overlook the Volga and the Kazanka rivers with their lovely beaches.

Kazan is a beautiful city. It has its architectural face. All historical and architectural monuments are preserved and treasured. The most ancient of them is the Kremlin – one of Kazan’s best known landmarks. The Kremlin is a masterpiece of architectural grace and beauty. Elegant Suyumbeki Tower is one of the oldest monuments on the territory of this majestic architectural ensemble. It attracts attention with its simplicity and harmony of all its parts.

Another architectural landmark is the Petropavlovsky Cathedral – the best example of the baroque style in the Middle Volga region.

Two mosques: Apanaevskaya and Mardjani are fine examples of national architecture.

Everywhere in Kazan the old and the new, the modern and the traditional vie with each other. Modern architecture in Kazan is represented with such structures as the new University buildings, the Assembly hall of the Kazan Conservatoire, the Circus, Tatarstan hotel and many others.

Kazan is a fast growing city with new dwelling zones, thoroughfares and multistorey buildings. Its present population exceeds 1.200000.

Kazan is a big river port. Without its river, Kazan would never have become the great city that it is today. Through rivers and canals Kazan is linked with the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Black, the Baltic and the White Seas.

The traffic in our city is rather heavy. Various means of transport carry passengers to all districts. The airport, the river port and the railway station are interconnected by tram, bus and trolley-bus lines.

But Kazan is by no means all crowded thoroughfares and historic buildings. There are peaceful parks in abundance all over the city. And, once in them, it is hard to imagine that the bustling life of Kazan is still going on all around. A city would indeed be a dreary place if it was not for these pleasant oases of green.

Kazan is a big industrial centre. Modern helicopters, planes and machine tools, medical and optical equipment, synthetic rubber, chemical products and footwear are made at the city’s enterprises. A good deal of produce is of high quality.

Our city is, no doubt, one of the largest scientific and cultural centres on the river Volga. Kazan is the seat of the Academy of Sciences with its numerous laboratories and research institutes, the home of the University and about 20 higher educational institutions.

Kazan is a city of music and theatres. The Kazan Conservatoire is the Nation’s pride. The Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Tatar Academic Theatre, the Drama Theatre and others are popular with Kazaners and visitors to our city.

Kazan is becoming more and more beautiful. There are thousands of visitors to Kazan every year and nearly all of them are charmed by our home town.

So, welcome to Kazan!


Words and word combinations:

1. homeland – родина

2. river – река

3. lake – озера

4. forest – лес

5. important –важный

6. to link – соединять, связывать

7. sea – море

8. multinational – многонациональный

9. representative – представитель

10. long – длинный, долгий

11. state – государство

12. century – век, столетие

13. to be formed – быть созданным, образованным

14. to invade – вторгаться, захватывать

15. to destroy – разрушать, уничтожать

16. highly developed – высокоразвитый

17. former – бывший, прежний

18. to declare one’s sovereignty – провозгласить суверенитет

19. to elect – избирать, выбирать

20. prodigious potentials – богатейший потенциал, огромные потенциальные возможности

21. rich – богатый

22. natural/mineral resources – природное богатство, полезные ископаемые

23. main – главный, основной

24. producer – производитель, поставщик

25. oil/petroleum – нефть

26. powerful – мощный, сильный

27. enterprise – предприятие

28. to manufacture – производить, выделывать, обрабатывать, вырабатывать

29. rubber – резина, каучук

30. plane – самолет

31. helicopter – вертолет

32. equipment – оборудование

33. furs – пушнина

34. quality – качество

35. leather – кожа

36. to grow – выращивать, культивировать

37. wheat – пшеница

38. rye – рожь

39. oats – овес

40. potatoes – картофель

41. sugar beet – сахарная свекла

42. crop – сельскохозяйственная культура

43. meat and dairy products – мясо-молочная продукция

44. research institute – научно-исследовательский институт

45. to solve – решать, разрешать (проблему, задачу)

46. difficult – трудный, тяжелый

47. to transform – превращать, преобразовать

48. market – рынок

49. in the long run – в конечном итоге, в конце концов

50. sure – зд: обязательно, несомненно

51. to implement the reform – проводить реформу

52. world – мир

53. to enable – давать возможность, позволять

54. to use – использовать, применять

55. for the benefit of its people – на благо своего народа


Tatarstan is my homeland. The Republic of Tatarstan is situated in the Middle Volga region. The territory of Tatarstan is 68.000 square kilometers. Its population is about 4 million.

