The correlation of anxiety and personal emotionality with peculiarities of music perception

T. S. Knyazeva *, A. K. Pashina **

* Cand. sci. (psychology), sen. res. ass., IP RAS Moscow

** Cand. sci. (biology), sen. res. ass., the same Institute

The hypothesisis advanced that in persons with highly developed music sense individual-psychological properties correlate with characteristics of music perception not so close as in persons not musically educated. There was investigated the correlation of indices of music perception with anxiety and personal emotionality (the sample consisted of 27 musicians and 26 "non- musicians"). It was shown that the quantity of significant correlations between these characteristics and subjective music rating in the group of musicians exceeded that quantity in the group of "non-musicians". So the data obtained proved the initial hypothesis. The music perception of "non-musician" is determined by his logic, his past experience projects on music material. In the group of musicians perception reflects preferentially the logic of music as a matter of subjective judgement and less correlates with the individuality of a person.

Key words: music perception, anxiety, emotionality, music sense.

стр. 127




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