Read the following text and use it to describe the appearance of each member of your family

My father is tall. He has large hands and his feet are size 45. He has short, dark, curly hair and a small beard. His arms, legs and chest are hairy. He's a cheerful person and when he laughs, you can see even white teeth. He wears spectacles (glasses) and you can't see his eyes, but I know they are steel gray. He's 43. He usually wears jeans and checked shirts or sweaters. But for work he wears a suit and a tie and looks every inch a teacher.

My mother is a very different person. She's short and plumpish. She has small hands and feet. She has long, strong, fair hair. She has dimples and rosy cheeks. She has long eyelashes which she darkens with mascara. She likes pink nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favourite colours are red and light blue.

My 20-year old sister likes to be well-dressed. She used lots of make-up, is always going to the hairdresser's and has fantastic hairstyles. She's tall and slim, with slender arms and elegant legs. Her full lips are always red. She's open-minded and nice. She is married and has a baby.

My baby nephew is still just a toddler; he can't speak yet, but he's very selfish and bores me.

My boss is an elderly man, rather short and stout. His hair is grey and thin and he's bald on top. He's clean-shaven. He has a double chin. He's always immaculately dressed: a white shirt, a dark well-creased suit with a matching tie and black leather shoes. He's a serious and punctual man, doesn't talk much and seems to be not overgenerous.

Section II Character ACTIVE VOCABULARY 2.1. Look through the vocabulary below that may be useful when speaking about character. mood настроение
be in good (bad) mood   быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении
split personality to be a man of character to be a man of no character to judge by appearance to keep up appearances противоречивый характер быть человеком с сильным характером быть человеком со слабым характером судить по внешности соблюдать приличия

Intellectual Ability:

you want to be:  
bright gifted shrewd witty способный, смышленый одаренный проницательный, практичный остроумный

Attitudes towards life:

ambitious brave caring cautious cheerful down-to-earth dreamy flexible generous grateful to smb. for smth independent sensible sensitive secretive talkative shy wasteful strong-willed well-bred reserved честолюбивый храбрый заботливый осторожный, осмотрительный бодрый, веселый практичный, приземленный мечтательный уступчивый щедрый благодарный кому-л. за что-л. независимый разумный чувствительный скрытный разговорчивый робкий, застенчивый расточительный волевой благовоспитанный сдержанный

Innate features:

qualities that make your life exciting:
determined neat imaginative obedient open punctual straight-forward sympathetic tactful tolerant/ patient thrifty/economical truthful polite devoted решительный аккуратный одаренный богатым воображением послушный откровенный, искренний точный, пунктуальный прямой, откровенный сочувственный, полный сочувствия тактичный терпимый экономный, бережливый правдивый вежливый преданный

Relations with other people:

people will be eager to make friends with you if you are:
easy-going energetic frank helpful honest sincere sociable trustworthy willing to help faithful friendly kind-hearted lively open-minded fair gentle добродушный, веселый энергичный откровенный полезный честный искренний общительный надежный, заслуживающий доверия всегда готовый помочь дружественный доброжелательный добрый живой, веселый открытый честный, справедливый нежный

You don't want to be:

boring bossy/cocky boastful careless childish cold cruel deceitful envious greedy/tight-fisted individualistic insolent insensitive intolerant jealous lazy bones/ a slacker moody nasty nosy/ a nosy parker rude self-assured selfish be a slow-coach, slowpoke be a slacker sly/ mean sloppy snobbish stubborn/dogged stupid two-faced unreliable vain gloomy скучный, зануда дерзкий, нахальный хвастливый небрежный, невнимательный инфантильный, ребячливый недружелюбный жестокий лживый, обманчивый завистливый скупой эгоистичный дерзкий равнодушный нетерпимый ревнивый лодырь, лентяй человек настроения отвратительный любопытный, пронырливый грубый самоуверенный эгоистичный медлительный, копуша лентяй хитрый, коварный неряшливый сноб упрямый глупый двуличный, лживый ненадежный тщеславный мрачный

You and your work:

accomplished attentive committed dedicated diligent hard-working responsible/irresponsible квалифицированный внимательный обязательный преданный упорный, прилежный трудолюбивый ответственный \ безответственный

Choose the opposites

a) optimistic, shy, stupid, kind, polite, boring, generous, mean, hard-working, strong-willed

b) weak-willed, clever, cruel, cheerful, lazy, sociable, rude, pessimistic, greedy, fair

2.3. Here are some adjectives to describe a person’s character. Match them with the definitions below:

lazy, clever, stupid, greedy, polite, hard-working, sociable, selfish (эгоистичный), happy, generous

1) He is always interested only in himself. He is …

2) She is fond of going to the parties and meeting her friends. She has a lot of them. She is very...

3) He dislikes spending money and never buys any ice-cream, sweets or juice. He is …

4) She is fond of learning and always passes her exams well. She is … and …

5) He prefers to spend the whole day in bed watching TV. He is …

6) Mary will never forget to say “Thank you” and “Please”. She is a very.. girl.

7) She is always smiling and says she is fond of life. She is really …

8) He doesn’t want to study. He can’t even write the word “newspaper” correctly. He is …

9) She is always helping people. She is …

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