There are many rivers, lakes and forests in our republic. The most important rivers are the Volga and the Kama. Through rivers and canals Tatarstan is linked with 5 seas: the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Black, the Baltic and the White Seas.

There are many cities and towns in Tatarstan: Kazan, Naberezhniye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Yelabuga, Mendeleyevsk, Bugulma, Chistopol and others. The most important city is Kazan. It is the capital of our republic.

Tatarstan is a multinational republic. 48% of its population are Tatars, 43% – Russians, and the remainig 9% are representatives of 70 different nationalities.

Tatarstan has a long history. On the territory of present Tatarstan one of the first feudal states was formed in the 10th century – Volga Bulgaria. It was an important commercial and cultural centre of the time. But in 1236 Mongols invaded Volga Bulgaria and destroyed it. In the 15th century a new state was founded on the Volga river – the Kazan Khanate, with Kazan as a centre. After joining up with Russia in 1552 it became a part of the Russian empire. After the revolution of 1917 the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. During the 70 years of its existence the TASSR became one the most highly developed autonomies of the former Soviet Union. On August 30, 1990 Tatarstan declared its sovereignty. In June, 1991 the first Tatarstan’s President was elected – Mintimer Shaimiyev.

Tatarstan is a republic of prodigious potentials. It is rich in natural resources. Our republic is one of the main oil and natural gas producers of the former Soviet Union.

Tatarstan has a powerful industry. The world famous petrochemical plants in Kazan, Mendeleyevsk and Nizhnekamsk produce polyethylene, rubber, cinematographic and photographic film. The republic’s enterprises manufacture modern planes and helicopters, KAMAZ automobiles, medical and optical equipment, furs and high quality leather.

Tatarstan has a developed agriculture. We grow wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, sugar beet and other crops in our republic. Meat and dairy products are also an important part of our farm produce.

Our republic is a centre of science and culture. We have the Academy of Sciences with its numerous laboratories and research institutes, about 20 higher educational institutions, many libraries, 9 theatres, the Conservatoire and the Symphony Orchestra.

And still there are many problem of transforming our centralized economy into the market economy. But in the long run Tatarstan is sure to implement the economic reform and to become a dynamic component of the world economy. This will enable Tatarstan to use the republic’s prodigious potentials for the benefit of its people.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. Tatarstan is the homeland of such famous Russian and Tatar people as Shishkin,

Kamal, Saidashev and others.

2. The rivers of Great Britain are not long.

3. The Baikal is one of the largest lakes in the world.

4. Moscow is an important centre of science and culture.

5. Kazan is a port of five seas.

6. The USA is a multinational country.

7. In the 13th century Volga Bulgaria was invaded and destroyed.

8. Great Britain is a highly developed state.

9. The Kazan Khanate was formed in the 15th century.

10. Tatarstan is one of the main oil and gas producers of the former Soviet Union.

11. In June, 1990 Russia declared its sovereignty.

12. In June, 1991 Boris Yeltsin was elected Russia’s President.

13. The USA is a state of prodigious potentials. It is very rich in mineral resources and has a powerful industry and highly developed agriculture.

14. Kazan is a big industrial centre. Modern planes and helicopters, medical and optical equipment, synthetic rubber and other petro-chemical products, furs and leatherare

manufactured at the city’s enterprises. A good deal of produce is of high quality.

15. The farmers of Great Britain grow wheat, oats, potatoes and other crops.

16. Meat and dairy products are an important part of Britain’s farm produce.

17. There are many problems to be solved in Russia. The most difficult is the problem of implementing the economic reform. The main task is to transform its centralized economy into the market economy.

18. He is sure to come.

19. There are many research institutes in Kazan.

20. In the long run Russia is sure to become a dynamic component of the world economy. This will enable Russia to use the republic’s prodigious potentials for the benefit of the its people.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. state 1. море

2. century 2. рынок

3. sea 3. высокоразвитый

4. lake 4. провозглашать

5. river 5. озеро

6. to invade 6. государство

7. powerful 7. с/х культура

8. highly developed 8. век, столетие

9. enterprise 9. преобразовать

10. to elect 10. река

11. to declare 11. предприятие

12. quality 12. мир

13. to manufacture 13. решать

14. crop 14. избирать

15. to transform 15. захватывать

16. difficult 16. представитель

17. to solve 17. производить

18. world 18. трудный

19. representative 19. качество

20. market 20. мощный

Ш. Translate into Russian:

Rivers and lakes, an important centre of science and culture, a commercial centre, a multinational state, representatives of different nationalities, to be formed in the 10th century, to invade and destroy, a powerful country, a highly developed state, to declare one’s sovereignty, to elect a president, prodigious potentials, to be rich in natural resources, to manufacture high quality produce, modern equipment, to grow different crops, meat and dairy products, research institutes, to solve a difficult problem, to transform one’s economy, market economy, world economy, world market, former Soviet market, to implement reforms in agriculture, in the long run, to use effectively, for the benefit of its people, the former Soviet Union’s republics, to be elected President.

