Render the following Russian article into English

You are going to read an article about Macs and PCs. The endings of 5 sentences have been left out of the text. Fill in the gaps from the list (A–F) matching the beginnings and endings of the sentences. One ending is odd.

A. that promotes them being the most utilized computers in creative environments B. Macs are gaining an edge on the competition

C. Mac computers run on an entirely different operating system than Pcs

D. and therefore Microsoft does have an advantage when it comes to software com-


E. Apple chooses to manufacture its own hardware as well

F. giving Mac users all the software Apple offers in terms of an operating system

Mac vs PC

After viewing the ads, many consumers may experience some confusion as to whether they want to do their computing on a Mac or Pc (Windows-based computer). choosing which computer to buy can be a complicated decision because of the many models, types and brands currently available on the market. While Pcs have been the most popular type of computer since its invention, 1)____. the bottom line in choosing between Mac and Pc computers comes down to personal preference.

the operating system is the main difference separating Apple and Microsoft computers. Microsoft releases its operating systems in different levels. Also, Mi-

Buying a Computer

crosoft sells upgraded operating system software which allows you to upgrade your current Windows operating system for a somewhat lower price. Apple releases their operating systems in one basic level. for example, the operating system Snow Leopard is only available in one version, 2)____.

the second major difference between Apple computers and Microsoft com-

puters is the hardware.

Rather than being a software only company, 3)____. the big thing about this is that Apple does not allow anyone to use its operating system unless it is on a Mac computer, which they distribute. If a Mac operating system, such as Snow Leopard, is run on any other computer besides an Apple, chances are that it is illegal pirated software.

Microsoft is really not a computer at all. It is a software corporation and distributor. Microsoft sells its operating system, Microsoft Windows, to computer manufacturers around the world. Some common computers that would be considered “Microsoft computers” are Dell, Gateway, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Sony, and hewlett-Packard. these companies distribute their hardware (the computer itself) with Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Alienware and VoodooPc, for example, offer machines with greater computing power than the high-end Mac, optimizing computers for video games or the ability to act as entertainment centers. As regards Macintosh, it offers only three basic models for its desktop and laptop lines (in a basic, mainstream and high-end scale).

Macintosh computers and most Pcs both generally contain a processor made by Intel, the world’s pre-eminent chip manufacturer. the power will depend on the exact Intel processor.

Another major difference between Apple computers and computers using Microsoft Windows is software. Software for Apple is completely different from Microsoft software. for the most part, software is not backward compatible with both operating systems. things such as file types, file extensions and deep code within software are all different.

currently you will often see software that is available for Microsoft computers,

but not Mac, 4)____. however, more companies have been releasing Mac versions of their software. While software is more Mac-friendly now than it has been in the past, there are still a variety of games and programs that are only available for Pc. for programs that are currently compatible, some are the same as the Pc version, but some must be purchased specifically for Mac.

Unit 4

Mac’s software is created by the same people who designed the computer and running system, rather than third-party vendors with Pcs. this translates into smoother, faster running times for people who need to work quickly.

Because the most common computer used is the Pc, the majority of computer viruses target Pcs. A Mac is far less susceptible to attacks from computer viruses. however, as it gains in popularity and more people use it, more malicious viruses will most likely be designed to attack the Mac operating system.

While Macs use less energy overall compared with Pcs, actual energy use depends on the brand of Pc. even computers from the same manufacturer can have drastically different power needs.

Mac upgrades are expensive, and it’s sometimes cheaper to buy a whole new computer than pay for the upgrades. Also, Mac computers typically only work well with Apple products. for example, Pc users can buy a competitively priced external webcam at any local technology store, while Mac users must buy a specific webcam that works with the oS X system.

Unlike a standard Pc, which has a left-click button and a right-click button, the Mac only has one mouse button. As a result, special menus or functions may take longer to access, either because they are located in a different place or because they require a keyboard command in addition to the mouse click. Macs have higher quality sound and graphics than Pcs 5)____.

Mac computers are high-end units, and as a result, cost more than Pc computers. Mac does have two computers (called Mac Mini) that run at $599 and $799 each, but most consumer Mac products cost between $1,000 and $2,000, and some even top the $3,000 price mark.

Adapted from: <>.


Render the following Russian article into English.

Почти все современные клавиатуры произошли от первоначально созданной клавиатуры компании IBM — «IBM enhanced 101 Key Keyboard», которую компания провозгласила стандартом в 1987 г. Этот тип клавиатуры стал наиболее подходящим для пользователей ПК.

Первоначальная модель IBM — клавиатура Xt — имела 83 кнопки. 10 функциональных клавиш располагались слева, а с правой стороны находились клавишные панели с цифрами и указателями. Так называемые кнопки control (ctrl), левый Shift и Alt, escape (esc) были слева от чисел в главном ряду. Справа от правой клавиши Shift находилась клавиша звездочки, позволяющая печатать всем известный символ *.

Рассмотрим некоторые необычные модели, на которых очень удобно работать.

Компания Kensington поставила на рынок разборную клавиатуру SlimBlade Media notebook. Она состоит из трех отдельных модулей: клавиатуры ноутбука, цифровой клавиатуры и пульта управления медиаплеером. Их можно либо скрепить в одно целое, либо разбросать по квартире или офису.

Не менее интересна клавиатура от компании Brando. Отличие этой клавиатуры состоит в том, что ее можно свернуть в трубочку и положить в карман. Она похожа на резиновый массажный коврик с выпуклостями клавиш.

Клавиатура thanko Silent Keyboard ничем не отличается от обычных клавиатур, но есть в ней изюминка. На ней можно работать сразу на двух компьютерах — она оснащена двумя кабелями USB и переключается с одного ПК на другой с помощью дополнительной клавиши. Во всем остальном это обычная клавиатура.

Стеклянная сенсорная клавиатура, представленная дизайнером Конгом Фанфеном, — взгляд в будущее. Смотрится она футуристически: легкая, воздушная, выполненная из обычного стекла с выгравированными на поверхности клавишами. Просто стучишь по стеклу и набираешь текст. Под стеклом установлена камера, фиксирующая касания.

Лазерная клавиатура компании itech имеет те же плюсы и минусы, что и стеклянная. Но смотрится она еще более необычно. Небольшая коробочка с лазерным проектором ставится на стол и проецирует изображение клавиш на столешницу. Стучишь по светящемуся красным столу, нажатия фиксируются и передаются в компьютер. К сожалению, эта клавиатура частенько ошибается или вовсе не печатает нажатую букву.

Как видим, эволюция клавиатуры осуществляется крайне интересно. Даже трудно вообразить, что же еще придумают производители, чем смогут удивить уже столь искушенного пользователя. Может быть, это будет невидимая клавиатура, управляемая с помощью мыслей?

Adapted from: <>.



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