for independent work of students

Speciality: the general medicine

Discipline: The bases of economic theory

Chair of social-humanitarian science discipline

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №15: The world economy. International economic relations and their forms. Global problems.

The composer: Hajraliev I.Z. The tutor of Kazakhstan history

and politology Chair


The signature

Semey 2009

1. Theme №15:: The world economy. International economic relations and their forms. Global problems.

2. The aim: To study the most major problems of modern international economic relations, to define place of Kazakhstan in the international division of labour, in increasing of Kazakhstan competitiveness level, to define modern lines of globalization and their influence on social and economic processes of the country, the form of the international cooperation in the decision of global problems. The participation of Kazakhstan in world integration processes and the international economic organizations is one of the put purposes.

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report on a theme: «The world economy. International economic relations and their forms. Global problems». The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: presentation on class.

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analysing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, discipline, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 15 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The basic literature:

1. Назарбаев Н.А. Казахстан-2030. Астана, 1997г.

2. Назарбаев Н.А. Послание Президента страны народу Казахстана

3. Назарбаев Н.А. Послание Президента страны народу Казахстана-Астана, 2005г.

4. Назарбаев Н.А. Послание Президента страны народу Казахстана-Астана, 2006г.

5. Назарбаев Н.А.- Новый Казахстан в новом мире. Астана-28 февраля 2009г.

6. Экономическая теория. Учебник под ред. Видяпина В.И., А.И. Добрынина, Г.П. Журавлевой, М., 2009г.

The additional literature:

1. Борисов Е. Основы экономической теории.М., 2000.

2. Мамедов О.Ю. Современная экономика- Ростов н/Дону. 1997г.

3. В.А. Медведев. Политическая экономия.М., 1990г.

4. Николаева И.П. Экономическая теория. Учебник.М., 1998.

  1. Видяпин В.И., Добрынин А.И., Журавлева Г.П. и др. Экономическая теория-М., 2009г.
  2. Камаев В.А. Основы экономической теории. М., 1997г.
  3. Экономическая теория Казахстана: учебное пособие. Алматы, 1998г. под ред. Берденева К.А., Коробкова Б.Т. и др.
  4. Спиридонов И.А. Мировая экономика. М., 2001г.

9. Басовский М.Е. Мировая экономика.М., 2001г.,

9. The control questions:

1. What are the basic forms of manufacture internationalization?

2. How are the export of the capital and internationalization of manufacture connected?

3. What is similarity and distinction between internal and foreign trade?

4. What are official reserves of a foreign currency necessary?

5. What problems are attributed to a class of global problems?

6. What does the economic aspect of global problems consist?

7. What world integration processes does Kazakhstan participate in?

8. What international economic organizations does Kazakhstan participate in?

9. What are the priorities of economic integration?

10. How is necessity of strengthening the protectionism for foreign trade proved?

11. What is the influence of import and export on national manufacture?

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