You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously

ЕГЭ  Задание 1, 2, 3, 4

The mystery of why trees don’t stop growing is still unsolved. Human beings usually stop growing sometime during their teens. Many animals reach full growth within a year. Others are fully grown in just a few years. Birds and insects also stop growing at a certain age. But trees keep growing as long as they live. Trees live, grow, and reproduce themselves by an amazing process. The thousands of leaves put forth by the tree breathe for it and manufacture its food. Its root system gathers minerals and vast quantities of water. To carry this water to the leaves, the tree is equipped with an intricate circulation system that extends upward from the millions of root hairs through the trunk and branches. The trunk holds the leaves up to the sunlight, sends them water from the roots, and gets food back from them. Then seeds are borne in flowers or cones.

Задание 2. Прямые вопросы.

Со второго задания начинается работа с картинками. В демоверсии 2016 года предлагается следующая картинка:

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

You are considering starting breakdance lessons and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) tuition fee
2) course location
3) duration of the course
4) special clothes
5) evening classes

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Sample answer

1. What is the tuition fee? / How much are the breakdance lessons? / How much do the classes cost?

2. Where is your school located?

3. Wthat is the length of the course? / What is the duration of the course? / How long is the course?

4. Do I need any special clothes? / I need to have some special clothes, don't I?

5. Are evening classes available? / Are there evening classes at your school? / Do you offer evening classes? / Can I attend evening classes?


How much does the tuition cost?
Where is the course located?
How long will the course last?
Do I need any special clothes?
Can I visit the class in the evening?

Задание 3. Описание одной картинки.

В третьем задании вам на выбор даются три картинки. В демоверсии 2016 года предложены следующие:

Само задание сформулировано так:

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number… ”

Вы начинаете свой рассказ с фразы: I’ve chosen photo number 1. Эта фраза не является вступлением и не входит в зачет объема высказывания.

Вот введение: To start with, I’d like to say that I have a friend. His name is Steve. He lives abroad and sometimes visits Russia with his family.

Далее вы приступаете к пунктам плана. Первый пункт – where and when the photo was taken, т.е. где и когда было сделано фото. Вы можете сказать: I took this photo in my flat when Steve visited me last month. Frankly speaking, his visit was so unexpected. But I was over-excited to meet him at my place.

Второй пункт – what/who is in the photo, т.е. кто/что на фото. Вы продолжаете рассказ: You can see Steve and his wife in the photo. Their daughter wanted to be photographed, too.

Третий пункт – what is happening, т.е. что именно происходит на картинке. Вы говорите: The family are sitting on the sofa, smiling and showing love for each other. They are really happy.

Третий пункт – why you keep the photo in your album, т.е. почему вы храните эту фотографию в своем альбоме. Ваш ответ: I keep the photo in my album to have an opportunity to show this picture to all my guests. In additiion to it, I often look at the photo to recall the nice moments when we were sitting here and talking about our life.

Четвертый пункт – why you decided to show the picture to your friend, т.е. почему вы решили показать эту фотографию своему другу. Вы можете назвать следующую причину: I’m showing the picture to you because you have always wanted to see how Steve looks like.

И заключение: Now you know how my friend looks like. Next time I will show more pictures to you.

Вот несколько рекомендаций при подготовке к третьему заданию:

1. Выучите клише, которые помогут вам в организации высказывания: To start with, I’d like to say that…, First of all, …, And I’d like to add that… и т.п. Все эти клише являются теми самыми средствами логической связи, которые приветствуются и оцениваются в высказывании.

2. Не забывайте про введение и заключение. Эти части вашего высказывания обязательно должны присутствовать.

3. Заранее напишите и выучите несколько предложений о том, почему вы храните эту фотографию у себя в альбоме, и почему вы решили показать ее другу. Ведь ответы на эти вопросы универсальны и подойдут для любых фотографий.

4. Помните – вас на фото нет!

Sample answer

I've chosen photo number 1. (Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

I should say that my family means a lot to me because they are people I can always rely on.

I took this photo two months ago when my parents and I went to Voronezh to visit my elder brother’s family. Recently they have moved into a new flat and invited us to a house-warming party. I always enjoy our trips to Voronezh and think it is a very nice place to live in.

In the foreground of the picture you can see my brother Max, his wife Julia and their daughter Stacy. They are sitting on a comfortable white sofa in the living room. Stacy is sitting on her mother’s lap. They are smiling and seem to be very happy because at last their dream came true. I should say that Max loves his daughter and wife very much and always takes care of them.

In the background of the picture there is a white bookcase with open shelves. I like their decision to furnish the room in white colour because it makes the room look wider. As my brother works as a journalist for a local newspaper you can see a lot of books and magazines on the shelves.

My brother lives quite far from our hometown and we can’t see each other very often. So, I always take pictures of him and his family to recollect the moments we spent together. Moreover, I used this photo for my school project called “My Family Tree”. That's why I keep this photo in my album.

