Группа (1 курс) ОДБ.04 Английский язык

                                    Тема «Мир профессий»

1. Ответьте на вопросы Тrue or false/ Правда или ложь?


2. Читать и переводить текст The World of Professions/ Мир профессий.  

Choosing a career is one of the most important and tough decisions people will ever make in life. According to Confucius, "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life." It is absolutely true. If you are passionate about your work, you have more chances to succeed.

Well, choosing a proper career is a conscious decision of a grown-up person, and it is essential to explore job options that match your interests, skills and knowledge. It is absolutely wrong to chase your parents' dreams. If you are not interested to work in a field they want you do, always stand your ground. It is high time for you to decide for yourself what to do for living and to find your real calling. Moreover, when you make a choice, it is also important to get appropriate education that will give you all the necessary skills, knowledge and practical awareness.

Today there are a lot of job options to choose from out there. Anyway, the choice of professions depends on people's individual abilities and talents. Some people have dreams of becoming a doctor and saving people's lives, others like cooking and become master chefs. There are people, for instance, who like taking care of animals, and therefore become veterinary surgeons. Some people have a talent for painting and are not good at the other things. It is not difficult to guess that they become painters, designers or architects. All in all, today the most popular jobs are office clerks, policemen, teachers, waitresses, hairstylists, drivers and some others.

As far as I am concerned, I want to start my own business and open my own travel agency. I am too independent and enterprising to work for an employer. The idea of doing a nine-to-five job does not appeal me at all. One of the reasons I want to set up my own business or become self-employed is independence. To begin with, I can earn money working from home and spend more time with family and friends. Secondly, I can choose any work schedule that suits me best. Thirdly, if you are your own boss, you avoid the stressful daily commute and traffic jams. Furthermore, self-employed people tend to have an extended vacation. Finally, my success depends on me and my own decisions.

Some people think that getting a good salary is more important than having the job you really want. I am convinced that an enjoyable job equals a worthy salary. For instance, people can turn their hobby into a profitable business and earn decent money from home. Besides, people spend too much time at work and it is wrong to waste time on unpleasant things.

Ответить на вопросы:

1) Что означает выбор профессий?

2) Каков выбор профессий на сегодняшний день?

3) Какой график работы меня привлекает?

4) Должна ли работа приносить удовольствие?



1) tough decision — сложное решение
2) salary ['sael(a)n] — жалованье, заработная плата
3) wage [weicfe] — заработная плата
4) do what you love and the money will follow — занимайся любимым делом, а деньги последуют
5) passionate ['рае/(э)пэ1] — влюбленный
6) to succeed [sak'si:d] — достигать цели, преуспевать; иметь успех
7) to equal ['i:kw9l] — равняться
8) well-paid job — хорошо оплачиваемая работа
9) to stand one's ground — проявлять твердость, стоять на своем
10) employer [im'pbia] — работодатель
11) employee [.impbi'i:] — служащий, работающий по найму
12) self-employment — самостоятельная предпринимательская деятельность
13) to own a business — владеть делом / предприятием
14) enterprising ['entspraizirj] — предприимчивый, деятельный, инициативный
15) nine-to-five job — работа полный рабочий день
16) to appeal — привлекать
17) to start / set up a business — открывать дело
18) complicated fkomphkeitid] — сложный, запутанный
19) work schedule — рабочий график
20) to suit — подходить
21) traffic jam — пробка, затор в уличном движении
22) commute [ka'mjuit] — расстояние, преодолеваемое во время ежедневных поездок из пригорода в город (обычно на работу)
23) extended [ik'stendid] — длительный
24) paycheck ['peitfek] — зарплата
25) spheres of activity — сферы деятельности
26) to run a business — управлять предприятием, заниматься бизнесом
27) flexibility [.fleksi'bilati] — гибкость
28) painter — художник
29) designer — дизайнер
30) architect ['a:kitekt] — архитектор
31) master chef [fef] — шеф-повар
32) veterinary surgeon / vet ['vet(3)nn(a)n 's3:d3(3)n] — ветеринарный врач
33) surgeon ['s3:d5(9)n] — хирург
34) nurse [n3:s] — медсестра, сиделка
35) policeman — полицейский
36) hairstylist — парикмахер
37) fireman [Таютэп] — пожарный
38) accountant [a'kauntant] — бухгалтер
39) waitress ['weitras] — официантка
40) driver — водитель
41) interpreter [in't3:pnt9] — устный переводчик
42) office clerk [kla:k] — офисный служащий


3. Выберите, какие из перечисленных профессий изображены на картинке. Составьте небольшой рассказ-сочинение на английском языке о мире профессий.




4. Чтобы быть хорошим специалистом, вы должны обладать некоторыми чертами характера, профессиональными навыками и способностями. Некоторые из них действительно существуют. По тексту разделите эти черты на положительные и отрицательные. А затем дайте объяснения некоторым из них.

Polite, elegant, generous, ambitious, serious, easygoing, unpleasant, sociable, clever, creative, forgetful, careless, funny, adventurous, friendly, reliable, practical, shy, enthusiastic, talkative.

1. Always keep a promise

2. Is often unkind to other people

3. Doesn`t remember things

4. Thinks deeply about things

5. Likes to be around people

6. Is full of ideas

7. Likes making people laugh

8. Always looks very smart

9. Makes a lot of silly mistakes

10. Has good manners

11. Likes giving things to people

12. Shows a lot of excitement and eagerness

13. Is always able to deal efficiently with problems

14. Doesn`t say much other people



5. Составьте небольшое описание-рассказ, что вам нужно для того, чтобы устроиться на работу.

-What do you need for applying for a job?

1. Covering letter - сопроводительное письмо

2. CV (resume) - резюме

3. Reference – рекомендации 


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