How the Body Fights Disease

The _________________ is often calls "the body's first ___________________ of defence". It acts as armour, resisting many germs that might harm the more _________________ parts of the _______________. Any ___________________ in the skin, even a pin ____________, provides an opening for _______________ germs. Some ____________________ enter the body through the ____________________ and __________________ and other natural openings. These areas provide warmth and _________________ in which germs thrive. When the ___________________ of the nose and throat becomes irritated, we cough or _____________________, blowing out the unwanted substances.

Other body _________________ also provide a defence against ________________. Tears, for example, wash _______________ from the __________________. Tears also contain substances that fight bacteria. Acid in the _________________ kills many germs before they can reach other _________________ of the body.

Exersice 10. Choose the correct answer.

1) She died after a long _______________________.

disease failing illness sickness

2) The doctor had three _____________________ of nose-bleeding in the same day.

aspects cases examples illnesses

3) The teachers at the school went ______________ with flu one after another.

down off out under

4) Malaria is _______________ by the female mosquito.

broadcast sent transmitted transported

5) Mary is in bed with a ______________ attack of flu.

hard heavy severe large

6) My brother was ________________ ill yesterday.

broken caught fallen taken

7) Several _______________ cases of malaria have been reported.

cases doses occurrences types

8) He ______________ a rare disease when he was working in the hospital.

caught infected suffered took

9) My headaches are usually brought ___________ by worry.

in on by out

10) The doctor examined him carefully and _____________ influenza.

concluded decided diagnosed realised

11) Some diseases ______________ quickly from one person to another.

catch get about move spread

12) The local medical officer reported a serious ______________ of food poisoning.

event incident outbreak state

13) He had a very bad cold and couldn't stop _______________.

sneezing snoring spitting yawning

14) She was in terrible pain, so the nurse gave her a(n) ______________.

injection needle vaccine scratch

15) If you've got measles, your skin is covered in _____________.

blots dots rash stains

Exercise 11. Choose the right answer:

1. The ____ of his leg was so terrible that he would go mad.

a) bruise

b) disease

c) illness

d) pain

2. Steve is permanently ____ as the result of a car accident.

a) disabled

b) inactive

c) incapable

d) powerless

3. The fracture itself wasn’t much. The only ____ needed was the arm in sling for a few weeks.

a) ailment

b) medicine

c) treatment

d) therapy

4. The doctor examined Bill’s hand, painted the cats with ___, and gave him some opening medicine.

a) iodine

b) liquids

c) water

d) water-colours

5. The nurse was going from patient to patient taking off old bandages and putting ___ the new ones.

a) at

b) in

c) on

d) out

6. Half an hour later Tom was in a hospital bed and the doctor was ___ his arm.

a) treating

b) splinting

c) stretching

d) watching

7. William was ___ in the accident. He was laid up for a month with a broken leg.

a) injured

b) bitten

c) broken

d) fainted

8. I saw an accident yesterday. Fortunately nobody was ____.

a) broken

b) damaged

c) injured

d) wounded

Exercise 12. Read the following passage from a health education booklet and answer questions 1-5.

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