IV. Fill in the blanks:

1. Tatarstan is a … republic.

2. Russia is my ….

3. The … in Russia is the Lena.

4. Our republic is … in ….

5. Volga Bulgaria … in the 10th ….

6. The Baikal is one of the largest … in the ….

7. Our republic has a … industry and a … agriculture.

8. In 1991 Nursultan Nazarbayev … President of Kazakhstan.

9. There is muсh … in Tyumen.

10. The USA farmers … different kinds of ….

11. Volga Bulgaria was an … commercial and cultural centre of the time.

(century, was elected, multinational, oil, important, longest river, grow, rich, lakes, crops, was formed, homeland, mineral resources, world, highly developed, powerful)

V. Translate into English:

реки и озера, Каспийское море, важный центр торговли и культуры своего времени, мировая экономика, рыночная экономика, мировой рынок, многонациональная государство, представители различных национальностей, выращивать различные сельскохозяйственные культуры, мощная индустрия, высокоразвитое сельское хозяйство, огромные потенциальные возможности, эффективно использовать, проводить экономическую реформу, преобразовать экономику республики, решать трудную задачу, промышленные предприятия, мясо-молочные продукты, производить высококачественную продукцию, научно-исследовательские институты, в конечном итоге, на благо своего народа, могучая держава, современное оборудование.

VI. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Tatarstan situated?

2. What is its territory and population?

3. What are the most important rivers in Tatarstan?

4. What cities and towns do you know in Tatarstan?

5. What is the capital of our republic?

6. Tatarstan is a multinational republic, isn’t it?

7. What do you know about Tatarstan’s history?

8. When did Tatarstan declare its sovereignty?

9. Who was elected the first Tatarstan’s President?

10. Tatarstan is a republic of prodigious potentials, isn’t it?

11. What about Tatarstan’s natural resources?

12. What can you say about Tatarstan’s industry and agriculture?

13. Our republic is an important centre of science and culture, isn’t it?

14. And still there are many problems to be solved in Tatarstan, aren’t there?

15. What will Tatarstan become after implementing the economic reform?

VII. Retell the text ‘Tatarstan’


Words and word combinations:

1. to lie – лежать, располагаться

2. bank of a river – берег реки

3. commercial centre – торговый центр

4. a seat of the government – место заседания парламента

5. important – важный

6. busy – занятый, деловой

7. scientist – ученый

8. to be buried – быть похороненным

9. Poet’s Corner – Уголок Поэта

10. country – страна


London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the biggest cities in the world with a population of about 7 million.

London lies on both banks of the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe. London is not only the capital of the country, it is also a very big port, one of the greatest commercial centres in the world, a university city and the seat of the government of Great Britain.

London consists of many parts and they are all very different from each other. The most important parts of London are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the busiest part of London. People do business here. The West End is the richest part of London. You can find best shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, fine parks and squares there. The rich people live in the West End. The East End is the part of London where the working people live. It is not so rich as other parts of London and there are few fine parks there.

London is famous for its historical places such as Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben and others. Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. There are many monuments to great men there. Many great English scientists are buried there, among them Newton, Darwin. In Poet’s Corner you can see memorials to Shakespeare, Byron, Shelly.

The underground of London is the oldest in the world. It was built in 1870. London is famous for its beautiful parks such as Hyde Park.

London is a big cultural centre. There are many picture galleries, museums and concert halls there.

E x e r c i s e s

I. Translate into Russian:

1. Kazan is situated on the bank of the Volga river.

2. The underground of London is the oldest in the world.

3. Great Britain is not rich in mineral resources.

4. He is very busy with his graduation design.

5. London is the most important industrial centre.

6. Such great scientists as Darwin, Newton are buried in Westminster Abbey.

7. England lies to the south of the island ‘Great Britain’.

II. Find the Russian equivalents:

1. scientist 1. площадь

2. bank of a river 2. мир

3. important 3. правительство

4. to lie 4. страна

5. busy 5. ученый

6. square 6. богатый

7. commercial 7. занятый

8. country 8. важный

9. world 9. лежать, располагаться

10. government 10. берег реки


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