Translate the following sentences into English. Учебник Upstream Upper Intermediate

Контрольная работа №9

Учебник Upstream Upper Intermediate

Virginia Evans, Bob Obee

Unit 9. Planet issues

Do you agree/disagree? Explain your view

“The only thing we have to fear on this planet is man.” Carl Jung


Fill in the gaps with the right preposition

1) To dispose ____ sth.

2) ____ the wild

3) ____ control

4) Affected ____ sth./sb.

5) Lack ____ sth.

6) Harmful ____

7) _____ threat

8) _____ danger

9) _____ captivity

10) To suffer ____ sth.

3. Read the text and fill in the gaps using the given words: released, temperature, from, through, via, with, by, amount, to, did, cause, why

The United Nations ______ a major report last week, finding ____ more certainty than ever before that humans, chiefly ______ the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas, are a key cause of the Earth's warmer _______.

"It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant ______ of the observed warming since the mid-20th century," states the report, issued _____ the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The report, which was written with input from 600 authors _____ 32 countries, is 95 percent certain of humans' involvement. This is up from the 90 percent certainty it reported in 2007.

The report _____ provide less certainty about how global warming will affect different parts of the world ____ extreme weather like droughts, heat waves, and the like. It also sought to explain ____ the global temperature hasn't risen as rapidly in recent years, saying that much of the heat is being soaked up by the oceans and is a temporary phenomenon.

The report endorsed what's called a "carbon budget"—the ______ of carbon that can be emitted to avoid the most dangerous aspects of a warmer planet. The upper limit is 1 trillion tons. About half of that has been emitted already since the 1950s, and if we continue as business as usual, we'll reach that upper limit by 2040, according ____ The New York Times. The Times also reported that more than 3 trillion tons worth of carbon is still in the ground stored within fossil fuels.

Translate the following sentences into English

1) Чем нам грозит чрезмерное использование пестицидов?

2) Что вы знаете о глобальном потеплении?

3) Научная экспедиция достигла Южного полюса.

4) Вырубка лесов оказывает огромное влияние на ухудшение экологической ситуации в мире.

5) Выхлопные газы все так же загрязняют воздух и являются причиной серьезных заболеваний легких.

6) К концу недели я закончу исследование об исчезающих видах.

7) Он собирается стать вегетарианцем.

8) Как жаль, что вырубают так много деревьев.

9) Если бы только пляжи не были такими грязными!

10) Если бы вы заботились об окружающей среде, вы бы не бросали мусор на улицах.

5. Form new words using the prefixes: under, over, in, out

1) Sleep

2) Weight

3) Populated

4) Put protective

5) React

6) Time used

7) Developed

8) Estimate

9) Come

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