I decided to show this photo to you because you have never seen my niece Stacy who is a very cute and bright girl before.

That’s all I wanted to say. (Закончите Ваш ответ этой фразой)

Sample answer

I've chosen photo number 3. (Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

You know, I’ve got a lot of pictures connected with New Year and Christmas celebrations in my album, but this one is special because our friends from Germany, Hilda and Otto, sent it for us.

It was taken on the 25th of December in their home in Dresden.

Of course, you can’t see Hilda because she was trying to capture this wonderful moment and I think she did her best.

In the foreground of the picture you can see her husband Otto and her daughter Greta. They are both in a festive mood, smiling at each other. Greta is wearing a lovely red dress which is a traditional colour of Christmas. Her hair is nicely done in curls. She is carrying a Christmas present which, she believes, was brought by Santa Claus. The father and the daughter look very happy.

In the background of the picture there is a decorated Christmas tree.

Hilda’s hobby is photography and she used some special effects such as falling snow in the picture that’s why it looks so magic.

I keep this photo in my album because it’s a kind of “Hello” and a Christmas greeting from our friends from abroad. (I keep this photo in my album because it reminds me of the joy of holiday seasons.)

I decided to show this picture to you because you are interested in photography too and you might also want to use these effects in your photos. So, I hope you enjoyed watching it.

That’s all I wanted to say. (Закончите Ваш ответ этой фразой)

Задание 4. Сравнение картинок.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer
• explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Давайте начнем ответ. Начинаем с введения, которое может быть, например, таким: I have just found two pictures in my album.

Далее переходим к раскрытию первого пункта – give a brief description of the photos (action, location), т.е. краткое описание того, что за событие запечатлено на фото, и где оно происходит. В нашем случае вы можете сделать это вот так: To start with, I’d like to say that you can see my sister Jane on both pictures. She is an active girl and likes doing different kinds of activities. In the first picture she is cooking dinner in the kitchen and in the second picture she is snowboarding outside.

Далее раскрываем второй пункт – say what the pictures have in common, т.е. говорим о том, что общего у картинок. Both pictures have much in common. Firstly, you can’t see anybody else around my sister. She is alone in both photos. Secondly, my sister is smiling in each case, which means that she is doing both actions – cooking and snowboarding – with pleasure.

Переходим к следующему пункту – say in what way the pictures are different, т.е. к различиям. Despite the fact that both pictures have much in common they have a number of differences. The first action takes place inside, but the second one takes place outside. In photo 1 my sister is wearing shorts and a T-shirt; in photo 2 she is dressed in warm clothes.

Далее пункт три – say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer, т.е. какой вид занятия предпочли бы вы сами. As for me, I’d better go snowboarding. И тут же объясняем – почему, т.е. раскрываем последний пункт: I’m fond of spending free time more actively. And frankly speaking, I’m not good at cooking.

И в заключение: If you’d like to know more about my sister, I will show some more pictures to you next time.

Now I will compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two photos.

I would like to point out right from the beginning that hobbies make our life more exciting. And these two photos prove that.

I think that the theme which relates these photos is the way people spend their free time.

Let me start with the first picture which shows a young girl who is in the kitchen at the moment. It looks as if she is going to cook a vegetarian dish because on the left side of the picture you can see a lot of fresh vegetables. I get the impression that the girl leads a healthy life style as she looks very slim and sporty. Although she is wearing shorts and a top, it is not clear from the picture what season of the year it is.

As for the second picture it also shows a young girlwho is enjoying snowboarding in her free time. She is wearing goggles, mittens, and special sports clothing that may protect her from the strong wind when she slides down the hill. Unfortunately, I can’t see her wearing a helmet which might be dangerous. It seems to me she feels excited and looks very confident balancing her snowboard.

As I’ve already mentioned both photos depict people’s hobbies. The main similarity between photo 1 and photo 2 is that they show young girls who are practically of the same age. Both girls keep fit and seem to be in a good mood enjoying their leisure time.

The most obvious difference between these pictures is kinds of hobbies which are cooking and snowboarding. Moreover, the girl in photo 1 is wearing summer clothes and is depicted indoors, while the girl in photo 2 is wearing warm clothes and is shown outdoors. To my mind she is taking a risk going snowboarding.

Frankly speaking, this activity is not my cup of tea. I would never take up to this kind of sport.

Summarizing, I may say that I would rather learn to cook because it’s a useful skill for my future life (because I want to eat healthy food and keep fit).

I’ve come to the end of my talk. Thank you for listening. (Завершающая фраза)

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.


1. Регулярно проводите упражнение на сравнивание двух картинок между собой по описанной схеме. Чем больше картинок сравните, тем лучше отточите навык.

2. Делайте задание на сравнение письменно. Это не позволит вам торопиться, и ваше высказывание получится более вдумчивым.

3. Учите клише – без них никуда.


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